Bylaw 15191
A Bylaw to amend Bylaw 13531, as amended, being The Meadows Area Structure Plan
through an amendment to The Meadows Neighbourhood Four Neighbourhood Structure Plan
WHEREAS pursuant to the authority granted to it by the Municipal Government Act on January 21, 2004, the Municipal Council of the City of Edmonton passed Bylaw 13531, as amended, being The Meadows Area Structure Plan; and
WHEREAS City Council found it desirable to amend from time to time Bylaw 13531, as amended, The Meadows Area Structure Plan by adding new neighbourhoods; and
WHEREAS on July 9, 2007 Council adopted, as Appendix “E” to Bylaw 13531, as amended, the Meadows Neighbourhood Four Neighbourhood Structure Plan by the passage of Bylaw 14622, as amended; and
WHEREAS an application was received by the Planning and Development Department to amend The MeadowNeighbourhood Four Neighbourhood Structure Plan; and
WHEREAS Council considers it desirable to amend the Meadows Area Structure Plan through an amendment to The MeadowNeighbourhood Four Neighbourhood Structure Plan;
NOW THEREFORE after due compliance with the relevant provisions of the Municipal Government Act RSA 2000, ch. M-26, as amended, the Municipal Council of the City of Edmonton duly assembled enacts as follows:
1.Appendix “E” to Bylaw 13531, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows:
a.deleting the Map entitled “Bylaw 14622 – The Meadows Neighbourhood Four Neighbourhood Structure Plan,” and substituting therefore the Map entitled “The Meadows Neighbourhood Four Neighbourhood Structure Plan – Bylaw 15191” attached hereto as Schedule “A” and forming part of this Bylaw;
b.deleting the statistics entitled “The Meadows Neighbourhood Four Neighbourhood Structure Plan – Land Use and Population Statistics – Bylaw 14622” and replacing with the following:
BYLAW 15191
Area (ha) / % of GDAGross Area / 271.67
Arterial Roadways / 3.14
Utility/Pipeline Corridors / 13.26
Gross Developable Area / 255.27 / 100.00
Schools / Parks / 23.84 / 9.3
Community Commercial / 3.44 / 1.3
Stormwater Management Facilities / 20.37 / 8.0
Circulation / 38.29 / 15.0
Total / 85.94 / 33.6
Net Residential Area / 169.33 / 66.4
Area (ha) / Units/ha / Units / % of Total Units / People/Unit / PopulationLow Density Residential / 138.80 / 22 / 3,054 / 63% / 3.45 / 10,535
Medium Density Residential / 30.53 / 60 / 1,832 / 37% / 2.87 / 5,257
Total Residential / 169.33 / 4,885 / 100% / 15,792
Population Density (GDA): 62 persons per gross developable area
Elementary (K-6) / Junior/Senior High School(7-12) / Total
Public / 511 / 510 / 1,021
Separate / 204 / 204 / 408
Total / 715 / 714 / 1,429
Density:* persons per gross hectare
* persons per gross acre
*Includes land potentially releasable from the R.D.A.
- deleting all references to “The Meadows Neighbourhood Four” and replace with “Laurel;”
- deleting the row containing Section under Urban Design (Objective, NSP Policy and Implementation), and replacing it with the following:
Consider opportunities for innovative building and site design.
NSP Policy:
(a)Innovation is encouraged and will be explored at the discretion of the developer, generally where indicated on Figure 3.0 – Land Use Concept, if (a) economic conditions and market/consumer preferences dictate that innovative housing is in demand (b) the innovation is in keeping with the overall intent of the plan, and (c) the development integrates with existing development.
(b)When the City has an approved policy or guidelines related to innovative housing, it shall apply to this bylaw if (a) the area has not been rezoned for development; (b) the innovation is in keeping with the overall intent of the plan, and (c) the development integrates with existing development.
(a)Innovation is likely to be regulated by a Direct Control Provision; however, other mechanisms may be employed and will be subject to a formal application and further review by the Planning and Development Department.
(b)Implementation will be through individual file negotiations and/or through approved City Policies.
- deleing in it’s entirety the paragraph titled Innovative Housing for Residential Development under Section 3.3.1 Urban Design; Rationale and replacing it with the following:
Opportunities for Innovative Residential Development, Building and Site Design
Innovative housing can address many contemporary suburban issues such as:
- urban sprawl (by maximizing land and servicing efficiencies);
- diversity of housing (by providing a variety of lot sizes and housing forms);
- auto dependence (by improving walkability and pedestrian environments); and
- alternative servicing to reduce dependence on non-renewable resources (e.g. such as use of green initiatives like solar or geothermal heating).
This plan encourages the exploration of innovation whether it is developer or city driven.
- deleting Section 3.3.4 Residential, second and third paragraph, and substituting it with the following:
Approximately 138.8 ha of the plan area is designated as Low Density Residential (LDR) which will allow for the development of single detached and semi-detached housing at a density of approximately 22 units per ha.
Approximately 30.53 ha of the plan area are designated as Medium Density Residential (MDR). MDR will typically be developed as street-oriented row housing at a height of 2 ½ storeys and up to 50 units per ha and/or 4 storey apartments with a density of 90 dwellings per ha.
- deleting of Section 3.3.4. Residential NSP Policy and Implementation and replacing it with the following:
NSP Policy: A wide variety of residential zones may be utilized to allow variation in housing types and to aid in the opportunity for a range of affordability.
Implementation: Figure 3.0 Land Use Concept conceptually guides the location of different types of residential land use designations. Details respecting the specific type and location of LDR or MDR uses will be determined at the rezoning and subdivision application stage.
- deletingin its entirety, from the rationale under Section 3.3.4 Residential,the second paragraphtitled Innovative Housing/Affordable Housingand replacing it with the following:
Affordable Housing
The opportunity for affordable housing in the NSP is provided through the opportunity for secondary suites, garage suites and garden suites as either permitted or discretionary uses within the City of Edmonton’s Land Use Bylaw and through the designation of medium density sites within the plan area. The plan also encourages variety in single family dwelling types. The MDR sites provide opportunities for such developments as, but not limited to, multiple family or aging in place.
As the City of Edmonton develops policies for affordable housing, applications will be reviewed at the development stage, and will consider all City of Edmonton policies and programs pertaining to affordable housing.
- deleting from Section 3.3.4 Residential; (Rationale – Suburban Housing Mix Ratio), sixth paragraph, second sentence and replacing it with the following:
The Meadows Neighbourhood 4 NSP exceeds this ratio by proposing 63% low density residential development and 37% medium density residential development in support of suburban intensification strategies.
- deleting from the sub heading titled Schoolsunder Section 3.3.6 Neighbourhood Parks,the fourth sentence of the first paragraph and the second paragraph in its entirety ; and
- deleting the last paragraph from Appendix 2: Planning Policy Context, titled “Affordable Housing.”
2.Bylaw 15191 – Meadows Neighbourhood Structure Plan is hereby further amended by renaming and adopting the plan as the Laurel Neighbourhood Structure Plan.
READ a first time thisday of , A.D. 2009;
READ a second time thisday of, A.D. 2009;
READ a third time thisday of, A. D. 2009;
SIGNED and PASSED thisday of, A.D. 2009.
BYLAW NO. 15191
BYLAW NO. 15192
FILE: LDA08-0337
ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT from (AG) Agricultural Zone to (RF4) Semi-detached Residential Zone and (RPL) Planned Lot Residential Zone; THE MEADOWS AREA
LOCATION:South of 23 Avenue NW and east of 32 Street NW
DESCRIPTION:Portions of NW-31-51-23-4 (1803 - 34 Street NW and 3103 - 21 Avenue NW)
APPLICANT:Stantec Consulting
10160 – 112 Street
Edmonton, AB
T5K 2L6
OWNER:Lehndorff Land General Partner Inc.
1005, 10104 – 103 Avenue
Edmonton, AB
T5J 0H8
APPLICATION:November 5, 2008
DEVELOPMENT:Undeveloped farm land
RECOMMENDATION:That Bylaw15191 to amend The Meadows Neighbourhood Four Neighbourhood Structure Plan be APPROVED.
That Bylaw15192 to amend the Zoning Bylaw from (AG) Agricultural Zone to (RF4) Semi-detached Residential Zone and (RPL) Planned Lot Residential Zone be APPROVED.
BYLAW NO. 15191
BYLAW NO. 15192
FILE: LDA08-0337
1.The Application
This report pertains to a two part land development application. The first part is to amend The Meadows Neighbourhood 4 Neighbourhood Structure Plan (NSP) in the following manner:
- To decrease the amount of land intended for medium density residential within the plan area by approximately 1.43 ha and replace it with low density residential;
- To relocate an area identified as a “Potential Innovative Housing Area” to a broad area east of the powerline corridor and north of the Stormwater Management Facility;
- To amend text pertaining to innovative and affordable housing under the Urban Design and Residential Sections;
- To acknowledge the formal name of The Meadows Neighbourhood 4 NSP as the Laurel NSP; and
- To delete reference to grade configuration (i.e. K-8) at future schools and indicate the school sites on the Development Concept Map of the NSP as is indicated in the Meadows Area Structure Plan (ASP).
The second part is to amend the Zoning Bylaw from (AG) Agricultural Zone to (RF4) Semi-detached Residential Zone and (RPL) Planned Lot Residential Zone for lands within the Plan area. This zoning requires approval of the first two bullets above NSP amendment as this zoning is requested in an area identified for medium density and potential innovative housing, neither of which are the RF4 or RPL zones.
The proposed rezoning encompassing 7.44 ha of land will accommodate the development of semi-detached housing and single family housing with detached garages.
Subdivision activity in this neighbourhood began in 2007. To date approximately 20.55 gross developable ha of land is within an approved servicing agreement and contains 225 lots on 6.25% of the total net residential development area within the Laurel Neighbourhood (10.63 ha of the 169.33 ha). Based on this rate of absorption, the majority of the Laurel neighbourhood would be under an approved servicing agreement by 2019.
2.Site and Surrounding Area
The lands affected by this application are located in the north-west portion of this neighbourhood, south of 23 Avenue and along and east of 32 Street. The rezoning area is undeveloped. Lands to the north are zoned RF5 and RPL while lands generally west, south and east are undeveloped and zoned as AG. A powerline corridor and future multi-
BYLAW NO. 15191
BYLAW NO. 15192
FILE: LDA08-0337
use trail is located immediately to the east; a school park site is planned immediately south and east of 32 Street and low density residential is planned to the west.
View of site looking south east from 21 Avenue and 32 Street.
1.Compliance with Approved Plans and Land Use Compatibility
In order to provide support for the proposed RF4 and RPL zoning, the following amendments to the approved NSP are proposed:
Decrease land area identified for Medium Density Residential
The approved plan located some medium density residential along portions of the collector loop which were intended to be developed as street-oriented townhousing. The market for this type of housing has not reached the level that was anticipated at the time of plan making. The approved RF5 zoning to the north along 32 Street has not developed as street-oriented townhousing, but as semi-detached instead, a permitted use under the RF5 zone. This amendment will allow the development of RPL lots along the balance of 32 Street to the future school site and the medium density site further south on 32 Street. This will result in no street oriented townhousing along the collector loop west of the power line right of way.
Relocation of a “Potential Innovative Housing Area”
At the time of adoption of the Meadows Neighbourhood Four NSP, the developer made a preliminary commitment to explore innovative housing in a particular area as identified on the Development Concept map. Prior to this application some preliminary work was
BYLAW NO. 15191
BYLAW NO. 15192
FILE: LDA08-0337
done in the area of reverse housing but this was not pursued. With this application the Planning and Development Department provided options for innovation. With the proposed RF4 and RPL rezoning the identified plan area available for innovative housinghas been significantly reduced so a developer driven innovative opportunity has been relocated to another area of the plan, specifically, lands east of the powerline right of way and north of the proposed Storm Water Management Facility. This amendment and zoning allows continued development the lands in this neighbourhood in a logical and efficient manner while allowing future consideration for innovation.
The “Potential Innovative Housing Area” is referenced in two locations in the plan, under the Urban Design and Residential Sections. In order to provide clarity in the plan with respect to the intent for identifying a “Potential Innovative Housing Area” text amendments to these sections are included in this amendment.
Amendment to Urban Design Objective
Currently an urban design objective and the supporting rationale within the plan are as follows:
Objective / Policy / Implementation3.3.1.3
Consider opportunities for innovative building siting and site design. /
Innovative design and siting should be regulated by a Direct Control Provision /
Figure 3.0 – Land Use Concept identifies the Neighbourhood site that is a candidate for innovative design and siting. Innovative design and siting will be pursued subject to further review by the Planning and Development Department.
Innovative Housing for Residential Development
Innovative housing, within the context of alternative subdivision design guidelines will address contemporary suburban issues by minimizing on-street parking, maximizing pedestrian safety and improving walkability through linkages to recreational amenities (playgrounds, schools/ parks, SWMF, greenways, etc.) Innovative housing may also increase residential amenity area within each lot by using design criteria such as reduced development setbacks and homes with rear lane access fronting onto green space. Development of innovative housing will likely require the adoption of a (DC) Direct Control Provision emphasizing these characteristics. Opportunities for innovative housing are shown in Figure 3.0 – Land Use Concept, west of the utility corridor and north of the separate K-9 school site.
BYLAW NO. 15191
BYLAW NO. 15192
FILE: LDA08-0337
The approved policy statement is better suited as implementation as it does not direct what the NSP policy is with respect to innovative building and site design. As previously stated, the owner’s initial intent for innovation was a reverse housing concept; however, expected that innovation could be any number of concepts that would address contemporary suburban issues.
The amendment seeks to reflect the developer’s initial stated intent which was to pursue innovation at the developer’s discretion based on market conditions. As such this section is reworded to the following:
Objective / Policy / Implementation3.3.1.3
Consider opportunities for innovative building and site design. / (a)
Innovation is encouraged and will be explored at the discretion of the developer, generally where indicated on Figure 3.0 – Land Use Concept, if (a) economic conditions and market/ consumer preferences dictate that innovative housing is in demand, (b) the innovation is in keeping with the overall intent of the plan, and (c) the development integrates with existing development. / (a)
Innovation is likely to be regulated by a Direct Control Provision; however, other mechanisms may be employed and will be subject to a formal application and further review by the Planning and Development Department.
BYLAW NO. 15191
BYLAW NO. 15192
FILE: LDA08-0337 (b)When the City has an approved policy or guidelines related to innovative housing, it shall apply to this bylaw if (a) the area has not been rezoned for development; (b) the innovation is in keeping with the overall intent of the plan, and (c) the development integrates with existing development. / (b)
Implementation will be through individual file negotiations and/or through approved City Policies.
Opportunities for Innovative Residential Development, Building and Site Design
Innovative housing can address many contemporary suburban issues such as:
- Urban sprawl (by maximizing land and servicing efficiencies);
- Diversity of housing ( by providing a variety of lot sizes and housing forms);
- Auto dependence (by improving walkability and pedestrian environments); and
- Alternative servicing to reduce dependence on non-renewable resources (e.g. such as use of green initiatives like solar or geothermal heating.)
The flexibility for developer discretion for innovative development is not intended to preclude innovation that comes to fruition as a result of new innovative designs and mechanisms of approved City policy. All undeveloped lands within the plan and the lands specifically identified will be subject to any new approved City policies at the time of development.
BYLAW NO. 15191
BYLAW NO. 15192
FILE: LDA08-0337
Amendment to Residential Objective
Currently a residential objective and the supporting rationale within the plan are as follows:
Objective / Policy / Implementation3.3.4.2
Establish affordable housing in the Meadows Neighbourhood 4. / (a)
When the City has an approved policy for affordable housing, it shall apply to this bylaw if the area has not been rezoned for development. (b)
The Meadows Nbhd. 4 NSP provides a wide variety of housing types, which provides opportunity for a range of affordability. / (a)
When adopted the City’s affordable housing policy will be applied to the Meadows Neighbourhood 4 development prior to rezoning.
Innovative Housing/Affordable Housing
The potential innovative housing area may provide an opportunity for the developer to work co-operatively with the City to develop affordable housing within the Plan area. The innovative housing discussed in Section 3.3.1 Urban Design and identified in Figure 3.0 Land Use Concept considers design concepts that may offer efficiencies in land use. These efficiencies may generate development cost savings in support of providing affordable housing.
The amendment seeks to make clear that while innovation can contribute to affordable housing; it was not the intent of the plan to suggest the proposed potential innovative site was tied to any particular Council objective for creating affordable housing. As such this section is reworded to the following: