(With Effect from 1.4.2005)


1. The name of the association shall be the "Oil Technologists' Association of India" shortened to OTAI. The name may be changed, if so desired by two-thirds of its members.

1.1 The Association will have its logo and which shall be printed on all the letterheads and all other stationery required for official correspondence.

2. The Headquarter of the Association shall be in Kanpur or at any place hereinafter decided by two thirds of its members, having voting power which shall be done by secret ballot.

3. The objectives of the Association are:

3.1 To promote the cause of an all-round, rational and economic development in the country of the oilseeds, oils and fats, (edible / inedible), and derived industries, such as soaps and surface coatings, and of such related areas as synthetic detergents, lubricants, fuels, oleo chemicals, toiletries, cosmetics and allied products.

3.2 To encourage research, development, education and training in the above areas.

3.3 To advance the manufacture, trade and commerce in commodities and products pertaining to the above areas .

3.4 To promote the design and manufacture of equipment, machinery and processing units employed in relevant Industries.

3.5 To assist in the formation of standards, specifications and laws pertaining to raw materials and finished products.

3.6 To promote the competence and integrity of those engaged in these fields of activity, to help raise their professional standards.

3.7 To foster the exchange and dispersal of knowledge and information in relevant fields among professionals and the public, and to furnish advice to Government, law-makers and important agencies on matters concerning the association's areas of activity.

3.8 To print, publish and circulate journals, periodicals, books, papers, reports and other technical and commercial literature related to its fields of activity.

3.9 To establish and maintain Libraries, Museums and Research & Testing Laboratories.

3.10 To promote seminars, trade fairs and exhibitions.

3.11 To foster active institutional linkages with both national and international organisations having objectives and activities similar to those of the Association.

3.12 To take such other steps as may be necessary to promote the above areas and objectives of the Association.

4. The Association shall not make any dividend, gift, division or bonus in money to or between any or members, but may in good faith pay honorarium or remuneration to its office-bearers or members for specific purposes.



1.1 The Membership of the Association shall be open to all persons and recognised organisations interested in promoting the objects of the Association and who, in the opinion of the council of the Association, have the necessary qualifications hereinafter prescribed.

1.2 Every member of the Association will be expected :

1.2.1 To acquaint himself with the objectives, rules and bye-laws of the Association and to exert himself to foster and uphold them worthily.

1.2.2 To conduct himself at all times in such a way as to enhance the dignity and ethical and professional standard of the Association by his actions, behaviour, language, etc. Accordingly applicants to membership will vouch for the same, by declaration in the membership application form as per code of conduct appended in Appendix-I.

1.2.3 To work for the public welfare and for the advancement of science and technology for the good of humanity.

1.3 There shall be seven categories of membership:

1.3.1 Patrons

1.3.2 Honorary Fellows

1.3.3 Life Members

1.3.4 Corporate Members

1.3.5 Fellow Members

1.3.6 Affiliate Members

1.3.7 Student Members


Election and admission to the various categories of membership of the Association shall be as follows:

2.1 Patrons

Individuals interested in the advancement of the objectives of the Association, who contribute a lump sum of Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty thousand) or more to the funds of the Association, shall be considered by the Central Executive Council (CEC) for declaration as Patrons of the Association.

2.2 Honorary Fellow

2.2.1 Individuals with outstanding academic and professional achievements in science and technology and especially in the areas of the activity of the Association as described in its Memorandum, or who have rendered special services to the development of those areas or who have been Fellow Members of 25 years standing and have retired from active practice of their profession, shall be eligible for election as Honorary Fellows.

2.2.2 Nominations for Honorary Fellows shall be made in writing to the ZEC by not less than 25 Fellow Life members. ZEC will scrutinise the application and if ZEC feels that the NOMINEE deserves to be elected as Honorary Fellow Member, they will forward the nomination with recommendation to the CEC for final approval. Honorary Fellows on the roll of the Association at any time shall not exceed 3 percent of the total zonal membership excluding student membership.

2.3 Fellow Member

Candidates for Fellow Membership shall be graduates in technology or engineering or postgraduates in science, with at least THREE years professional experience in the field or Doctorates in any of the above field. The CEC shall demand a high standard of qualifications and experience from candidates for Fellow Membership. See also para 2.6.2.

2.4 Life Member

Individuals interested in the areas of activity of the Association by practice or profession, who fulfil the qualifications laid down for Fellow Members (Clause 2.3) and whose admission the Zonal Executive Committee (ZEC) considers would promote the interests of the Association, are eligible to apply on the prescribed form for Life Membership, supported by two fellow Members of the Association. See also para 2.6.2.

2.5 Corporate Member

Firms, Companies, Associations and Institutions interested in or connected with the area of activity of the Association and whose admission the ZEC considers would promote the interests of the Association, shall be eligible to apply on the prescribed form for admission as Corporate Members.

The representative of the organisation cannot become an office-bearer of the Association.

2.6 Affiliate Member

2.6.1 Candidates seeking admission as Affiliate Members should be graduates in any discipline and working in the field of oils and allied industries. However CEC at its discretion can enroll any person with any qualification as Affiliate Member but those persons should be currently engaged in areas of activity relevant to the Association or are in the trade of oils and other allied products for last five years.

2.6.2 Affiliate members having graduation degree shall be eligible to apply for election as Fellow Members provided they have completed five years as Affiliate Member.

2.7 Student Member

2.7.1 Candidates seeking admission as Student Member shall be at least students of a B.Sc Tech. or equivalent course or M.Sc in chemical sciences or should be receiving technical education or practical training in same branch of the areas of activity of the Association in a duly recognised Institution or industry in India.

Applications should be made on the prescribed form for such membership duly recommended by the Head of the Institution or Department or Factory where training is being received.

Such membership will be for a limited term and proof of the date of completion of such course of training will be required, institutional address will be used for communication, sending journals, etc.

2.7.2 Students working for their Post Graduate degrees and are in receipt of fellowship or any other financial aid are not eligible to apply for the election as Student Member. However, they can apply for Affiliate Membership.

2.8 Approval of Membership

2.8.1 Applications or nominations for admission to any class of membership in the prescribed format, accompanied by the prescribed fees, shall be scrutinised by the Zonal Secretary for the eligibility and if meets the desired requirements for the class of membership applied for, then application shall be put in the respective Zonal Executive Committee (ZEC) for approval.

2.8.2 ZEC after its approval shall transmit the application to the CEC for final approval and placement on the membership roster.

2.8.3 Decision by the ZEC/CEC will be final. However, if any application is rejected, reasons for rejection of membership shall be given to the Zones within 3 months from the date of application. Zones should then write about the anomalies to the applicant.

2.8.4 If any application is rejected, the fees will be refunded.

2.8.5 All the Members will be issued an Identification Card. The new members will be advised by the respective zones to download the Bye-laws from the OTAI-website (

2.8.6 General body approval shall not be required for the acceptance of membership.

2.9 Transfer of Membership Category

A member desiring to be transferred from one class of membership to another shall make a formal application to this effect to the respective ZEC along with the difference both in the admission and the membership fees if any, for approval. The ZEC will follow same procedure for the transfer of membership as detailed in clause 2.8. Member will get new membership number as per the category of the membership he/she is transferred to.


3.1 Honorary Fellow

3.1.1 An Honorary Fellow is exempted from paying the admission fee and the annual subscription.

3.1.2 He will be special invitee in all OTAI Seminars/Annual Conventions.

‘He’ be read as ‘He/She’ in above and following clauses.

3.1.3 He shall enjoy the same rights and privileges as a Fellow Member.

3.2 Patron

3.2.1 A patron shall enjoy the same rights and privileges as a Fellow Member.

3.3 Life Member

A life Member shall have all the rights and privileges of a Fellow Member.

3.4 Corporate Member

3.4.1 Every Corporate Member shall have the right to nominate one representative while becoming a member who shall attend General Body Meetings and act on its behalf.

3.4.2 He can propose candidate for admission or nominate candidate for the elective positions of the Association.

3.4.3 He shall not have voting rights and cannot hold any office of the Association.

3.4.4 Corporate members can change their representative by giving 3 months advance intimation to the Association.

3.5 Fellow Member

A Fellow Member shall have the right

3.5.1 to be present and to vote in all general body meetings of the Association.

3.5.2 to propose candidate for admission into the Association.

3.5.3 to receive a copy of such publications of the Association as the CEC / ZEC may determine.

3.5.4 to hold any office of the Association on the CEC, ZEC and Central Committee or other committees representing the Association as per the eligibility prescribed.

3.5.5 to nominate members to elective positions and to vote as described in the bye-laws.

3.6 Affiliate Member

An Affiliate Member shall have the same rights and privileges as a Fellow Member as detailed in clause 3.5 except 3.5 (d) i.e., he shall not be eligible to hold any office in the CEC, ZEC. etc., but will receive a copy of such OTAI publications as the CEC / ZEC may decide.

3.7 Student Member

A Student Member shall have the right to be present at all general body meetings of the Association. He shall not be eligible (a) to exercise the right to vote, and (b) to hold any office whatsoever.


4.1 The contribution/admission fee and annual subscription for various categories of membership will be as follows reckoned from April 1 of every year.

4.1.1 Include countries with similar postage rates as within India.

4.1.2 Includes the postage charges by surface mail. For Airmail US$ 20 shall be charged extra.

4.2 Payment of subscription

4.2.1 All subscriptions are payable in advance before the commencement of the financial year.

4.2.2 Those members who have not paid the current year's subscription by September 30 and who are not on the rolls by September 30 of the year preceding the election year shall not be eligible to stand for office in the ZEC/CEC or to vote in that year.


5.1 A member wanting to resign from the membership of the Association shall intimate his desire in writing to the Secretary of the Zone/General Secretary of the Association. He will be liable to pay the annual subscription and all other dues till the date of receipt of his intimation. For this and for other purposes, part of a year will be counted as one year.

5.2 The ZEC may recommend to the CEC the termination of membership of any person in any category of membership in the Association, whose continuation, in its opinion is detrimental to the interests and status of the Association. The decision of the CEC shall be final.

5.3 A member who is in arrears of his subscription beyond the due date, viz. March 31, of the previous year, will be liable for termination of membership. A notice in writing shall be issued to him not later than September 30 of the current year. Any member who is in arrears of subscription for two consecutive years shall be given a notice for termination of membership. The matter of termination of membership shall also be referred to CEC through respective ZEC.

5.4 Re-admission of a member who has resigned or whose membership has been terminated will be considered by the CEC on written request and after payment of all outstanding dues together with the appropriate admission fees.


6.1  The activities of the Association shall be co-ordinated by the President (and Hony. Gen. Secy.) and carried out by its five authorised Zones and its Local branches, in various parts of the country.

6.2 The Zones shall cover the following existing States and shall be located in the following cities:

(In future new states ect. will be accomodated suitably.)

6.2.1 Foreign members can be affiliated to any Zone.

6.2.2 Members shall have an option to become a Member through anyone of the five Zones falling under the jurisdiction of his place of work or place of residence.

6.3 Local Branches of the Association may be formed in centres other than the Zonal Headquarters with a minimum membership of 50. Such Local Branches will be affiliated to the appropriate zone(s), which will themselves be affiliated to the Headquarters.