24th April at 1pm in the Hadfield Room
508. Present
Sumsum Chan, Hamish Ellis, Colin Freeman, John Harding, Vsevolod Kachanov, Ailsa Kiely, Louise Mason, Steve Mason, Mopa Ashem Nyabam, Richard Thackray, Michaela Tracy
509. Apologies
Mel Carter, Emily Stock, Adrian Leyland, Jake Passarelli, Catriona Inverarity, Elizabeth Kapasa, Emma Caille, Theodoros Laftsoglou
510. Minutes of SSF80
Minutes of SSF80 were approved
511. Matters Arising
506 (ii) Availability of MAT405 to other students
It has been agreed to move MAT405 into semester 1 of the 3rd year as an optional module unless there is a timetable issue. The proposed changes are due to come into place from 2014. If we can, we will make the changes happen sooner.
506(vi) National Student Survey (NSS)
The current response rate for the survey is 63%; final year students are encouraged to complete the survey before the deadline of 30th April. It has been advertised extensively and a slot timetabled at which only 6 students attended.
496 (v) 1st Year Maths Modules
We have received feedback from Maths and they have informed us that they will be trialling a more online-based system and if it is successful then departments can opt for it to be put out to all modules. It may affect MAS250 from 2013/14 but definitely all modules from 2014/15. Maths is very confident that this this will be a better approach to teaching.
1st year students felt that the 2nd semester has been taught much better than the 1st semester. The change of lecturer has made a massive difference. RPT informed the forum that the student feedback that we received last semester was very low; we need higher response rates to be able to act on it. Students were encouraged to put their ideas together and increase the response rate.
Students felt that the current online evaluation system was not the best way to receive feedback on modules as they get many emails inviting them to take part in online surveys so emails can get overlooked. It was asked whether clickers could be used for student feedback as then it could be given during the lecture rather than relying on students to log on to the system in their own time. The problem with this is that currently only 1st and 2nd years have clickers and lecturers would only pick up response from students who actually attend that particular lecture whereas the online system is open for several weeks so there is more opportunity to complete the evaluation, therefore higher response rates. Students were encouraged to motivate their cohort to complete the evaluations.
RPT informed the forum that each module has a module convenor who receives the student feedback and also the exam performance, which they then comment on. This is then discussed at the learning and teaching committee and any issues dealt with before it is taught again.
512. Appointing new members
Previously year representatives continued from one year to the next, however we should check that reps want to continue into the next year. If not, they should be replaced and also we will need to appoint new 1st year reps. It was suggested that we try to appoint 1st year reps during intro week but it was felt that students have enough to deal with during intro week. However, the existence and purpose of the forum should be communicated to students during that week. It was also suggested that it could be mentioned during tutorials and that it is important to let students know what the forum does and what a reps contribution is.
513. Notification of business not on the agenda that does not fall under item 9
i) H Ellis informed the committee that the Union are trying to find out which tutors have pastoral training, as there is potential for them to complete training. C Freeman confirmed that the training he is currently receiving (as a new member of academic staff) briefly covers personal tutoring. Academic staff are advised to find the appropriate person/service and refer students to them. This year’s tutors were provided with a list of useful contacts within the University. Lecturers are trained to teach but should be aware of whom to contact if students come to them with personal problems. Steve Mason felt that technicians would benefit from this training so they are able to deal with minor issues.
ii) Online form – Steve informed the committee that there is a form now available online for people to comment on staff/resources. Any feedback we receive will be actioned and reported back.
514. Matters raised by Student Representatives
i) Year Abroad – 1st year students on the MEng Materials Science and Engineering with a Modern Language course asked when they would receive information on which country/company they will do their placement in. RPT confirmed that they will find out at the start of the 3rd year and the placement will start on 1st May. Students can start researching companies but they shouldn’t apply until they have spoken to Martin Jackson at the start of the 3rd year.
ii) Clickers – it was felt that clickers are not used very often. Could they be used to monitor attendance? It would be less time consuming but not all students have clickers yet and not all academics have adapted to using them yet. RPT will raise the issue at the next Faculty Teaching Committee. ACTION RPT
iii) White Board Markers – SS Chan spoke to Nils Mole during his lecture last week. There were either no marker pens or they had ran out so he had to spend time working out how he could continue with the lecture. CICS are responsible for all lecture theatres so academics should raise the issue directly; it is not a departmental issue.
iv) MAT373 exam – There was a minor mistake in the exam. Students asked what was the procedure for allocating extra time in such a case. Exams are organised by the University, so it is for the exams office (and in particular the senior invigilator for that particular examination) to decide what is the appropriate action to take (such as allocating extra time). We will receive an incident report from the exams office that will be discussed at the special circumstances board. If we consider it necessary, the marks will be adjusted to take account of the particular circumstances revealed by the incident report.
515. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will take place at 12pm on 16th October. This date may need to be changed once the timetables are finalised.
516. The committee thanked V Kachanov for chairing the meetings