LIS 5760: Information Technology for Library Media Centers
Library Science & Information Services
Dept of Educational Leadership & Human Development
University of Central Missouri
Summer 2007
(June 11 – July 27)
AIM: odinjurkowski ( for more info on instant messaging)
Telephone: (w): 660.543.8387 (h): 660.530.4310 – No calls later than 9pm please
Office: Lovinger 4200B
Office Hours: Mon – Thurs, 1-3 pm, and by appointment (Please call/email ahead of time. Unless I’m in a meeting, I’m in my office or on campus most of the week.)
Course is entirely online using Blackboard course management software. Course access is at:
Investigation, manipulation, and evaluation of current technologies that affect the production, storage, dissemination, retrieval and use of information (3 credit hours).
For over 125 years, the teacher education program has demonstrated commitment to shaping educators and other school professionals who are well grounded in theory, display competence in content knowledge, and prepared with strategies for application. There is a shared understanding that teacher education is a campus-wide responsibility, and that there is honor and worth in serving in a profession vital to our nation's future.
The Central educator is a competent, caring practitioner committed to the premise that all can learn.
This course is designed to introduce students to a variety of technologies available to school librarians for the management and maintenance of the school library.
Upon the completion of this course the student will be able to:
· Plan and create an instructional handout for student use (
· Create a library web page (
· Use Inspiration© to create an outline for web site (
· Evaluate web sites for design and content (
· Write a technology plan for a school library (
· Address issues concerning the administration of information technology within a school library (
· Create and present a professional development presentation (
Teaching method will require students to use the online classroom provided in Blackboard.The majority of interaction will take place over this medium.It is expected that students will login a few times each week in order to stay informed and participate in class discussions. Furthermore, students are expected to check their email regularly.
When posting on discussions, please keep to comments that are substantive. While an occasional “Nice job!” is always appreciated, please do not fill up the boards with multiple simple posts that don’t move the discussion further along. A matter of quality vs. quantity.
Although the class is online, students with questions and problems have the opportunity to communicate with the teacher via Blackboard, email, phone, instant messaging, or in person. Office meetings can always be arranged to fit student schedules.
Assignments must be word processed, spell checked and adhere to APA guidelines (double spaced, 12 pt font Times Roman, 1” margins, citations in APA format). Documents should be in a compatible format so that everyone in the class can view them: Microsoft Word (.doc or .rtf), PowerPoint (.ppt), html, or Acrobat (.pdf) as a last resort.
This is not a lecture based class where students sit back, absorb information from the teacher, and then are tested on their knowledge of what they remembered. Rather, the teacher is a guide. Using a constructivist model and following a structure suited for adult learners in graduate level courses in an online environment, students will be required to build their own knowledge in collaboration with other students and stemmed from their own experiences. It is also expected that students will be seeking out information when needed from a variety of sources (professional journal literature, books, online resources, colleagues, classmates, personal experiences whether past or present, etc.) and will ask questions of the teacher and other students when necessary. The online classroom should be a friendly environment and everyone should be free to comment, ask questions, and answer questions.
Grades will be figured using the standard scale.
100-90% = A 89-80% = B 79-70% =C 69-60%=D 59% and below=F
Instructor created rubrics will be used to evaluate subjective assignments.
Late work will be marked down one letter grade unless prior arrangements are made. Each week thereafter that the assignment is not turned in it will be reduced an additional letter grade. Assignments must be submitted early if you know you will be absent when something is due. It is to your benefit to submit assignments earlier in the week rather than at the last minute in case technical problems or other difficulties arise. Incomplete grades for the course will NOT be issued upon request. Note: if Blackboard is down and it prevents you from posting assignments, please post as soon as possible after the system is back up. Blackboard failures, while rare, are possible and you will not lose points if late for that reason.
Up-to-date grades can be found through Blackboard within Tools | Check Grade
Students will have the option to revise and resubmit work if they are not satisfied with their assigned grade. While points can not be made up for late work, students who are persistent in learning should do well in this course.
As part of the College of Education commitment to building a positive, student-centered learning community that supports the success of every student, the faculty member instructing this course participates in the UCM Early Alert Program.
Students with documented disabilities who are seeking academic accommodations should contact the Office of Accessibility Services, Union 222, (Voice and TTY) 660-543-4421.
Honesty in all endeavors is essential to the function of society. Honesty in the classroom among students and between students and faculty is a matter that should concern everyone in the University Community. Please seen the Central Student Handbook for the complete policy, student responsibilities, and procedures for enforcement
You may access your library account, the online catalog, and electronic databases from James C. Kirkpatrick Library’s website at For research assistance, you may contact the Reference Desk:
Phone: 543-4154 Email:
AIM: JCKLReference RefChat:
Each student is expected to subscribe to the listserv maintained by the department. Important information may be missed by students who are not subscribed. As student email addresses have recently changed, please be sure to resubscribe with current info.
For more information see
There is 1 textbook for this course:
Jurkowski, O. (2006). Technology and the school library: A comprehensive guide for media specialists and other educators. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
Also needed throughout the program for all courses:
American Association of School Librarians [and] Association for Educational Communications Technology. (1998). Information power: Building partnerships for leaning. Chicago: American Library Association.
American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.). Washington: American Psychological Association.
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. (2003). School Library Media Standards Handbook. [Online] Available:
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. (2005). Standards for Missouri Schools Library Media Centers. [Online] Available:
Standards for Teacher Education Programs (Mo-STEP). Standard 1.5 Library Media Specialist. [Online] Available under Course Documents. Used for certification Portfolio requirement.
Textbooks can be purchased from the University Store, in person or via a distance and then shipped to you (1.800.330.7698 or
Week / Dates / Readings / Assignments Due(Additional online activities posted in Blackboard under the Assignments link)
1 / June 11 – 17 / Part 1: Information Tools / Read: Jurkowski, Introduction & Ch 1 - 5
Due: Educational Web Site Evaluations
2 / June 18 – 24 / Part 2: Information Resources / Read: Jurkowski, Ch 6
Due: School Library Web Site Evaluations
3 / June 25 – July 1 / Part 3: From the Library to the Classroom / Read: Jurkowski, Ch 7 – 8, 12
Due: Article Review and analysis
Due: Inspiration
July 2 – 8 / 4th of July – No new assignments this week
4 / July 9 – 15 / Part 4: Tech Admin / Read: Jurkowski, Ch 9 – 11
Due: Library Automation Report
Due: Technology Plan
5 / July 16 – 22 / Part 5: Tech and Teaching / Read: Jurkowski, Ch 13, 14, Conclusion
Due: Instructional Handout
Due: School Library Web Page
Due: Professional Development Presentation
6 / July 23 – 27 / Due: Book Review and Analysis
Due: Course Reflection
Course Projects (Total possible points = 1000)
Assignment and Point Summary
Assignment / Points Possible / Points ObtainedOnline Activities and Participation / 300
Educational Web Site Evaluations / 50
School Library Web Site Evaluations / 50
Article Review and Analysis / 50
Inspiration / 50
Library Automation Report / 50
Technology Plan / 100
Instructional Handout / 50
School Library Web Page / 50
Professional Development Presentation / 100
Book Review and Analysis / 50
Course Reflection / 100
Total / 1000
Online Activities and Participation (300 points)
There will be online discussions and activities throughout the semester. This may include the general Discussion Board and Group Discussions depending on the size of the class and how we organize the interaction. With each activity you are expected to respond to the initial questions as well as interact with classmates in a discussion. Grading is based on the frequency and regularity of logins (2-3 times per week is standard), on time completion of all discussion board activities, and the quality and depth of online discussions.
Three attendance / participation grades will be provided, covering the first third of the class (100 points), second third of the class (100 points), and final third of the class (100 points), for a total of 300 points at semester end. This will allow students to adjust their activities and improve their grade if need be as the semester progresses.
(Primary Quality Indicator Candidates provide leadership and establish connections with others in the library and education community. Secondary Quality Indicators:,,,,,,,
Grading Rubric:
Target / Acceptable / UnacceptableRating / 3 / 2 / 1
Quantity of discussion posts / Posts new threads and replies to other messages / Posts a single message per board per week / Does not post weekly on the discussions
Quality of discussion posts / Ties together readings, concepts, experiences, and other posts, contributing to an in depth discussion / Posts touch on readings and experience / Short and uninformative posts that do not add to the discussion
Blackboard logins / Logs in 2 or 3 times per week / Logs in 1 or 2 times per week / Logs in less than once per week
Clarity / Posts are clear and easy to follow / Posts are readable and can be understood / Difficult to understand what the point of the messages are
Rating Scale:
Score / Rating / Grade10-12 / Target / A
8-9 / Acceptable / B
0-7 / Unacceptable / C or below
Educational Web Site Evaluations (50 points)
Locate and evaluate two (2) good websites that could be bookmarked on school library computers, placed on the library web site, and/or shared with teachers and students. These may range based on interest and intent, whether that be directory sites like or, or more subject specific like While appearance is important, emphasis should be on importance of site for given age range. Be grade (or range) specific. You will need to let us know ahead of time which sites you are reviewing so that we don’t duplicate. 4 - 5 pages total in APA format.
(Primary Quality Indicator: Candidates model effective strategies to locate, evaluate and use information in a variety of formats. Secondary Quality Indicators:,,,,,,
Grading Rubric:
Weight / Target / Acceptable / UnacceptableSites selected / 40% / Excellent sites chosen / Good sites chosen / Poor sites chosen
Evaluation / 40% / Excellent evaluation of sites considering content and design issues, tied to course / Good evaluation of content and design / Brief evaluation lacking substance and instead based on superficial qualities
Writing / 20% / Clear and organized writing / Adequate paper describing the sites / Unorganized and weak writing
School Library Web Site Evaluations (50 points)
Locate and evaluate two (2) good school library web sites (review just the library site, not the entire school site). While design and layout aspects are important, focus on content, information, features, and services. You will need to let us know ahead of time which sites you are reviewing so that we don’t duplicate. 4 - 5 pages total in APA format.
(Primary Quality Indicator: Candidates model effective strategies to locate, evaluate and use information in a variety of formats. Secondary Quality Indicators:,,,,,,
Grading Rubric:
Weight / Target / Acceptable / UnacceptableSites selected / 40% / Excellent sites chosen / Good sites chosen / Poor sites chosen
Evaluation / 40% / Excellent evaluation of sites considering content and design issues, tied to course / Good evaluation of content and design / Brief evaluation lacking substance and instead based on superficial qualities
Writing / 20% / Clear and organized writing / Adequate paper describing the sites / Unorganized and weak writing
Article Review and Analysis (50 points)
Locate two (2) good articles and write an analysis. This is both a summary of main points, and a review. One of your choices may be from the recommended readings list in this syllabus if you so choose. You will need to let us know ahead of time which articles you are reviewing so that we don’t duplicate. Two pages minimum each in APA format, for a total of four pages. Include the citations to the articles.
(Primary Quality Indicator: Candidates establish connections between the school community and the larger library world. Secondary Quality Indicators:,,,,