Campus & Commercial Services Group, and Estates
Further Education Courses/qualifications: Application for Funding
This form should be completed by the applicant as fully as possible and then given to the Head of Department for consideration. Supported applicationsshould then be sent to yourLearning & Development Advisor for authorisation.
PART A:For completion by applicant
Surname: ...... / Forenames: ......Function/Area: ...... / Grade: ......
Job Title: ...... / Head of Department name:……………………………
Qualification sought: ......
Name of College/Provider (if known)......
Course venue: ......
Total duration of Course:...... …......
Type of course: (please tick) ( ) Evening ( ) Day release
( ) Half day release ( ) Distance/on-line learning
Time off your normal working week required to attend: ……… Hours per week
……… Total hours for the year
Residential study required as part of programme: ...... Days per year
Estimated cost in this financial year: / Cost (£)
Course Fees:
Residential Course Fees:
Registration or Examination Fees:
Text Books or Study Materials*:
Other (please specify):
Total: / £
Please note:
- Books will be reimbursed up to a maximum of £40 per year (Claims for reimbursement must be submitted on an Expenses claim form)
- Membership of a professional body or organisation will not be reimbursed.
- Travel and Subsistence will not be reimbursed through the training budget
Who suggested you attend this programme?
You ( ) Your Manager ( ) Other (please specify) ( ) ......
How was your learning need identified?
Annual performance review/appraisal ( ) Discussion with your Manager ( )
Other (please specify) ( ) ......
Is this qualification:
Essential for your current role ( ) Desirable for your current role ( ) Not relevant to your current role ( )
What specifically do you want to gain from studying for this qualification?
(Please be specific about the knowledge and skills that you want to acquire)
How will this help within your current role?
What percentage contribution are you seeking from the University / %If you are contributing to the course fees, the University will pay the fees initially; how would you like to reimburse the University? / By Cheque [ ]
One-off deduction from salary [ ]
Monthly deduction from salary [ ]
I confirm that the information contained on this document is accurate and correct. I have a copy and understand the conditions of this learning contract and I agree to comply with all aspects of this contract.
Signed:...... Date:......
PART B:For completion by Head of Department
Recommendation by Head of Department/Director:Please specify the degree to which this qualification is relevant to the individuals present role and responsibilities:
Essential for current role [ ] Desirable for current role [ ] Not relevant to current role [ ]
How will this development opportunity contribute to the strategic objectives of your business?
How will you evaluate and measure the effectiveness of this contribution?
To what degree do you intend to support the individual and what is required from the individual (please refer to the Guidelines on Funding and Leave for Learning and Development)
Manager support Individual to support
- Time off to attend the programme ……………. ……………..
- Time off for studying of exams ……………. ……………..
- Time off for exams ……………. ……………..
- Time off for dissertation ……………. ……………..
I support this application and agree to evaluate the effectiveness of this development investment
Signed...... Print …………………………………… Date:......
(Head of Department)
PART C: On completion, please pass to yourLearning & Development Advisor for authorisation
Final authorisationLearning & Development Advisor ………………………………………….. Date authorised ...……………………………