Kelsey Crane, Ph.D. Candidate

Department of Geology, University of Georgia

Geography-Geology Building, Room B4

210 Field Street; Athens, GA 30602



University of Georgia, Athens; Department of Geology; Ph.D. Geology, in progress

Dissertation: Evolution of Thermally-Driven Tectonics on Mercury and Mars

(Faculty Advisor: Dr. Christian Klimczak) GPA: 4.0

Purdue University, West Lafayette; Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Department; M.S. Geoscience Education, August 2014

Thesis: Effective Geoscience Pedagogy at the Undergraduate Level

(Faculty Advisor: Dr. Terry West) GPA: 4.0

University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Earth and Planetary Sciences Department;

B.S. Geology and Mathematics, May 2012

Thesis: Shape and Thermal Modeling of a Selection of M-Type Asteroids

(Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joshua Emery) GPA: 3.76

Honors and Awards

2017 – PhD Awards

·  University of Georgia Graduate Student Travel Grant, funding to present original research

·  Watts Wheeler Travel Award, funding to present original research

·  Planetary Geology Division (PGD) Travel Award, funding to present original research

·  PGD of Geological Society of America Student Advisory Member, selected as one of two representatives for graduate students across the country for this national organization

·  Future Faculty Fellowship Program, selected into a small group of students across the university to receive professional development and mentor other graduate students

·  Outstanding Teaching Assistant, for excellence in teaching

2014 – MS Awards

·  Ross Fellowship Recipient, to fund graduate study at Purdue University

·  Terry West Engineering Geology Scholarship Recipient, to fund original research

·  Teaching Assistant Honor Roll, for excellence in teaching

·  EAPS Women in Science President, elected to represent women in earth science at Purdue University

·  EAPS Education Outreach Coordinator, elected to coordinate outreach activities within graduate students in the earth sciences at Purdue University

2008-2012 – Undergraduate Awards

·  Outstanding Senior in Geology, University of Tennessee, for excellence in classes and research as an undergraduate

·  National Association of Geoscience Teachers Scholarship Recipient, to support field work

·  Dwornik Award Honorable Mention, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, for undergraduate presentation at the conference

·  University of Tennessee Chancellors Honors Scholarship Recipient, full academic scholarship

·  Pi Mu Epsilon Member, inducted into the national mathematics honors society

·  Mayo Research Scholarship Recipient, to fund original research

·  Bill Ross Field Camp Scholarship Recipient, to fund field study

·  Knoxville Gem and Mineral Society Scholarship Recipient, to fund field study

·  Summer Internship Research Funding Recipient, to fund original research

·  Outstanding Student in Mineralogy Award, for excellence in undergraduate courses

·  James Walls Outstanding Freshman in Geology Scholarship Recipient

Professional Presentations and Abstracts

Tectonic Patterns of Shortening Landforms in Mercury’s Northern Smooth Plains

Oral Presentation, Geological Society of America Meeting, 2017

A Statistical Investigation into the Spatial Distribution of Mercury’s Pyroclastic Activity

Second author for Oral Presentation, Geological Society of America Meeting, 2017

Timing and Rate of Mercury’s Global Contraction History

Oral Presentation, Geological Society of America Meeting, 2016

Testing the Timing and Rate of Global Contraction on Mercury Against its Cratering Record

Poster Presentation, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2016

Thermal Inertia of a Metallic Regolith: A Simulant Sample Experiment

Poster Presentation, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2013

Preliminary Analysis of Causes of Subsidence in Association with Abandoned Coal Mines, Southwestern, IN

Oral Presentation, Association of Engineering Geologists, Northeast Division, 2013 and Indiana Academy of Science, 2013

Shape and Thermal Modeling of a Selection of M-Type Asteroids

Poster Presentation, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2012

Coal Mine Subsidence in Southwestern, IN

Poster Presentation, Indiana Society of Mining and Reclamation Conference, 2012


Crane, K. T., & Klimczak, C. (2017). Timing and rate of global contraction on Mercury. Geophysical Research Letters,44(7), 3082-3089.

Klimczak, C., Habermann, M., Crane, K., & Byrne, P. (2017). Tectonic controls on pyroclastic volcanism on Mercury. Icarus, in review.

Emery, J.P., Fernandez, Y.R., Kelley, M.S.P., Warden, K.T., Hergenrother, C., Lauretta, D.S., Drake, M.J., Campins, H., & Ziffer, J. (2014). Thermal infrared observations and thermophysical characterization of OSIRIS-REx target asteroid (101955) Bennu. Icarus, 234(204), 17-35.

Crane, K. T., & T. R. West. (2014). Prioritizing Grouting Operations for Abandoned Underground Coal Mines, Southwestern Indiana. Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, 20(4), 325-334.

*Other names used: Kelsey Warden