Partnership for Academic Success
Rucker Boulevard Elementary School is committed to providing quality academic instruction by following state standards and guidelines through highly qualified teachers in a positive learning environment. This effective learning environment enables the participating children to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards. The goal of this instruction is to increase each student’s opportunity for school success. The Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program is designed to encourage a close partnership and compact with you, as parent or guardian. This written statement is our promise to work together during this school year. Your signature is your agreement to partner with us as we strive for the best educational experience for:
Student’s name
As the Principal I will:1. Provide parents opportunities to volunteer, observe and participate in their children’s classrooms and functions throughout the year (i.e., Rucker Blvd. PTO, Parent Visitation days, Schoolwide committees).
2. Set high expectations and provide high-quality curriculum and instruction to enable children to meet the state’s student academic achievement standards.
3. Facilitate positive communication among teacher, parent and student.
4. Collaborate with teachers to provide a supportive child-centered learning environment.
5. Provide information regarding the professional qualification of the staff (upon request).
6. Provide parents with reasonable access to staff, for conferences or meetings, in the child’s classroom or in the office, during the school day.
Signature of Principal Date / As the Teacher I will:
1. Give each child our very best so they can become their very best.
2. Provide quality curriculum, instruction and leadership.
3. Share student’s level of academic achievement on state mandated tests annually.
4. Provide parents with frequent reports on their child’s progress. Offer weekly/monthly newsletters, weekly progress reports and other important information in the Wednesday folders. E-mails may be sent periodically.
5. Remain available for conferences and parent interactions throughout the year, during which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement. (A minimum of two conferences per year).
6. Offer praise, encouragement, and corrective and constructive feedback.
7. Check that homework has been completed.
Signature of Teacher Date
As the Parent or Guardian I will:
1. Encourage my child to read daily.
2. Set aside a specific time and a quiet place to do homework and provide assistance.
3. Make sure my child is on time and attends school regularly.
4. Sign/return all papers that require a parent’s or guardian’s signature,( i.e., Wednesday folders).
5. Encourage positive attitudes toward school/ extra curricular time.
6. Attend conferences, parent meetings, and school activities.
7. Take personal responsibility for my child’s education by communicating and staying informed about my children’s school activities.
8. Participate in decisions relating to my children’s education.
9. Volunteer for classroom functions (minimum of one activity).
10. Serve on advisory groups such as Schoolwide Advisory Committee and Parental Involvement Committee.
Signature of Parent Date / As the Student I will:
1. Do my best.
2. Be respectful to my teachers and others.
3. Follow school and classroom rules; taking responsibility for my behavior.
4. Be responsible for bringing supplies to class and to take school notices/information home.
5. Complete class/homework assignments in a legible and timely manner.
6. Read at least 30 minutes everyday outside of school time.
7. Give to my parents or the adult that is responsible for my welfare all notices and information by me from my school every day.
Signature of Student Date