Department of General Services (DGS) Customer Satisfaction Survey for 2013.

Please provide us with customer feedback regarding DGS services by completing our Customer Satisfaction survey. This document will allow you to rate specific DGS divisions with which you have had contact during the last Fiscal Year.

Note: This survey may take as little as five minutes, or in excess of thirty, depending on the number of divisions/offices you rate. You may edit your responses as often as you like, until you submit your survey.

Please rate services provided to you by DGS divisions and offices during Fiscal Year 2012­13:

Complete the survey by navigating through division/office (division) pages, review divisions that you have received services from, and rate the services you received from them. Once you have completed your rating for that division, continue on to the next one. Skip any division questions that you have not used their services or had contact.

Once you have selected a division:

i. For each division we provide a summary of the services they provide. Determine if you have received any of those services; if not, continue past those questions to the next division.

ii. Rate your Overall Satisfaction with the division using the balanced five­point scale.

iii. Indicate your agreement with statements about the services received.

Note: Skip any question that is not applicable, you did not use that services, or you don't know.

iv. Continue on to the end of each division section.

v. When you are finished rating the DGS divisions, we collect some demographic information on the final pages.

vi. There are 31 pages in this document.

Once you have completed this survey, return this document to:

Jason Tyburczy, Office of Strategic Planning, Policy, and Research

  • Email:
  • Address: Department of General Services, Ziggurat Building

707 Third Street, Suite 8000 IMMS 405
West Sacramento, CA, 95605
DGS Services Listing:

On the following pages, you may rate services for nine DGS divisions/offices with which you have had contact during Fiscal Year 2012­13. You can provide comments at the end of each rating section as well as on the final page of the survey.

Review each division presented and determine if you have received services from them. Once you have completed a division/office section you continue to the next division to review. If you did not receive services from them, skip to the next division.

Divisions included in this survey:

  • Real Estate Services Division (RESD)- page 2
  • Procurement Division (PD)- Page 11
  • Office of Fleet and Asset Management (OFAM) – page 13
  • Office of State Publishing (OSP)- page 19
  • Office of Public School Construction (OPSC) –page 21
  • Division of the State Architect (DSA)-page 22
  • Office of Legal Services(OLS)- page 25
  • Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) – page 27
  • California Building Standards Commission (BSC)- page 28

The final pages ask for some demographic information.


Enter a number for your response to questions using one of the following rating scales:

  • Agreement: Strongly Agree = 1, Agree = 2, Neither Agree nor Disagree = 3, Disagree = 4, Strongly Disagree = 5
  • Satisfaction: Very Satisfied = 1, Satisfied = 2, Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied = 3, Dissatisfied = 4, Very Dissatisfied = 5
  • For Yes/No questions, select specific response box



The Real Estate Services Division (RESD) provides real estate services to all state agencies. The Real Estate Services Division (RESD) provides real estate services to all state agencies. Comprised of five operational branches, RESD oversees asset planning, property sales and acquisition, project management, architectural and engineering services, leasing and planning, property management and building maintenance, construction management, energy efficiency and supply programs, and environmental assessments.

a. Did you have any contact with RESD staff or receive RESD services in FY 2012­13? (Select one): Yes [ ] No [ ] (if no skip to next division)


First, rate RESD overall, then rate the various RESD Branches with which you have received services.

b. Please rate yourOverall Satisfaction with RESD services:

Rating Scale: Very Satisfied =1, Satisfied =2, Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied =3, Dissatisfied =4, Very Dissatisfied =5

Enter rating [ ]

Please indicate your agreement with the following statements about RESD:

Rating Scale: Strongly Agree = 1, Agree = 2, Neither Agree nor Disagree = 3, Disagree = 4, Strongly Disagree = 5

Overall, RESD staff:

c. Are knowledgeable and skillful [ ]

d. Provide me with accurate and reliable information [ ]

e. Are responsive to my requests [ ]

f. Provide regular communication [ ]

g. Provide me timely service [ ]

h. Treat me with courtesy [ ]

i. Provide high quality work [ ]

j. Please provide any comments or suggestions you might have regarding RESD services:

On the following pages, you will be able to rate all of the RESD branches with which you have had contact in the past fiscal year. Skip those which you had no contact. These branches are:

- Asset Management Branch (AMB)

- Construction Services Branch (CSB)

- Project Management Branch (PMB)

- Professional Services Branch (PSB)

- Building and Property Management Branch (BPM)


The AMB was formed in 2005­06 through the consolidation of the Asset Planning and Enhancement (APE) and Customer Account Management (CAM) Branches in RESD, and integrates the Division's portfolio and asset management functions with the customer project request process. AMB provides the initial contact for the customer within RESD, and is the single point of entry for requesting new RESD services (including requesting services using RESD’s online CRUISE system). AMB is also responsible for ensuring the maximum use of State­owned and controlled real estate assets by identifying and implementing value enhancement solutions for unused, or under­utilized, State­owned properties.

a. Please indicate the amount of service contact you have had with AMB staff during Fiscal Year 2012­13:

Rating scale: Daily =1, Weekly =2, Monthly =3, Several times per year =4, None =5 (if none, skip)

Enter amount of contact with AMB: [ ]

b. Overall AMB Satisfaction:

Rating Scale: Very Satisfied =1, Satisfied =2, Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied =3, Dissatisfied =4, Very Dissatisfied =5

Enter AMB satisfaction rating [ ]

Please indicate your agreement with the following statements about AMB:

Rating Scale: Strongly Agree = 1, Agree = 2, Neither Agree nor Disagree = 3, Disagree = 4, Strongly Disagree = 5

AMB staff:

c. Are knowledgeable and skillful [ ]

d. Provide me with accurate and reliable information [ ]

e. Are responsive to my requests[ ]

f. Provide regular communication [ ]

g. Provide me timely service [ ]

h. Treat me with courtesy[ ]

i. Provide high quality work [ ]

Additionally, AMB Staff:

j. Give our projects dedicated effort [ ]

k. Deliver projects on my schedule [ ]

l. Deliver projects within budget [ ]

m. Are accountable to me[ ]

n. Are there any additional Asset Management Branch services you would like to see DGS provide? Select one:

No [ ] Yes [ ] (if yes, please describe in space provided):

If you have not received any other services from RESD, you may skip the rest of the branches and go forward to review other DGS divisions.


CSB provides construction phase services for State public works projects including construction contract administration and management, quality assurance, inspection and testing, after­contract guarantee enforcement and dispute resolution, and direct construction services. CSB offers Direct Construction Services in cases of emergency involving damage to a State­owned facility or where contracting the work would be contrary to the best interests of the State.

a. Please indicate the amount of service contact you have had with CSB staff during Fiscal Year 2012­13:

Rating scale: Daily =1, Weekly =2, Monthly =3, Several times per year =4, None =5 (if none, skip)

Amount of contact with CSB? [ ]

b. Overall CSB Satisfaction:

Rating Scale: Very Satisfied =1, Satisfied =2, Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied =3, Dissatisfied =4, Very Dissatisfied =5

Enter overall CSB satisfaction rating [ ]

Please indicate your agreement with the following statements about PSB:

Rating Scale: Strongly Agree = 1, Agree = 2, Neither Agree nor Disagree = 3, Disagree = 4, Strongly Disagree = 5

CSB staff:

c. Are knowledgeable and skillful[ ]

d. Provide me with accurate and reliableinformation [ ]

e. Are responsive to my requests [ ]

f. Provide regular communication[ ]

g. Provide me timely service [ ]

h. Treat me with courtesy[ ]

i. Provide high quality work [ ]

j. Give our projects dedicated effort [ ]

k. Deliver projects on my schedule [ ]

l. Deliver projects within budget[ ]

m. Are accountable to me [ ]

Are there any additional Construction Services Branch services you would like to see DGS provide? (Select one): Yes [ ] No [ ] (if yes, please describe)

Please indicate your agreement with the following statements about CSB:

n. Our projects always start in a reasonable amount of time

o. The project plans and specifications meet our intended purpose[ ]

p. The projects are delivered by CSB/DCU on schedule [ ]

q. The projects are delivered within budget[ ]

r. Any project issues raised are resolved efficiently expeditiously [ ]

s. CSB manages the construction process effectively[ ]

t. CSB staff effectively deals with any disputes arising from project services [ ]

u. Project Change Orders are managed by CSB in a timely and effective manner [ ]

v. CSB involves me in the decision­making process [ ]

w. CSB staff conduct themselves in a professional manner[ ]

If you have not received any other services from RESD, you may skip the rest of the branches and go forward to review other DGS divisions.


PMB provides project management services for complex real estate projects. PMB manages the design and construction process on behalf of State agencies and departments. PMB assists State agencies and departments in developing conceptual documents for cost and budget control, programming, site planning and master planning, and other documents for conceptualizing capital outlay projects that are necessary to obtain legislative authorization and funding for projects.

a. Please indicate the amount of service contact you have had with PMB staff during Fiscal Year 2012­13:

Rating scale: Daily =1, Weekly =2, Monthly =3, Several times per year =4, None =5 (if none, skip)

Amount of contact with CSB? [ ]

b. Overall PMB Satisfaction:

Rating Scale: Very Satisfied =1, Satisfied =2, Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied =3, Dissatisfied =4, Very Dissatisfied =5

Enter overall PMB satisfaction rating [ ]

Please indicate your agreement with the following statements about PMB:

Rating Scale: Strongly Agree = 1, Agree = 2, Neither Agree nor Disagree = 3, Disagree = 4, Strongly Disagree = 5

c. Once funded, PMB projects start in a reasonable amount of time [ ]

d. PMB meets my expectations by delivering projects consistent with theintended project scope [ ]

e. Our projects are delivered by PMB within schedule [ ]

f. The projects are delivered within budget[ ]

g . PMB meets my needs for timely and responsive communication [ ]

h. PMB staff provides high quality work[ ]

i. PMB gives our projects dedicated effort [ ]

j. PMB is accountable to me[ ]

Additionally, PMB Staff:

k. Are knowledgeable and skillful [ ]

l. Provide me with accurate and reliableinformation [ ]

m. Provide me timely service [ ]

n. Treat me with courtesy[ ]

o. Provide high quality work [ ]

Are there any additional Project Management Branch services you would like to see DGS provide? No [ ] (Select one): Yes [ ] (if yes, please describe)

If you have not received any other services from RESD, you may continue by skipping the rest of the branches and go forward to the next division.


PSB includes all of the architectural and engineering services, space planning and interior design, leasing, sales, appraisals and acquisitions, energy and environmental services, and other competencies such as seismic retrofits, asbestos abatement, and underground tank removal, within its six (6) sections.

a. Please indicate the amount of service contact you have had with PSB

staff during Fiscal Year 2012­13:

Rating scale: Daily =1, Weekly =2, Monthly =3, Several times per year =4, None =5 (if none, skip)

Amount of contact with PSB? [ ]

b. Overall PSB Satisfaction:

Rating Scale: Very Satisfied =1, Satisfied =2, Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied =3, Dissatisfied =4, Very Dissatisfied =5

Enter overall PSB satisfaction rating [ ]

Please indicate your agreement with the following statements about PSB:

Rating Scale: Strongly Agree = 1, Agree = 2, Neither Agree nor Disagree = 3, Disagree = 4, Strongly Disagree = 5

PSB staff:

c. Are knowledgeable and skillful[ ]

d. Provide me with accurate and reliable information [ ]

e. Are responsive to my requests [ ]

f. Provide regular communication [ ]

g. Provide me timely service [ ]

h. Treat me with courtesy [ ]

i. Provide high quality work [ ]

j. Give our projects dedicated effort [ ]

k. Deliver projects on my schedule [ ]

l. Deliver projects within budget [ ]

m. Are accountable to me [ ]

Are there any additional Professional Services Branch services you would like to see DGS provide? No [ ] (Select one): Yes [ ] (if yes, please describe)


Please rate each PSB Section with which you have had contact this year:

1) Real Property Services Section (RPSS)

RPSS staff provide real estate services related to the acquisition, appraisal, use and lease of State­owned real estate.

Please indicate your agreement with the following statements about RPSS:

n. Our projects always start in a reasonable amount of time [ ] o. The acquisition or appraisal documents meet our intended purpose [ ] p. The projects are delivered by RPSS on schedule [ ]

q. The projects are delivered within budget [ ]

r. Any project issues raised are resolved efficiently and
expeditiously [ ]

s. RPSS staff conduct themselves in a professional manner [ ]

2) Environmental Services Section (ESS)

ESS staff prepare and manage environmental documents on a broad range of projects such as architecture, engineering, construction, infrastructure improvements, environmental restoration, and regulatory programs.

Please indicate your agreement with the following statements about ESS:

t. Our projects always start in a reasonable amount of time [ ]

u. The environmental documents meet our intended purpose [ ]

v. The projects are delivered by ESS on schedule [ ]

w. The projects are delivered within budget [ ]

x. Any project issues raised are resolved efficiently and
expeditiously [ ]

y. ESS staff conduct themselves in a professional manner [ ]

3) Design Services Section (DSS)

DSS staff provide architecture, engineering, planning and interior design services for State agencies and departments.

Please indicate your agreement with the following statements about DSS:

z. Our projects always start in a reasonable amount of time [ ]

aa. The space planning and interior design documents meet our intended purpose [ ]

ab. The projects are delivered by DSS on schedule [ ]

ac. The projects are delivered within budget [ ]

ad. Any project issues raised are resolved efficientlyand
expeditiously [ ]

ae. DSS staff conduct themselves in a professional manner [ ]

4) Real Estate Leasing and Planning Section (RELPS)

RELPS staff provide statewide leasing and space planning services for State tenants in privately­owned buildings. They develop and implement laws and policies for conducting lease negotiations, competitive bidding and business practices, and the processes for developing special purpose or build­to­suit facilities.

Please indicate your agreement with the following statements about RELPS:

af. Our projects always start in a reasonable amount of time [ ]

ag. The leasing documents meet our intended purpose [ ]

ah. The projects are delivered by RELPS on schedule [ ]

ai. The projects are delivered within budget [ ]

aj. Any project issues raised are resolved efficiently and
expeditiously [ ]

ak. RELPS staff conduct themselves in a professional manner [ ]

5) Special Programs Section (SPS)

SPS staff oversee special programs such as the State Seismic Retrofit Program, Underground Tank Removal and Remediation, Asbestos Abatement, and Building Retro­commissioning for State buildings and property.

Please indicate your agreement with the following statements about SPS:

al. Our projects always start in a reasonable amount of time [ ]

am. The seismic, retrofit, asbestos abatement, or underground tank removal documents meet our intended purpose [ ]

an. The projects are delivered by RESD on schedule [ ]

ao. The projects are delivered within budget [ ]

ap. Any project issues raised are resolved efficiently and
expeditiously [ ]

aq. SPS staff conduct themselves in a professional manner [ ]

6) Cost Estimating Section (CES)

CES staff provide project estimating and budgeting services for project construction cost, change order estimates, value engineering and estimates of project design and management fees in support of the division’s design and construction program.

Please indicate your agreement with the following statements about CES:

ar. Our projects always start in a reasonable amount of time [ ]

as. The project estimating and budgeting documents meet our intended purpose [ ]

at. The projects are delivered by CES on schedule [ ] au. The projects are delivered within budget [ ] av. Any project issues raised are resolved efficiently and
expeditiously [ ]

aw. CES staff conduct themselves in a professional manner [ ]

If you have not received any other services from RESD, you may skip the rest of the branches and go forward to review other DGS divisions.


a. Please indicate the amount of service contact you have had with BPM

staff during Fiscal Year 2012­13:

Rating scale: Daily =1, Weekly =2, Monthly =3, Several times per year =4, None =5 (if none, skip)

Amount of contact with BPM? [ ]

b. Overall BPM Satisfaction:

Rating Scale: Very Satisfied =1, Satisfied =2, Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied =3, Dissatisfied =4, Very Dissatisfied =5

Enter overall BPM satisfaction rating [ ]

Please indicate your agreement with the following statements about BPM: