PG SSLC Minutes - 19 November 2014, 1-2pm, A1.24
Present: Stephen Gundle (SG), Catherine Constable (CC), Owen Weetch (OW), Charlotte Stevens (CS), James Taylor (JT), Catherine Lester (CL), Zoe Shacklock (ZS), Ross Pearce (RoP), Elliot Nosworthy (EN), Richard Perkins (RiP)
- Minutes of last meeting
- In relation to 2a: CC has found out thatat the beginning of term PG students from other departments were not granted access to the PG space. They have now been granted access.
- In relation to 3a: CC confirms that MA students now have access to the PG space
- In relation to 3c: CC confirms that MA students can change modules after they have made their initial selections.
- In relation to 2c: SG says that one of the sets of lockers in the PG space is allocated to the History of Art department. In regards to the set of lockers allocated to the Film department only one is in use (by Barbara Ottmann). Tracey McVey is looking into getting new keys for the other lockers so that they can be brought back into use.
- In relation to 7a: SG circulates the final version of the PTES Action Plan
- In relation to 2a: JT asks for an update on the computers in the PG space. CC confirms that IT have been informed and we are on their schedule but are not a priority.
- Matters arising
No new matters.
- MA matters
- RoPasks about the possibility of having a snack machine or similar in Millburn House. CC says theinstallation of a café has been lobbied for, but there is currently no sign of this happening. The University is currently is focusing on improving key food sites around campus, such as University House, which is close to Millburn House, before branching out to make more. CC says that a snack machine in the Film department lobby would take up space when the lobby is used for many important events. CS says there are snack machines in the Theatre department lobby, but is not sure if they work. CC asks if one of the PG students can survey the machines in the building for the next meeting.
- ENsays that the amount of information about MA modules varies on the department website, and this was an issue when people were applying the MA. CC says that therole of department webmasterwas handed from Karl Schoonover to MichaelPigott over summer, which might have caused a lag in information being updated, but the department strives to keep the module pages as up to date as possible. CC will contact Michael Pigott about this issue. CL adds that there are contacts listed at bottom of each page that can be contacted if there are issues with specific pages.
- ENsays that research students want their dissertation word count to be changed from 15,000 to 20,000, which is what it used to be. SG says that this was brought up at MA exam board and the external examiner was open to this. CC says the issue will be raised at next week’s staff meeting and if everybody agrees it could be changed.
- EN says that there is currently an uncertainty among the MAs as to who the careers and skills advisor is for PG students. CC confirms that it is Sue Johnstone, who wassupposed to be present at today’s meeting but was not able to make it. SG will email Sue to invite her to the next meeting. Sue has a room in the humanities building and can be contacted through myAdvantage.
- PhD matters
- ZS asks about how PG students get their own page on the department website. JT says that youemail the content of your page to Michael Pigott and he will create a page. CL adds that you can also set up an eportfolio through the university.
- CL asks if there is careers training available that is specifically focused on Film Studies, or that advises on using skills gained outside of academia. CC says that training about writing academic CVs or looking for careers outside of academia is managed outside of the department by careers and skills. Sue Johnstone will hopefully be able to highlight relevant workshops in our next meeting. Training for tasks more specific to the discipline, such as teaching and marking, are taught within the department when students take up teaching roles. Furthermore, supervisors often help students with individual job applications, while students who have finished their PhDs can become associate fellows. CC points out that the Methods reading group is a good forum for discussing these kinds of issues. RiP adds that Vitae is another useful source for seeking help on skills development.
- JT asks about the UCU assessment boycott. CC says we are waiting on results of the vote to see if a boycott is taking place. If there is boycott it will only impact staff who are a member of that union, so students marking will need to check with their module leader to see if it effects them. SG adds that members of staff who are in the union are meeting today to discuss what will happen if the boycott goes ahead.
- No issues arising from the fourth years
- Postdoc matters
No issues arising
- Library matters
RiP asks if the Research Exchange has improved. CL says it is fine but the free tea and coffee is missed. ZS says that the power sockets in there are unreliable.
- Any Other Business
a.CC is continuing to act as Head of department for the rest of term. Alastair Phillips will take over the role on 5th January.
b.SG has received an email from Barbara Ottmann, who has been in contact with Zara Hooley, about the organisation of a Millburn House research day. SG will have the message forwarded to all of the PG students to see who is interested in helping organise the day.