Cell Organelle Chart
Name / Prokaryotic/ Plant/Animal /Description
Cell Membrane / Pro, A, P /- Flexible boundary that surrounds the cell
- Bi-layer of proteins & lipids
- Separates the cell from outside environment
- Selectively permeable
Cell Wall / Pro, P /
- Rigid Structure outside plasma memb
- Made of cellulose
- Additional support, protection
- Gives cell its shape
Nucleus / A, P /
- Contains DNA (directions to make proteins)
- Controls the cell activities
Nuclear membrane/ Envelope / A, P /
- Double memb layer that surrounds nucleus
- Allows material to move into & out of Nucleus (RNA pass through pores)
Nuclear Pores / A, P /
- 1000s of pores in nuclear envelope
- Allow material to move into & out of Nucleus
Chromatin / A, P /
- Granular material within nucleus
- DNA bound to protein
- Condenses to form chromosome at the time of cell division
Chromosome / A, P /
- Distinct threadlike
- Contains genetic info
- Blueprint - controls cell activity
- Pass on genetic info to next generation
Nucleolus / A, P /
- Small dense region in nucleus
- Assembly of ribosomes take place here
Cytoplasm / Pro, A, P /
- Clear Gelatinous(jelly) fluid inside the cell
- Chemical reactions take place here
Cytoskeleton / A, P /
- Network of protein filaments
- Helps the cell to maintain its shape & 3 D structure
- Cell movement
Flagella / A /
- Short/long projections of microtubules
- Cell Movement
Microtubule / A, P /
- Hollow tubes of protein
- Maintain cell shape
- Form cilia/flagella
- Separate chromosomes in cell division
Microfilament / A, P /
- Long thin fibers
- Maintain cell shape
- Cell movement & support
Ribosome / Pro, A, P /
- Tiny , abundant
- Made of RNA & Protein
- Site of protein synthesis
Endoplasmic Reticulum / A, P /
- Highly folded memb in cytoplasm
- Rough E.R. (ribosome)
- Smooth E.R. (no ribosomes)
- Connects membrane
- Moves material
- Process protein
- Smooth E.R. – production & storage of carbs & lipid
Golgi Apparatus / A, P /
- Flattened stack of tubular memb
- Found near cell memb
- Sorts & packs protein into vesicle & transports them
Lysosome / A /
- Contains digestive enzymes
- Digests food, bacteria, worn out organelle
Vacuole / P, A (small or none) /
- Sac (membrane bound)
- Stores food, enzyme, and other material
- Support
Mitochondrion / A, P /
- Double membrane bound organelle
- Power house of cell – produces energy for growth, development, and movement
Centrioles/ Basal bodies / A /
- Small structure outside nucleus formed from microtubules
- Helps in cell division (mitosis)
- Helps in forming flagella and cilia
Chloroplast / P /
- Double membrane bound organelle
- Pigment chlorophyll is present in inner menb
- Captures light & converts it into chemical energy
- Pigment chlorophyll (photosynthesis)