Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education

Undergraduate Student Scholarships

Application Form

Page One

The Elementary and Early Childhood Scholarships Committee encourages elementary and/or early childhood students to apply for several scholarships when they are currently enrolled full-time at MSU, Mankato. There are several scholarships available. Please circle the letter of the scholarship/s for which you are applying.

a.  Future Elementary Education Teacher Scholarships for first-year students with a minimum of 3.0 GPA who are majoring in Elementary Education.

b.  Future Kindergarten Teacher Scholarships for students with a minimum of 3.3 GPA, who are seeking licensure to teach Kindergarten.

c.  Student Teaching Scholarships for elementary education students with a minimum of 3.3 GPA during their semester of student teaching.

Name______Last First Middle Initial

Tech ID______Phone______

E-Mail Address______

Present Street Address______

Anticipated Date of Graduation______Cumulative GPA______


Completed Application Packet must include:

·  Completed application form (both pages of this document)

·  Copy of academic record showing current full-time enrollment and cumulative GPA

·  One letter of recommendation addressing leadership experiences, community services, and personal characteristics

·  Essay (maximum 2 pages) presenting your:

-  Qualifications, including stage in your academic studies at MSU

-  Experience and commitment to diversity

-  Financial needs related to your academic career, including, if relevant, during your semester of student teaching

Application deadline is December 2, 2011. Return this application, academic record, letter of recommendation, and essay to: Elementary and Early Childhood Scholarships Committee, College of Education, 328 AH, Mankato, MN 56001.

Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education

Undergraduate Student Scholarships

Application Form

Page Two

Please list:

·  Memberships in professional or honor organizations:

·  Leadership responsibilities you have assumed:

·  Special honors and/or awards you have received:

·  College- or university-sponsored events and activities in which you have participated:

·  Community services in which you have participated:

·  Education-related work or volunteer work experiences which relate to your career aspiration: