AUGUST 8, 2016

Pursuant to due notice and call, the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Hawley City Council was held on Monday, August 8, 2016, in the City Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Johnson with the following members present: Gary E. Johnson, Ben Gunkelman, James Joy, Sean Mork and Carlos Diaz. Also present were Clerk Treasurer Jetvig, Attorney Baer, Engineer Tyson Hajicek, Police Officer Scott Steer, Marc Ness, Jonathan Lowry, Gregg Larson, Craig Fenske and Brady Fenske.

A motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Joy to approve the amended agenda. Ayes: All.

Attorney Baer informed the Council that the previously adopted Ordinance No. 273 did not include the full legal description of the property to be annexed, as required by the State of Minnesota. It has now been amended to add the full legal description and is before the Council tonight for approval.

A motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Mork to approve ORDINANCE NO. 273 An Ordinance of the City of Hawley, Minnesota, Annexing Land Located in Hawley Township, Clay County, Minnesota, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 414.033 Subdivision 2(3), Permitting Annexation by Ordinance. Ayes: All.

Johnson informed the Council that the Hawley Municipal Airport has been awarded a $317,336 grant for runway crack repair and infrastructure improvements for the proposed new hangar building.

A motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Joy to approve RESOLUTION 16-34 Authorization to Execute Minnesota Department of Transportation Grant Agreement and Federal Agreement for Airport Improvement Excluding Land Acquisition. Ayes: All.

Jetvig informed the Council that the Airport Commission was not satisfied with the runway crack repair project. The contractor came back and is fixing the repairs. The Airport Commission is scheduled to meet August 16th.

Brady Fenske appeared before the Council with his proposed Eagle Scout project. He would like to construct a brick flower bed with a sign at the Hawley Area Fire Department. Solar lights would be installed pointing at the flag pole and sign. The projected cost of his project is $1,500 and he will ask for donations to fund the project. The project would be completed in 2017. It was noted that the flower bed would be movable if the fire department relocates.

A motion was made by Gunkelman, seconded by Mork to approve the proposed Eagle Scout Project by Brady Fenske to construct a brick flower bed with a sign at the Hawley Area Fire Department. Ayes: All.

Hajicek presented the Council with the plans and specifications for the proposed "test" on-street bike/walk lanes. The lanes would be 10' wide and painted on the north side of Reno Street between 7th Street and 1st Street, and the west side of 1st Street between Reno Street and Joseph Street. Directional signage and No Parking signs will be installed to make the area safe.

A motion was made by Gunkelman, seconded by Mork to approve the plans/specs, and authorize Engineer Hajicek to get quotes for the proposed on-street bike/walk lanes project. Ayes: All.

Gunkelman gave the Council an update on the Study Review Committee Comprehensive Plan and reviewed the newly drafted Sidewalk Improvement Program. The committee is now working with David Burns from FM Metro COG and has been satisfied with his work.

Gunkelman informed the Council that there is a Heartland Trail meeting in Hawley on August 17, 2016 at 1:30 p.m.

A discussion ensued regarding the Joint Local (Clay County) Governing Boards round table meeting held on August 4, 2016 in Dilworth. There was a lot of good open discussion regarding issues in the county. It was noted that the Clay County Commission is proposing a sales tax to fund the new correctional facility. The issue will be on the November ballot. If the sales tax proposal fails, the County Commissioners stated that the facility will be funded through County property taxes.

The Council reviewed the 2015 TIF Reports as prepared by David Drown Associates, Inc. The annual report is required by the State of Minnesota. The City of Hawley had 5 active TIFs in 2015 and all are in compliance.

Officer Steer gave the Council a Night to Unite update. Steer stated that there was tremendous community support with the largest attendance the event has ever had. Steer thanked all the individuals/organizations that helped make the event a huge success.

A motion was made by Mork, seconded by Joy to approve RESOLUTION 16-35 Accepting Donations, Authorizing Expenditures, Releasing Investment Savings Funds for Expenses, and Budget Adjustments 2016 Night to Unite. Ayes: All.

The Council thanked Steer and the Police Department for all their work on the event.

Mork gave the Council an Emergency Response District update.

Mork gave the Council a Hawley Area Fire District update.

A discussion ensued regarding the e-mail from Mary Phillippi, Director of Red River Regional Dispatch Center, stating that their Board of Authority approved the 2017 budget for $4,179,300.15. When the numbers were put into the breakdown by entity document, it was incorrectly entered as $4,079,300.15 so the funding amounts per entity were incorrect on the document. Staff will check with Clay County to see what the City of Hawley will be billed for RRRD in 2017.

Diaz stated that there is a storm sewer that needs to be repaired on O'Donnell Street and there are three sanitary sewer manholes that are sticking up on the Safe Paths sidewalk because the sidewalk has settled. Public Works Superintendent Kluck received quotes from Key Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $7,500 for the storm sewer street repair, and $12,800 for the Safe Path sidewalk repairs.

A motion was made by Diaz, seconded by Mork to approve the quotes from Key Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $7,500 for storm sewer repair on O'Donnell Street, and $12,800 for repairs to the Safe Path sidewalk.

Gunkelman stated that he would like Kluck to get another quote for the sidewalk repairs.

It was noted that the sanitary sewer manholes on the Safe Path sidewalk should be marked for safety.

Mork rescinded his second to the motion.

A motion was made by Gunkelman, seconded by Joy to approve the quote from Key Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $7,500 to repair the storm sewer on O'Donnell Street. Ayes: All.

Diaz stated that Forterra (formerly Cretex) is requesting permission to pile and burn several trees/branches on their farmstead east of their plant that were damaged during a storm.

It was discussed that the City provides a burn pile for all City of Hawley residents and businesses to use. The Council does not want to set a precedent of allowing burning on private property.

A motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Joy to deny the request from Forterra to burn on their property. Ayes: All.

Diaz stated that the City of Hawley is selling a 2002 Cougar Smart Flow Mosquito Sprayer by sealed bids. The bids were due today but no bids were received.

Diaz informed the Council that there is a Liquor Committee meeting scheduled for August 22, 2016.

Gunkelman stated that the Hawley Planning Commission met on August 4, 2016 and held 2 Public Hearings in regards to the Autumn View Addition proposed preliminary/final plat, and the proposed zoning map amendment. The Planning Commission thoroughly reviewed the applications, City requirements, and comments received on these issues. Their recommendation is for: Conditional Approval on the Autumn View Addition Preliminary/Final Plat, on the condition that upon Council review of the Engineer’s Feasibility Report, and they find that the infrastructure can be installed in a feasible manner with the proposed Street and lot configurations.

Engineer Hajicek presented the Council with the feasibility report for Autumn View Addition including the necessary street improvements to Leonard Street, sanitary sewer, water main and storm sewer utilities required to facilitate the development.

The proposed development is an 11 lot subdivision for residential housing in the newly annexed area north of the intersection of Leonard and Hartford Streets. The estimated cost of the infrastructure project is $540,000. The project is 100% petitioned for so no public hearing is needed.

Gunkelman questioned if the infrastructure can be installed in a feasible manner with the proposed street and lot configurations. Engineer Hajicek stated that it is a feasible project as supported by the feasibility report.

A motion was made by Gunkelman, seconded by Joy to approve the Autumn View Addition Preliminary & Final Plat, as recommended by the Hawley Planning Commission. Ayes: All.

Gunkelman reported that the Planning Commission recommends Approval on the City of Hawley Zoning Map Amendment to include the new Plat, Autumn View Addition, with a combination of R-1 and R-3 zoning.

A motion was made by Gunkelman, seconded by Joy to approve City of Hawley ORDINANCE NO. 274 An Ordinance Revising the Official Zoning Map, as recommended by the Hawley Planning Commission. Ayes: All.

Gunkelman informed the Council that the Planning Commission has reviewed and found that the proposed improvement (to install water mains/services, sanitary sewer mains/services, storm sewer, paved City street, and curb and gutter) for Autumn View Addition is in compliance with the City of Hawley Comprehensive Plan.

A motion was made by Gunkelman, seconded by Mork to approve RESOLUTION 16-36 Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans Autumn View Addition. Ayes: All.

Engineer Hajicek presented the Council with the plans and specifications for the Autumn View Addition Sanitary Sewer, Water Main, Storm Sewer, and Street Improvements project. If the Council decides to proceed with the project, the bids could be due by August 30, 2016 and reviewed/awarded at the September 6, 2016 Council meeting.

Hajicek informed the Council that he requested quotes from 2 companies to complete soil borings for the project. Braun Intertec quoted the soil borings at $3,945.50. The other company did not quote the project with the required short time-frame.

Gregg Larson, developer of the proposed Autumn View Addition, informed the Council that he has seen the feasibility report, estimates, and plans and specs and he is ready to move forward with the project.

A motion was made by Gunkelman, seconded by Mork to approve RESOLUTION 16-37 Approving Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids Autumn View Addition. Ayes: All.

A motion was made by Gunkelman, seconded by Joy to approve the quote from Braun Intertec in the amount of $3,945.50 for soil borings for the Autumn View Addition project. Ayes: All.

Gunkelman informed the Council that the Planning Commission recommends appointing Ben Gunkelman to fill the vacancy on the Board of Adjustment left by the resignation of Jay Swanson.

A motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Joy to approve the following consent items:

-June 2016 Fund Balance Report

-Night to Unite 2016 Proclamation

-CDFA Financing Roundtable Training

-August/September 2016 Meetings Calendars

The motion carried by a vote of Ayes: All.

A motion was made by Joy, seconded by Mork to approve the following accounts payable $640,223.09. The motion carried by a vote of Ayes: All.

There being no further business at 7:00 p.m. it was moved by Joy, seconded by Gunkelman that the meeting be adjourned. Ayes: All.



Gary E. Johnson Lisa Jetvig

Mayor Clerk Treasurer