Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Application for Admission

Upload this to the Supplementary Section of your AY application.


Anticipated Student Status

Indicate your student status below. Part-time means that you are pursuing your studies on a part-time basis and may be employed elsewhere (within or outside the University). Full time means that your primary responsibility is your studies even though you may have a part time job outside the University or within the University as a graduate assistant, student worker or staff member.

Are you planning on participating as a Full-time or Part-time student? Full-time Part-time

Explain anticipated part-time/full-time status if necessary:

Financial Support

Are you seeking financial support? Yes No (Please note - there are a limited number of graduate assistantships available through the department, and generally these are awarded to full-time students pursuing the Ph.D. rather than the M.A.)

Are you available to work during the daytime? Yes No

Upload your Resume/CV to the AY application system.