Baylor University

Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders

Responsibilities of a CSD Major

  1. Prerequisite for upper level courses:

Must have completed and earned a "B" or better in each of the following courses:

  • CSD 1308Introduction to Speech Pathology and Audiology
  • CSD 2318 Language Development
  • CSD 2351 Introduction to Phonological Science
  • CSD 3357 Anatomy & Physiology of Speech and Hearing
  1. Minimum 3.0 GPA average in the CSD courses required for retention in major.
  1. Conditions for a grade of D/F in a CSD Course

NOTE: A student who earns a D or F in a CSD course may repeat the course.

However,a student earning a second D or F in the same course, or in a subsequent CSD course, will not be eligible to continue in the Communication Sciences and Disorders major. The student may, however, be eligible to continuestudies in another major in the University. Students who believe they have individualcircumstances warranting an exception to these grade minimums and failure policies may appeal to the department chair.

  1. Basic Science Requirements- Student must understand the difference between the following:
  1. Requirements of the Robbins College of Health and Human Sciences

In order to graduate from Baylor in the Robbins College of Health and Human Sciences, you will be given choices about which science class you would like to take. As long as you fulfill these requirements, you will be able to graduate from Baylor with a CSD major.

  1. ASHA Basic Science Requirements for Graduate School

If you are considering applying for a CSD Graduate Program, ASHA requires that you take specific Basic Science Courses. These requirements are universal (i.e. will be required no matter where you go to Graduate School as long as it is a Certified Program). If you plan on applying for Graduate School, you MUST take these specific courses! [Please see next page for ASHA required courses.]

ASHA Required Courses for all Students

Attending a Certified CSD Graduate Program

Required Basic Science Coursework

ASHA standards for certification in Speech-Language Pathology require demonstrated knowledge of the biological sciences, physical sciences, statistics, and the social/behavioral sciences (Standard IV-A). ASHA specifies that these courses must be taken from an accredited College or University.

Please see the table below of acceptable ASHA Basic Science Courses for students attending a Certified CSD Graduate Program.

Course Area / Acceptable Courses / Exceptions
Biological Sciences /
  • Biology
  • Human Anatomy & Physiology
  • Neuroanatomy
  • Neurophysiology
  • Human Genetics
/ Courses specifically related to CSD may not be applied for certification purposes to this category.
Sciences /
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
/ Courses specifically related to CSD may not be applied for certification purposes to this category.
Statistics /
  • Statistics
  • Statistical Data Analysis
/ Research methodology courses in CSD may not be used to satisfy the statistics requirement.
Social/Behavioral Sciences /
  • Psychology * (preferred)
  • Sociology
  • Anthropology
/ Courses must be listed under Social or Behavioral Sciences by university.

Note: When you enter a CSD Graduate Program, the Graduate Program Director will review the basic science coursework that you have taken to ensure that you have met the 2016 ASHA Standards.

•Courses must be taken at an accredited college or university and official transcript documentation of each course is required.

•All courses must be a minimum of 3 credits and a passing grade must have been obtained.

•Course descriptions, syllabi, and other materials may be required to demonstrate that a given course fulfills the requirement, which is determined by the Graduate Program Director of the program you are attending.