The Lord’s Day – June 1, 2014

Pastor Roger Bouwman

Welcome to the Sibley Christian Reformed Church …

A place to gather, worship, and praise the Lord!

Morning Worship 9:30 A.M.



*Call to Worship - based on Hebrews 4:14; Revelation 5:10, 12:

Leader: Jesus Christ has come into heaven and is at God’s right hand—

with angels, authorities, and powers in submission to him.

Congregation: Since we have a great high priest who has gone into heaven—

Jesus, the Son of God—let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.

Leader: Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!

Congregation: Blessing, glory, wisdom, thanks, honor, power, and strength be to

our God forevermore!

Leader: Let us praise his holy name!

Congregation: Alleluia, Amen!

*God’s Greeting—Revelation 1:4b-5a:

“Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven-fold Spirit before his throne, and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth.”

*We Greet One Another

*Song of Praise: “Hark! Ten Thousand Harps and Voices” Blue #367: all


Call to self-examination—preparing to take part in Holy Communion, Blue p. 155

Prayer in unison: Almighty God, before whom can be neither secret thought nor hidden deed, grant us your Spirit that we may know our hearts, our lives, and our inmost thoughts as you know them. Grant us your grace that we may repent sincerely of all sin, find peace with you through our Lord Jesus Christ, and grow in assurance of salvation in him. May the celebration of our Savior’s infinite love in his redeeming death and resurrection bring joy to us and glory to you. Amen.

Song of Praise: “Safely Through Another Week” Blue #320:1,2 & 4


Pastoral Prayer

Offering 1st blue bag – General Budget

2nd red bag – Christian Education


*Song of Preparation: “At the Name of Jesus” Blue # 372:1 & 3

*Prayer for Illumination

Scripture: Matthew 20:1-16 (page 1529)

Sermon: “Have We Checked Carefully for Envy?”

Prayer for Application

*Song of Application: “How Vast the Benefits Divine” Blue # 386: all


*Benediction —Revelation 1:5b-6

“To Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom ad priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power forever and ever! Amen.”

*Doxology: “Shout for the Blessed Jesus Reigns” Blue #400:5

*Moment of Reflection


*please stand if able

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TODAY is PREPARATORY SUNDAY. The Lord willing, we hope to celebrate the Lord’s Supper next Sunday morning. Therefore, God’s word instructs us to examine our lives prior to partaking of the sacrament.

There will be a Vespers Communion service held in the Council room next Sunday at 4:30 p.m. for anyone who is not able to attend the service in the morning.

We welcome Pastor Roger Bouwman to our pulpit as he leads us in our worship services. May the Lord bless the proclamation of His Holy Word.

Today you are asked to give your offering for Missions in a marked envelope.

Thank you.

Next Sunday Pastor Roger Bouwman will lead our worship services.

Everyone is invited to stay for coffee fellowship following the morning service.

Coffee servers will be Rich & Harriet Vande Hoef, Donna Grave & Arlene Schuller

Next Sunday coffee servers will be Arnie & Mary Braaksma, Gerrit & Erma De Jong

Evening Worship 5:00 P.M.



Prayer of Adoration:

Leader: We give you thanks, great God, for the hope we have in Jesus,

who died but is risen and rules over all. We praise you for his presence with us.

Because he lives, we look for eternal life, knowing that nothing past, present, or

yet to come can separate us from your great love in Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Congregation: Amen

God’s Greeting

Song of Praise: “Praise Him! Praise Him! Red # 106: all

Our Testimony: Our World Belongs to God, paragraphs 53, 54 & 55

Songs of Faith: “My Faith Looks Up to Thee: Red # 410:1-3

“Where the Spirit of the Lord Is” Red # 253

Prayer for Illumination

Scripture: 1 Peter 2:19-25

Sermon: “Christ Was Wounded to Break the Cycle of Wounding”

Prayer of Application

Hymn for Application: “Lead On, O King Eternal” Red # 483: all

Pastoral Prayer (requests welcome)

Offering Christian Education

Offertory Hymn “We Are So Blessed” Red # 564

*Benediction—Numbers 6:24-26

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be

gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.”

*Doxology: “For the Beauty of the Earth” Red # 560:4 & 5

*Moment of Reverence

*please stand if able

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PRAYER LIST of our servicemen:

Amos Kleinwolterink (grandson of Clem Kleinwolterink)

Dylan Johnson (nephew of Lori and Loren Bosma)
Patrick Kyle Whitley (grandson of Irene Timmerman)

James Frangenberg (grandson of Charles and Joyce Bosma)

Preston Smidt (grandson of Ed and Mary Ellen Smidt)

Dan Fisher (nephew of Cliff & Karen Wynia)


Remember our shut ins in your prayers and with your visits:

Sibley Nursing & Rehab Center: Judy Eekhoff, Clem Kleinwolterink,

Richard Starkenburg, Josie Vogel, Esther Zonnefeld

In her own home: Alice Offringa


TODAY 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship service

5:00 p.m. Evening Worship service

WEDNESDAY 7:00 p.m. Elders & deacons meeting

8:00 p.m. Council meeting

NEXT SUNDAY 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship service

5:00 p.m. Evening Worship service

Offerings next Sunday will be for General Budget and Cornerstone Prison Church

All articles for The Messenger should be given to the editor or put in The Messenger box by Sunday June 15th.

The Osceola Community hospital auxiliary is sponsoring a Lunch and Learn on Thursday, June 5, 2014, beginning at noon at the hospital multi-purpose room. Margie Braaksma will be demonstrating tabletop gardening and sharing what is new in miniature plants for terrariums, dish gardens and fairy gardens. Cost is five dollars and everyone should pre-register by calling 754-2574 ext. 216.

A one day purse sale will be held at the Osceola Community Hospital education room on Thursday, June 5, 2014. The hours are 10 am to 5 pm with all proceeds benefiting ongoing projects supported by the Osceola Community Hospital Auxiliary. Find that perfect handbag from the 150 available for sale.

Hope Haven will be holding its Annual Fishing Benefit at Lake Francis Case, Ft. Randall Dam on Friday, June 6, 2014, rain or shine. Registration fee is $60 which includes evening meal, entry gift, and eligibility for weigh-in prize categories. All proceeds will benefit the Hope Haven Support Foundation. Registration is due by June 5th. For more information and to register, visit or call Missy at 712-476-3174. Come enjoy a day of food, friends, fellowship and fishing!

Run, Walk & Roll –You are invited to walk, run or roll in your wheelchair for a great cause at the 9th annual Run, Walk & Roll at Village Northwest Unlimited. There will be a 5K and 10K run, and a 1 mile walk/roll event on Saturday, June 7, beginning at 8am. Register by calling Judy at (712) 324-5416 or online at You may also choose to raise sponsorship from family & friends. Join the fun -- together we can make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities!


Board of the Bibles for Mission Thrift Store invite all of their volunteers and spouses to their annual picnic. It will be held at Centennial Park in Worthington, MN on June 11 at 6:00 p.m. Please bring lawn chairs.

Dordt College Media Camp has openings for their week-long academic summer camp for high school students interested in media and broadcasting. Held on campus June 16 through 20, students stay in the resident halls, eat meals in the dining hall, enjoy activities with new friends, and dive into their field of study, learning from experts in their fields. Learn more at

As you make summer plans, we hope those plans include attending Unity’s 50th Anniversary Celebration on August 8-9-10, 2014! Golf outing, pancake breakfast, road race, kids’ carnival, all-school picnic and praise celebration are just a few of the events planned for the weekend. To register for events, please go to (Click on Forms and Documents) or call 712-737-4114 or email .

Unity Christian High School is looking for Christian families interested in hosting an international student for the 2014-2015 school year. This is a great opportunity for your family to learn about another country and gives you the chance to be a missionary in your own living room. Students pay their own tuition, and there is a stipend for host families so the experience does not create a financial burden. For more information contact Jennifer Griffith at .

This news comes from a Christian Reformed World Missions missionary in Nigeria: By now you will have heard of the bombings in Jos, Nigeria, last Tuesday. On Saturday night at about 9 p.m. the peace in Jos was once again broken by an explosion. A suicide bomber attempted to drive into a crowded area where many people had gathered to watch a televised European soccer championship match.

We thank God that the bomb detonated before reaching the intended target, resulting in a much lower number of casualties. All CRCNA personnel in Nigeria are accounted for and safe. Security precautions have been taken. Pray that the message preached from pulpits will continue to be one of grace and peace, so that the impulse to violence will be restrained. We covet your ongoing prayers for Jos and for Nigeria as a whole.

Ride for Tim for the month of June is Garrold Bootsma


Next Sunday: Janie Vander Griend

USHERS TODAY Henry Davelaar

Next Sunday Duane Runia, Scott Arneson


Next Sunday: Pearl Vander Pol

GREETERS TODAY: A.M Leon Runia’s & George Steen’s

Next Sunday A.M Darrell Teerink’s & Gene Wietzema’s

NURSERY TODAY A.M Mary Ellen Smidt & Tiffany Ling

Next Sunday A.M Murt Vogel & Dylan Runia

God’s Love

God’s love is like an island

In life’s ocean vast and wide –

A peaceful, quiet shelter

From the restless, rising tide. . .

God’s love is like an anchor

When the angry billows roll –

A morning in the storms of life,

A stronghold for the soul. . .

God’s love is like a fortress

And we seek protection there

When the waves of tribulation

Seem to drown us in despair. . .

God’s love is like a harbor

Where our souls can find sweet rest

From the struggle and the tension

Of life’s fast and futile quest. . .

God’s love is like a beacon

Burning bright with faith and prayer

And through the changing scenes of life

We can find a haven there!

Helen Steiner Rice