Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Trader Notice: ABP No. 2/2017

Subject: Conditions for the Transport and Dispatch of MBM and PAP

To: All Category 1 and Category 3 Rendering Plants

1.  Background/legal basis

Regulation EU 142/2011, Chapters I & II of Annex VIII, outlines the requirements for collection, transport and identification of animal by-products and derived products. Under the Regulation, containers, including trailers, must be dedicated to the carriage of a particular product to the extent necessary to avoid cross-contamination. This is important in the context of TSE controls and, in particular, the need to ensure that infected processed product does not enter the food or feed chain.

This trader notices deals with the transportation and dispatch of meat-and-bone meal[1] (MBM) and processed animal protein (PAP). The scope of the trader noticed is limited to the transport and dispatch MBM/PAP in tipper trailers.

2.  Requirements

2.1  Trailer Register

The management of each processing plant must maintain a register of the trailers used to transport the MBM/PAP produced at that plant from the point of loading to its point of destination. This includes the transport of MBM/PAP to and from storage plants.

Under no circumstances can MBM/PAP be dispatched from a processing/storage facility except in a trailer whose identification is recorded on the processing plant trailer register (which contains the following information):

·  Numerical identification

·  The receptacle chassis number

·  Authorised category of MBM/PAP for transportation

·  Owner

·  Date of listing

·  Date of delisting

·  Date of cleaning and disinfection as indicated on the cleaning cert at the time of delisting (see Trader Notice TN ABP 7/2016)

An up-to-date register must be made available to the veterinary inspector responsible for the processing plant and to the SAO responsible for each storage plant being used by the company when requested.

If a processing company wishes to delist a trailer:

i.  The trailer must be washed and disinfected.

ii.  A copy of the cleaning and disinfection certificate (Clean 3 Form – see TN ABP 7/2016) or an equivalent clean certificate must be available for inspection by a DAFM officer when required. If an outside haulier is being used, it is the responsibility of that haulier to forward a copy of the certificate to the processing company.

iii.  The date of delisting and the date of cleaning and disinfection as indicated on the cleaning certificate must be entered in the trailer register.

2.2  Trailer identification

The identification of each trailer used in the transportation of MBM/PAP must consist of the following:

a) Numerical Identification

·  An alphabetical letter corresponding to the haulier’s company name or the processing company if it is the active haulier, and

·  Numerical digits comprising of one to three numbers.

b) Category description

All trailers must be clearly marked as follows:

Category 1 – For Disposal Only

Category 3 - Not for Human Consumption

All signs must be PERMANENTLY attached on both sides of the trailer i.e. bolted, welded or riveted, in such a way they are clearly legible and visible. It will not suffice to have the signs attached with glue magnets or slide in slots.

2.3  General hygiene requirements

·  The trailers must be maintained in a clean condition and the external surfaces and canopies must have no evidence of MBM/PAP at any time during the outward or return trip.

·  The trailers must be covered when transporting MBM/PAP and should show no evidence of leakage or damage.

2.4  Dedication

Trailers used for the transport of MBM/PAP should be dedicated to category 1 or category 3 respectively.

2.5  Backloads

2.5.1 Backloads in Trailers carrying MBM/PAP

Under certain circumstances, trailers will be allowed to transport “inert” materials on a return journey.

If a processing company or a haulage company wishes to carry back loads of non-MBM/PAP material, it must apply in writing to:

Animal By-Products Section,

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM)

Grattan House,

Grattan Business Centre,

Dublin Road, Portlaoise, Co. Laois. R32 RY6V

The company must receive approval in advance from DAFM.

Inert materials include coal, quarried stone, etc. Upon application to DAFM the proposed material to be transported must be stated for consideration by DAFM and approval will be based upon only the material declared in the application.

2.5.2 Conditions for a trailer carrying a back load

·  The trailer must be cleaned at the point of unloading of the MBM/PAP – gross clean (all visible material removed)

·  The weighbridge docket at the point of loading of the back load and the weighbridge docket at the point of unloading must be kept by the haulier and accompany the back load at all times. These documents must be stored in the trailer document box.

2.6  Change of Category

Where for commercial reasons it is required to change the category transported in a trailer, the following requirements apply in the various circumstances prior to the intended date of change:

Change from Category 3 PAP to Category 1 MBM

·  Amend the trailer register to reflect the trailer’s new status

Change from Category 1 MBM to Category 3 PAP

·  Amend the trailer register to reflect the trailer’s new status

·  A cleaning and disinfections certificate or an equivalent clean certificate must be issued to the veterinary inspector in charge of the processing plant.

It is the responsibility of each processing company to put in place a system that ensures the trailers recorded on their trailer register are not involved in the transport and contamination of food, feed, the ingredients of food or feed and synthetic or organic fertilisers.

2.7  Documentation

a) Movement within Ireland

All MBM/PAP that is transported within Ireland must be accompanied by an A4 commercial document in accordance with ABP Trader Notice 01/2015.

b) Movement to other countries within the European Union

All MBM/PAP transported within the European Union must be accompanied by an A3 commercial document in accordance with ABP Trader Notice 01/2015.

MBM consignments must be notified to the country of destination via TRACES. (Member States should be authorised to require operators to use the integrated computerised veterinary system (TRACES) in order to provide proof of the arrival of consignments of animal by-products or derived products at the place of destination.)

All commercial documents must be kept for a period of three years.

3.  DAFM Staff Supervision

3.1  General supervision and random checks

A DAFM officer (TAO/SAO) will randomly check trailers involved in transport of MBM/PAP.

3.2  Dispatch records

The dispatch of all processed product is to be recorded by plant staff in the processing plant/storage plants and be available to the DAFM Officer (TAO/SAO) for verification purposes. The following information, as a minimum, should be recorded:

·  Date

·  Weight consigned

·  Associated weight docket number

·  Trailer identification number

·  Commercial document serial number

Date of Issue: 15 March, 2017

Milk & Meat Hygiene/ABP/TSE Division

20170315 final version. Rev 0 Page 1 of 4

[1] ‘meat-and-bone meal’ means animal protein derived from the processing of category 1 or category 2 materials in accordance with one of the processing methods set out in Chapter III of Annex IV of Regulation (EU) No. 142/2011.