Assessment Report Form 2014-2015
Please complete one Assessment Report Form for each program or service that is assessed
Department Name: University Health Services
Submitted By – Name and Title: Pamela Stokes MSN, RN Nurse Manager
Date: 7/31/14
Department Website URL:
Telephone: 405-744-7287
Program / Service Description
Name the program / service being assessed: Travel Health
Describe the program, including purpose and goals. Limit to one paragraph.
UHS’ travel health is provided to students, faculty, and staff who are utilizing our clinic to prepare to travel out of the country. This program teaches on health, hygiene, safety, and provides medications for travel. With new improvements coming this fall, a pre and post assessment will be completed to ensure the experience has been helpful and that the patient has acquired the knowledge needed to travel.
OSU Student Affairs Learning Outcomes – Six Pillars of Student Success
(See Six Pillars website at Indicate the Student Affairs Learning Outcomes related to this assessment project. Check all that apply.
Academic Excellence
Broadening Your Horizons
Finding Your Purpose
Service and Civic Engagement
Not Related to any OSU Student Affairs Learning Outcomes/Six Pillars
Program/Service Student Learning Outcome with Target Achievement Level
Student Learning Outcomes defined: A Student Learning Outcome (SLO) refers to the knowledge, skills and abilities that a student has attained as a result of his or her engagement in a particular set of higher education experiences.
Student Behavioral Outcomes defined: A Student Behavioral Outcome (SBO) is a clear and unambiguous description of your educational expectation for students. A behavioral outcome includes student behavior, the conditions of performance, and performance criteria.
Enter Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) or Student Behavioral Outcomes (SBO) associated with the program or service identified in this assessment template.
· Identify the Action Verb(s) associated with each SLO/SBO. Examples of action verbs include: predict, formulate, plan, select, describe, evaluate, etc.
· Identify the Achievement Level (level of learning, mastery, or proficiency) associated with each SLO/SBO. Examples of achievement levels include: 1 = Remembering/Knowledge (recall, name); 2 = Understanding/Comprehension (explain, identify); 3 = Applying (perform, implement), 4 = Analyzing (contrast, test); 5 = Synthesizing (design, formulate); 6 = Evaluating (argue, critique).
1. SLO / SBO #1: Patient will evaluate their personal behaviors in relation to the specific health topics by recalling information disseminated during their travel appointment.
Identify the Action verb for this above SLO/SBO: evaluate
Identify the Achievement Level for this SLO/SBO: 6
2. SLO / SBO #2: Ultimately, patients will improve their overall health behaviors as a result of the presented topic.
Identify the Action verb for this above SLO/SBO: improve
Identify the Achievement Level for this SLO/SBO: 5
Assessment Project Start date: spring 2015
Assessment Project End date: each semester
Identify the target population or sample being assessed and the size of the population or sample. If appropriate, please include sampling technique used.
Student Target Sample: those traveling abroad
Sample Size: varies
Sampling Technique: all-encompassing, we will evaluate every travel appointment
Type of Assessment
Identify the type of assessment that will be conducted. (Check all that apply)
Student learning outcomes and/or behavior outcomes
Satisfaction Survey
Needs Assessment
Program/Department Review
Assessment of Culture/Climate
Assessment of Physical Environment
Measuring effectiveness relative to professional standards
Other - Please specify:
Assessment Methods
Identify the assessment method(s) that will be used in this project. (Check all that apply).
Focus Group
Rating of Skills
Rating of skills (e.g. rubrics)
Student Narratives, Journaling
Document Analysis
Card Swipe/Participant Count
Visual Collection (photos, videos, etc.)
Student Research and Data
Other - Please specify:
Describe the participation or usage of students in your program or event. Discuss any trends or significant changes in participation or usage.
During the spring semester there were a total of 36 travel appointments completed at University Health Services (UHS). They all verbally consented to participate in this assessment. The questions asked are all similar to the follow-up phone calls that are often done on patients visiting UHS. No information was documented in our electronic health record and no identifying data was collected for research. This was simply done to evaluate the effectiveness of our travel education. Each participant was asked a series of pre-travel questions (attached) and was told that they would receive a call after their return date for a post travel follow-up. Out of the 36 travel appointments, 28 were given the post travel questions and 8 were called 3 times each, unsuccessfully. This was the first time performing this assessment so at this time there are no significant changes to note. Overall, the participants expressed a need for the information given during the appointment, supporting our practice at this time.
Key Results
Bullet points highlighting relevant findings. Please include any visually appealing graphs or other visual displays available.
· The assessment validated the need for UHS’s travel health program.
· Patient’s expressed a need for information on eating practices, packing, and mosquito control when traveling abroad.
· A large portion of the participants already knew about health risks to the area.
· Patient’s utilized the information to improve health while traveling.
Summary of Results
What did your data reveal? What did you learn? Limit to one paragraph.
Initially, 8 individuals (out of the 28) stated that they were not aware of the health risks of the region they were traveling to, or the preventative medications that were recommended/required. After their travel visit with UHS, they reported an awareness of risks, understood medications, and in many cases requested or received the med before travel. Out of those individuals, 2 were sick while traveling. One stated that as a result of the teaching, they knew what medications to take to treat themselves. The other had an allergic reaction to medications prescribed.
Out of the 28 that completed the post travel assessment, 24 stated that they utilized the information given to them in the appointment. The following categories were mentioned by participants as the educational topics that were most utilized during their travel: eating practices (20 participants), mosquito control (18), packing (16), disease (12), medications (9), other (2), and embassy information (1). One participant stated, “This is the best healthcare I have ever received in preparation for traveling abroad.”
Decisions and Recommendations
What could have been done differently?
If future concerns arise the template can be revised to give more detailed information. At this time a few close-ended questions are used.
Based on collected data, in the future, what changes will you make to your program?
At this time, the information received supports our need for providing educational training to our travel patients. We will continue with the new program that has been implemented and perhaps identify additional topics that need to be added to our program.
A large portion of the participants had traveled before and were aware of the health risks prior to their appointment. Perhaps the pre-test can be given over the phone when making their appointment to discover what relevant information should be given when they arrive at UHS.
Please provide a copy of your assessment tool (questionnaire, scale, interview questions, etc.) see below
Date of return:
Travel Assessment
-Are you aware of the potential health risks in the area you are traveling to?
Yes No
-Are you aware of any medications needed to travel to this area?
Yes No If yes, list______
If yes, do you know what it is/how to use it?______
-Are you now aware of the potential health risks in the area you traveled to?
Yes No
-Did you acquire any sickness/disease while traveling or as a result of traveling?
Yes No
-Did you use the medication recommended/prescribed?
Yes No NA
-Did you utilize the information given to you during your travel appointment?
Yes No If yes:
__packing list __Med advice __eating/drinking education __climate __embassy __disease info __mosquito control/info __other