Llwydcoed Primary
Policy on Administration of Prescribed Medicines
Medical treatment in Schools
School staff have a professional duty to safeguard the health and safety of pupils, both when they are authorised to be on school premises and where they are engaged in authorised school activities elsewhere. However, this does not imply a duty upon school staff to administer medication.
There are occasions when a school may be requested to administer a prescribed 'medicine or treatment to a pupil. This advice has been formulated for the guidance of Headteachers in situations where there are pupils who need to take medicines under adult supervision. At all times, the responsibility for the correct administration of medication rests with the Headteacher. Where the Headteacher has agreed that medication is to be administered within their school, appropriate arrangements must be made to ensure that procedures fall within the parameters of this document. It is impossible to envisage the extent of changing circumstances in relation to the administration of medical treatments. As such circumstances arise Headteachers should contact Human Resources to ensure that the required training: and procedural matters are appropriately co-ordinated. Wherever possible, parents may be requested to assist in the administration of medication.
When a child's medication needs are first identified, the Headteacher will ensure that the appropriate staff are adequately trained. Having due regard to the needs of the service, every individual has the right to refuse to be involved in the administration of medication/treatment.
Training will be identified and co-ordinated by the Health Professional in each individual
case in consultation with the Headteacher. Training will be carried out on an individual
case basis involving the Health Professional, parent/carer and designated members
of staff that are prepared to undertake such training. Staff training will be reassessed
as and when new situations arise. Training will continue until such time as the Health
Professional and members of staff concerned are satisfied that they are competent in
the administration of medication/treatment. Training will be certified by the Health
Professional and counter-signed by the parent/carer recognising staff competency
(Appendix-2). If the Health Professional does not regard any member of staff as being
competent to administer medication in specific circumstances, training will not be given.
In such instances, the reason for refusing to train certain staff will be conveyed to the
Headteacher and member/s of staff concerned. A copy of any procedural guidelines drawn up by the Health Authority will be retained within the school and will be available to all members of staff involved in the administration of medication/treatment.
When a child is suffering from a long-term condition which can be effectively controlled by regular medication, we will make arrangements for the safe keeping and administration of that child's medicine in accordance with this procedure to minimize any disruption to the child's schooling.
The Headteacher will exercise discretion when they are approached by parents or pupils with a request to undertake the safe-keeping or administration of a prescribed medicine.
The Headteacher will contact Human Resources(HR) if any assistance is required on this matter. On occasions where the special medical needs of the child fall outside the guidelines set out within this document, the Headteacher will contact HR who will liaise with the Health Authority to ensure appropriate training is provided for staff and schools are issued with procedural guidelines. Headteachers can also obtain interim guidance and support from the nominated School Doctor or Health Visitor.
Medicines can either be obtained on the prescription of a medical or dental-practitioner, or can be purchased. For the purposes of this document, only prescribed medicine will be considered: staff will not be required to administer proprietary medicines bought by parents. The administration of injections are to be undertaken by the parent, guardian or Health Professional.
Prescribed medicines will fall into one of the following categories:
1)Liquid preparations, such as mixtures and syrups. Administration must always follow the dosage indicated on the label of the preparation. Spoons/syringes necessary to administer preparations would be supplied by the parent requesting the administration.
2)Tablets, capsules and other solid dose forms for oral administration. If any such
medicine needs to be dissolved in water before administration this instruction should appear on the label. In any case, tablets and capsules should always be taken with a drink of wafer. If the administration veers away from normal practices, guidance should be sought from the General Practitioner and the revised instructions documented.
3) Powders and granules. Single doses must be presented in individual sachets. Instructions for their administration will usually be printed on each sachet.
4) Inhalers such as Spinhalers, Rotahalers and Nebulisers, which the child has been trained to use him/herself, with or without support, in the treatment of asthma.
5) Other treatments may include invasive clinical procedures, such as the administration of rectal valium/diazepam , the insertion of pessaries or suppositories, external tube feeding and catheterisation. These duties can only be undertaken by members of staff who have completed the agrees form of training, as identified by the appropriate Health professional
Medicines in points 1-5 above, may be administered by designated staff under the direction of the Headteacher and/or Deputy Headteacher.
When medicine is dispensed by a pharmacist it will be labelled with the following information:
1) The name of the person for whom it was prescribed
2) The name of the medicine and strength where appropriate.
3) The date on which it was dispensed.
4) The dose and frequency of administration.
5) Any special instructions as to storage or administration.
6) Any date after which it should not be used.
Any prescribed medicine should only be taken by the person whose name is on the label. Any attached label giving additional information should not obscure the original label.
- Requests to school for the administration of medicines/treatment or variation to medication/treatment must be made in writing; stating clearly the name of the child, the name of the medicine, the dose, the times of administration, the duration of treatment and any special instructions. In cases of doubt, clarification must be sought from the Health Professional. The request (Appendix 1) must be dated and signed by the parent or guardian of the child. On no account must any medication/treatment be administered without Appendix I first being completed.
- Details contained within Appendices 1 and 3 should replicate the details on the label as completed by the Pharmacist (with the exception of possible side effects which do not appear on the label). Any discrepancies should be reported immediately
3. A parent/guardian should inform the Headteacher, of the total medication administered to the child over a twenty-four hour period, together with any variation to the medication administered to the child prior to their attendance at school. Where a child is conveyed to school by means of a contract vehicle, documentation relating to any medication administered to the child prior to their attendance at school must be conveyed to the Headteacher by the child's escort. The Headteacher will make parents/carers aware that it is their responsibility to inform the school of any medication administered to the child prior to their attendance at school. This information must then be recorded on Appendices 1
And 4
4. Medicines must be stored in. their original containers in a lockable cupboard inaccessible to children, preferably in a cool room. The Headteacher/secretary's office or staff room may be appropriate for the drugs cupboard.
NB Nebulisers and asthma pumps must be kept safely by the class teacher at all times and made readily available to the child.
- All medicines must be clearly labelled with the name and address of the child, the dose and the time of administration and any expiry date if appropriate as detailed under "Labelling Requirements".
- Times of administration must be adhered to.
- If for any reason, medication cannot be administered at the given time it must be replaced in the cabinet immediately, until such time as it may be safely administered. Should this be the case, the reason why the medication was not administered must be recorded.
8. At the time of administration of any medicine, the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher, must be able to check the label or the medicine container With the written request for administration. Advice must be sought if there are any discrepancies.
9. Two members of staff should be present when medications are drawn up to counter-check dosages. The staff will certify withdrawal of medication on the appropriate form (See Appendix 3).
10. A second member of staff should be present to counter-check correct medication is given to stated child by the administrator.
N.B. On occasions where administration involves invasive clinical procedures it is considered essential that two members of staff be present and that the procedures are undertaken, in a room deemed suitable by the Health Authority and in a manner which maintains the child's dignity.
11. Both members of staff to sign the administration chart immediately.
N.B Initials will not be sufficient (See Appendix 4). Staff must not sign the medical record card unless they have personally administered, assisted or witnessed administration of medicine
12. Where medication is administered on a long-term daily basis, unused medication may be kept on school premises in a lockable cupboard/fridge on agreement with the parent/carer. Short-term medication must be returned home each day. For children that are conveyed to school by contract vehicle, any unused medication should be conveyed to the child's escort.
13. In cases of older children, parental permission must be obtained prior to a child being entrusted with carrying medicines to school. In the case of younger children, medicines must be delivered and collected by the parent or other responsible adult.
14. Medicines must not be kept in school during school holidays.
15. There must be provision of appropriate protective clothing and suitable arrangements for the safe disposal of waste/contaminated clothing/equipment and discarded or out of date medication.
- For identification purposes it may be advisable for an updated photograph to be attached to the child's medical record.
- In the event that drugs stored on the school premises are stolen, immediate action should be taken to notify the police and parents or guardian or the pupil whose medication has been stolen.
The Authority's present insurance policies would cover any liability in respect of administering prescribed medicines/treatment, providing staff are working under the direction of the Headteacher and within the parameters of this document. It is essential, therefore, that all members of staff involved in the administration of prescribed medicines/treatment, are provided with a copy of this document.
Any deviation from the procedures contained within this document will be subject to consultation with the relevant staff representatives.
This policy will be reviewed annually or earlier as appropriate.
Andrew Wilkinson (Head Teacher)
Signed Chair of Governors:
Andrea Hosgood
Date: 9th November 2017
Review: December 2019
Appendix 1
I ...... name of parent/carer
of...... address
...... name of child in full
...... date of birth
hereby request that ...... (name) should receive
Name of medicine / (as on container)Expiry date if known
Dose of medicine
Time of administration
Duration of treatment
Possible side effects
If medication is given at home prior to your child coming to school please complete the following
Name of medicine / (as on container)Dose of medicine
Time of administration
Duration of treatment
Possible side effects
Signature: Date:
Whilst every effort will be made to adhere to the doses and times etc noted above, the school will not be held responsible should any error occur and that in any case, where doubts or queries arise, no medicine will be administered before satisfactory confirmation is received from parent(s)/carers.
Appendix 2
Name & Designation of staff trainedTraining provided by
Type of training given
Date training completed
Suggested timing for refresher course (if necessary)
I confirm that I ______have received training as detailed above
Signed: Date:
I confirm that I ______have received training as detailed above
Signed: Date:
I confirm that I ______have received training as detailed above
Signed: Date:
Signed: (Headteacher) Date:
I, ______the parent/carer of ______give permission for
the members of staff mentioned above to administer the afore-mentioned treatment
Signed: (Parent/Carer) Date:
Name of Pupil:D.O.B:
Name of Parent/Carer:
Contact telephone number:
Date written authorization received
Prescribed Medication / Prescribed Dosage / Time of Administration
NB – Where there is doubt about a medicine or its administration, please contact:
Contact: (Name of GP)
Tel No:
Notes for Guidance
Column A / Column B / Column C / Column D / Column E / Column F / Column GDate / Daily communications
with parent, guardian, escort / Medication
Administered prior to attendance at
school / Comments / Medication Administered / Time
Administered / Administered
by (2 signatures)
Column A -should indicate the days date
Column B - should indicate the time the communications took place
Column C - should detail any medication given
Column D - should indicate any relevant information following the communications with parent
Column E - these should correspond with the prescribed medication and dosage Column
Column F - should indicate time medication was administered
Column G should contain the signature of two members of staff
1.1 A large percentage of pupils will, at some point in their school lives, have a medical condition that may affect their attendance at school and/or their participation school life. In some instances this will be short term in others it may necessitate long term planning to enable regular attendance and participation in usual school activities. Schools need to have in place an effective policy and management system to support these pupils.
2.1 The enclosed policy — "Administration of Medication" — has been drawn up within the Education Service and agreed by the relevant trades unions. Along with the information given in this report, which is in the main taken from the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) good practice guide — "Supporting Pupils With Medical Needs", the Policy is put forward for your consideration in addressing this issue:
2.2As part of their strategic role:
Individual Governing Bodies are responsible for developing policies in light of statutory responsibilities and local needs/resources.
2.3 There is a responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act, 1974, for ensuring that schools have a health and safety policy which incorporates procedures for supporting pupils with medical needs, including managing medication. It is recommended that in local education authority (LEA) schools governing bodies should follow the health and safety policies and procedures produced by the LEA as the employer.
._3.1In addressing this issue governors are advised that:
There is no legal duty which requires school staff to administer medication, this is a voluntary role.
3.2 Where staff are willing to undertake this task the employer is responsible for ensuring that they receive appropriate training to support the medical needs of the pupils in their care. This training should include both teaching and support staff where agreement to undertake the administration has been reached. The employer needs to be satisfied that any training undertaken has given staff sufficient understanding, confidence and, expertise to deal with this role. In instances where there is a school nurse in situ they may be able to advise on training requirements for colleagues. A health care professional should confirm proficiency in undertaking medical procedures following the completion of training.
All staff should be made aware of:
- the likelihood of an emergency occurring and how to deal with it
- who is responsible for undertaking emergency procedures
- back-up cover arrangements.
34 The schools role in caring for pupils with medical needs, including the need for disclosure of information pertaining to the pupil’s health, should be agreed with the parents, and/or the pupil(s). The parent's cultural and religious views should always be respected in this matter. For pupils who attend hospital appointments on a regular basis, special arrangements may be necessary.
4:1 A clear policy understood and accepted by staff, parents and pupils provides a sound basis for ensuring that children with medical needs receive proper care and support at school. Policies, should, as far as possible, enable regular school attendance. Formal systems and procedures, drawn up in partnership with parents and staff should back up the policy.
4.2 Governing bodies may draw up their own policy or adopt the one appended to this report having adapted/personalised it to meet the needs of their individual schools if they so wish. Should governors undertake any such adjustments it would be advisable for these policies to be checked by the Education Personnel Unit before being implemented.
4.3 Whatever decision is taken it is advisable for governing bodies to follow the guidance given in agenda item 8.1, School Policies - Formulation and Review, in acceding to this requirement.