Accelerated CC Algebra 1

Ms. Yamasaki

Millikan Middle School

Dear Parent(s),

Welcome to Algebra and the 7th or 8th grade. I will be your child's math teacher for the 2015-2016 school year. In Math this year, the new Accelerated Algebra 1will cover one semester of Math 8, all of Algebra1,

a portion of the old Algbra 2, and 1 chapter in Statistics. Please see the curriculum map link

Acc CC ALG 1 Curriculum Map for detailed topics. These are some rules, policies, and procedures that will take place in my class. Please discuss the following with your child, to ensure that he or she has a successful year in my classroom.

Classroom Rules

  • Be in your seat with pencils sharpened, ready to work, & homework openwhen the bell rings.
  • Respect yourself, others, and all property.
  • Be responsible.
  • Follow directions the first time.
  • Come to class prepared.
  • Transition quickly and quietly.
  • No eating, drinking, or gum chewing in the classroom. (Water is ok!)
  • No make-up, combs, brushes, reading, electronic equipment, toys, etc. These items will be confiscated.

Homework Policy

  • Homework will be assigned daily and over winter and spring breaks.
  • Homework will be posted most of the time on JUPITER GRADES, as well as always on the board.
  • Homework is checked daily.
  • Homework needs to be open and ready when the bell rings, pen in hand.
  • Homework needs to be completed in their math notebook (dated, titled with section number, page number, in pencil, done neatly, problem written down and all work must be shown,on time, and corrected in class, in order to receive credit. Homework will checked daily and given a grade.
  • Homework accounts for 10 % of the grade as well as a work habits grade.
  • 3 or more missing or incomplete assignments per five week grading period will result in a U in work habits.
  • If there is some unforeseen circumstance (i.e. death in the family, illness, etc.) and your child is unable to complete an assignment, please complete by the next school day.
  • Unexcused late homework will receive ½ credit within 1 week.
  • All late work, must be turned in at Nutrition or Lunch only in person.
  • Your child is responsible for homework assigned when student is absent.
  • Student is also expected to watch and take notes on the missed lesson on youtube @ mymamasaki or on virtual nerd.
  • I am available Mondays and Wednesdays afterschool and at lunch for tutoring should your childfall to a C or lower or for whomever would like to stay in my classes. Tutoring will begin August 24th, 2015.

Absent Responsibilities

  • Students are to watch and take notes of all missed lessons in class on you tube at: mymamasaki or at virtual nerd
  • Students need to make up any missed tests/quizzes afterschool by the next Monday, or Wednesday (whichever comes first).
  • Homework should be completeday after absenceand after watching the video.
  • If student is absent, student work is due the length of the time he/she was out, i.e if absent 1 day, due1 day later at most (best if done day of absence)
  • I will not chase you around to remind you about missed quizzes, tests, or assignments.


  • 90% of the time homework will be posted to Jupiter grades.
  • All parents and students are each required to sign up for Jupiter Grades


Course: Accelerated Common Core Algebra 1

Text:Big Ideas, California Math, & Prentice Hall Algebra

Required Supplies

  • Textbooks (covered) keep at home.
  • Agenda (provided by school)
  • At least 4 sharpened pencils
  • Eraser
  • Colored Pens for correcting (any color except black)
  • College ruled paper
  • (OPTIONAL) Graphing Calculator TI84 Plus CE (most recent) for Algebra 2 portion (we have for use in class)
  • Six 70 page (or more) spiral graph notebook or composition graph books ( for all notes, warm-up activities, and for homework assignments) only need one in class at all times.
  • 1 section in your 3 Ring Binder for mathto hold quizzes, tests or handouts. DO NOT THROW THEM AWAY! You will need these for the final.
  • Students must have all their supplies by Monday, August 24th , 2015.

Tests and Quizzes

  • A test and/or quiz will be given at least weekly. All assessments will be based on homework assignments as well as content covered in class.
  • All Work must be shown in pencil to receive credit. 2 Points will be deducted if done in pen.
  • 1point will be deducted if name is not written on test.
  • If a student misses a quiz/test (due to an excused absence), student needs to make up AFTER school on the next MONDAY or WEDNESDAY, what ever comes first.
  • If student scores higher on a Chapter test, than on a quiz, quiz grade will be dropped and excused. This allows the student more time to master the material and to learn from there mistakes.

Grading Policy

  • Grades on tests, quizzes, projects, and classworkwill be 90% of the grade and based on the following scale.

A = 90 – 100

B = 80 – 89%

C = 70 – 79%

D = 60 – 69%

F = 59% and below

  • Homework will count for 10% of the grade.
  • Corrected tests and quizzes are to be signed by a parent/guardian and returned.
  • I will drop a quiz grade if you do better on the Chapter test
  • GRADES WILL BE POSTED ONLINE! Parents and students are required to check their grades on a weekly basis on Jupiter Grades


  • In class I will be recording the lesson displayed on the board. If your child is absent please make sure they watch the daily lesson and keep up with the homework!

I would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation. We need to work together to ensure your child has a successful year.


Ms. Yamasaki

Please make sure you and your child are registered for my gradebook and Website.


Please Initial

______Parent: I am aware of the Ms. Yamasaki’s Jupiter Grades Website and know where to find

worksheets, homework, and other information for my class

______Student: I am aware of the Ms. Yamasaki’s Jupiter gradesWebsite and know where to find

worksheets, homework, and other information for my class.

______Parent: I am aware of Ms. Yamasaki’s video lessons, and my child will watch and take

notes when they are absent or miss class. Then I will make sure my child completes

the homework. “mymamasaki” on YOU TUBE

______Student: I am aware of Ms. Yamasaki’s video lessons, and I will watch and take notes

when they are absent or miss class. Then I will make sure my child completes the

homework. “mymamasaki” on YOU TUBE

______Parent: I am aware there is homework help after school on Mondays and Wednesdays

afterschool in Room 60 for Ms. Yamasaki’s student, and homework help in room 58

on Tuesdays.

______Student: I am aware there is homework help after school on Mondays and Wednesdays

afterschool in Room 60 for Ms. Yamasaki’s student, and homework help in room 58

on Tuesdays.

______Parent: I will support my child by getting them the help they need when their grade drops to

to a C.

______Student: I, as a student, will ask questions when I do not understand and advocate for my own

needs as a students.

______Parent: I understand the grading policy and the homework policy.

______Student: I understand the grading policy and the homework policy.

______Parent: I have subscribed to the WEBSITE, YOU TUBE(MYMAMASAKI), AND


______Student: I have subscribed to the WEBSITE, YOU TUBE(MYMAMASAKI), AND



Date ______Period ______

______X ______

Student Name Printed Student’s signature


Parent Name Printed Student Signature