DEPARTMENT: Creative and Performing Arts
Year 10 - ASSESSMENT TASK 2015
Teacher: Miss Koteczky
TASK NO: / 3 Part 2WEIGHTING / Performance – 10%
DUE DATE: / Week 8
UNIT: / Musical Theatre – Performance
5.1.1: A student demonstrates an understanding of safe dance practice and appropriate dance technique in the performance of combinations, sequences and dances.
5.1.2: A student demonstrates aspects of the elements of dance in dance performance.
5.1.3: A student demonstrates an understanding of aspects of performance quality through the performance of locomotor and non-locomotor combinations, sequences and dances.
Perform the work ‘Rich Man’s Frug’ and support this performance and your understanding of safe dance practices and performance quality in your logbook.
- Perform the work. You must demonstrate:
- Safe dance practices: Alignment, Stamina, locomotor and non-locomotor movement and Body Skills (turns, jumps, falls, balance)
- Performance quality: Focus, commitment, projection, quality of line and manipulation of the elements of dance
Your logbook should show evidence of:
- An entry from each practical dance lesson
- A breakdown of important safe dance practice and performance quality elements that have been highlighted during class times
- A reflection of the musical theatre style and your limitations and capabilities within this style.
Marking Guidelines
- Sustain a skilled performance, demonstrating alignment, strength, articulation, flexibility, agility and coordination and consistent application of safe dance within the musical theatre style.
- Demonstrates a clear understanding of safe dance practice through reflection in log book.
- Demonstrates sound technique with some inconsistencies in alignment, strength, flexibility, articulation, agility and coordination and application of safe dance practice within the musical theatre style.
- Demonstrates sounds understanding of safe dance practice through reflection in log book.
- Presents a dance with limited dance technique and lacked the control of alignment, strength, articulation and coordination and major inconsistencies of safe dance practice within the musical theatre style.
- Limited understanding of safe dance practice through written information in log book.
- Moves with minimal awareness of alignment, strength and stretch and/or major inconsistencies in the application of safe dance practice within the musical theatre style.
- Minimal understand of safe dance practice through written responses in log book.