DEP 4464 Exam 2 Review

Ch. 5 Memory

Basic processes: registration, storage, retrieval

Registration: Divided attention, sensory memory


Short term memory: Capacity, primary memory, working memory

Long term memory

Types: Procedural, semantic, episodic, source, temporal, frequency of occurrence

Processes: Encoding (moving material into store, effective encoding)

Remote memory: reminiscence bump

Retrieval: Recognition vs. recall

Internal, external mnemonics

Age related changes/differences in types of memory & processes

Ch. 6 Intelligence

Psychometric approach:

Cross-sectional, longitudinal study differences

Crystallized vs. fluid intelligence/ Baltes’s mechanic & pragmatic intellectual processes

Schaie’s sequential study

Terminal drop

Structural approach: Post-formal stage

Noncognitive factors affecting performance on cognitive tasks

Factors related to better intellectual functioning in old age: complex leisure activities

Ch. 7 Cognition and problem solving

Schaie purposive cognition stages

Wisdom & age/ elderly less inclined than younger to believe wisdom increases in old age

Sternberg triarchic theory of intelligence: analytic, practical, creative

Formal versus tacit knowledge


Productivity timing by area of work

Constant-probability-of-success model

Swan song phenomenon

Decision making

Older attending more to positive information

Social cognition

Fundamental attribution error

Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning

Problem solving strategies—usage of by older adults depending on emotional significance (high/low)

Ch. 8 Personality and Coping

Change versus continuity: Correlational vs. absolute continuity (normative vs. level stability)

Theory/evidence favoring continuity


Costa & McCrae big five clusters: extraversion, neuroticism, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness

Theory/evidence favoring change in adulthood

Kansas City studies

Douglas & Arenberg study

Jung—androgyny in old age

Erikson’s theory/stages

Peck’s necessary adjustments

McAdams’ Life Story model


Fight or flight response

Holmes & Rahe stressful life events

Lazarus-Factors affecting severity of stressful event

Coping: Assimilation/accommodation strategies

Self concept: Possible selves