Denham Medical Centre

Patient Participation Group Report 2012/2013

Progress with last year’s recommendations:-

Keeping patients informed about waiting times:

At Practice Meetings, Receptionists were reminded about going out in to the waiting room to inform patients if there is a delay with any of the clinics. Periodically, the practice manager reminds the staff. A Head of Reception had now been appointed and is responsible for the smooth running of reception on any given day, she is aware that patients need to be informed if the clinics are running late.

Patients booking in advance:

GPs were reminded that they were to give the patients a note for reception if they wanted them to come back the following week. Clearer instructions were to be given to patients about whether they needed to return.

Carers booking in advance:

Receptionists are aware that Carers/Patients can book in advance and are regularly booked in advance or in the evening to enable someone to bring them or to book someone to sit with the person they care for.

Text Messaging:

Text reminders are now sent to patients when they book an appointment. It tells them the time of the appointment and the surgery (either Denham or Aysgarth) mobile phone numbers from patients are being actively collected.

Discussion on Patient Survey

It had previously been decided by the PPG that it would be more appropriate to send out a questionnaire to enable patients to list up to three things they liked best about our surgery and up to three things they disliked or just to be able to tick that they were quite happy with the surgery.

300 questionnaires were handed out by reception staff, doctors and nurses in the weeks of the ‘flu clinics in October 2012. 117 questionnaires were returned (39%).

29 (25%) patients just ticked Happy with surgery

48 (41%) patients just made positive comments

29 (25%) patients made positive and negative comments

1 (8.5%) patient just negative comments, but stated generally happy with surgery.

(See attached Patient Feedback comments)

The PPG went through all the comments and suggestions, both negative and positive and felt that the staff ought to be congratulated as the comments about them were exemplary. This is to be fed back to staff at the next Practice Meeting.

It was felt that Parking was an issue at Denham Garden Village but there was nothing that the Group could do about that. There are leaflets which indicate where the visitor parking spaces are and the spare spaces allocated for the doctors outside the surgery are available after 9am when the GPs have arrived. Staff do let patients know that it is easier to park at Aysgarth Medical Centre.

Overall it was felt by the group that the negative comments could well be dealt with by educating the patients about the appointment system - appointments that can be made in advance, the times that they can be booked and late night evening sessions, being able to see the GP you would like to and also ordering prescriptions.

Any changes to be made in delivery of service

Overall it was felt that the main theme should be Patient Education of our existing system e.g. When receptionists book an appointment they could explain the system more to the patient.

It was felt that the appointment system could be improved by opening up appointments to be booked on-line.

As the texting service had proved to be so popular that it would be worthwhile extending it.

Action Plan for Priorities and Proposals

Practice Manager to attend a general meeting of the residents of Denham Garden Village to explain the booking/appointment system and to listen to what feedback these patients have.

Systems check to see that what the Practice Manager thinks is happening in reception actually does happen.

To appoint someone to be in charge of Reception on any given day for continuity and to ensure a smooth delivery of service.

To investigate the possibility of extending the texting service.

To publicise the findings of the questionnaires

Continuing educating receptionists at their meetings using actual telephone call scenarios.

Post Meeting Note: What happened next?

General discussion with GPs, Clinical and Admin staff and Receptionists about the comments on the questionnaires and the findings of the PPG. All staff were also informed of the positive comments made by patients – this was much appreciated by staff.

The comments from the questionnaires were discussed in a group setting with clinical practitioners and administration staff from other surgeries from Bucks and Berks, at the Management Course attended by the practice manager, to discuss ideas – finding that the Patient Participation Group had actually prioritised as they would have done.

Head of Reception has been appointed – much smoother running of reception and more continuity.

The GPs have written and had printed a new booklet specifically for our patients on Minor Illness and when to attend the surgery. This was sent out to the PPG for comment before it was finalised.

Commitment to change the texting service to a system that is much more flexible in what it offers – due to start in June 2013.

Signed up to new scheme committing to moving to some appointments to be bookable on-line.

New patient check-in system to be installed that will have the facility to collect patient information.

New patient screen to be installed that will have the facility for the practice to screen practice pertinent information.

Practice Manager to attend the Residents AGM of Denham Garden Village at the end of March 2013.

New notice boards at both sites put up for general patient education.

Janice Barlow

Practice Manager

March 2013