Lesson Plan 3

Title / Nutrient Stress: Visual Diagnosis of Nutrient Disorders
Author / Nalini Pandey
Name of Paper / Stress Physiology
Student Learning Outcome (SLO) /
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Mineral Nutrition of Plants.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the criteria for essentiality
  • To be able to identify and diagnose common plant nutrient disorders (deficiencies and toxicities)
  • To be able to understand and differentiate between visual symptoms of nutrient deficiencies and toxicities.
  • Know potential limitations of visual diagnosis
  • Understand how to use a key for identifying nutrient disorders
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the methods used to study nutrient disorders

How this SLO fits within the context of the paper / Mineral nutrients are essential for the proper growth and development of plants. Nutrient deficiencies or toxicities cause stress and affect plant yield and productivity. It is important therefore to know how these are visually manifested in plants.
Prerequisite knowledge of students /
  • Basic concepts of the absorption of water and ions by plants
  • An understanding of what inorganic plant nutrients are
  • Computer skills to be able to access the internet
  • An understanding of designing and conducting experiments

List of learning materials needed to deliver the lesson /
  1. Introduction to Plant Physiology- W.G. Hopkins, John Willey & Sons
  2. Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants- H. Marschner, Academic Press, New York, USA
  3. Principles in Plant Nutrition, E. Mengel & E. A. Kirkby, International Potash Institute, Bern, Switzerland. Plant Micronutrients
  4. Plant Physiology- Taiz L and Zeiger E, 2002, Sinaer Associates, Massachusets
  5. Access to internet;
  • Deficiency Guide Files/Deficiency Symptoms in Crops.htm.

Step by step description of how the lesson would be delivered /
  1. Ask students to present their concepts of Mineral Nutrition
  2. Explain the criteria of essentiality of nutrients
  3. Explain them the concept of the Macro- and Micronutrients.
  4. Ask them to enumerate the essential Micro- and Macro-nutrients known to them.
  5. Describe the Plant Nutrient Symptoms Terminology
  6. Explain the visual deficiency effects of each Micro- and Macro-nutrients
  7. Go to:-
  • /plant_physiology/minerals.html
  1. Homework:
  2. Students should enumerate the differences in the visual nutrient disorders.
  3. Students should prepare a key for identifying symptoms
  4. Students to design, conduct and analyze experiments to demonstrate at least two nutrient deficiency

Estimated amount of time to deliver the lesson / Class room: 1hr X3 lectures
Laboratory: 1hr X 2 classes
Experiment: 1 month
Assessment Rubric for Lesson 3
Criteria / Total
Marks / Proficiency levels
Not proficient / Proficient / Exemplary
Theory (Total Marks: 100)
Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of visual symptoms of nutrient disorders / 100 / 0-30 marks
Answers less than 3 questions correctly / 30-70 marks
Answers 3 to 7 questions correctly / 70-100 marks
Answers 7-10 questions correctly
Practical ( 100 Marks)
Experimental designing to demonstrate 2 nutrient disorders / 15 / 0-5 marks
More than 2 mistakes in experimental design / 6-10 marks
1-2 mistakes in experimental design / 11-15 marks
Nomistake in experimental design
Listing and arranging material required for demonstrating nutrient disorders / 10 / 1-3 marks
Unable to list all requirements / 4-6 marks
Able to list all requirements but unable to arrange for all / 7-10 marks
Able to list and arrange for all requirements
Handling of equipment / 10 / 1-3 marks
Improper handling / 4-6 marks
Able to handle apparatus but not with precision / 7-10 marks
Able to set up apparatus with precision as per requirement
Handling of biological material / 10 / 1-3 marks
Improper handling / 4-6 marks
Able to handle biological material with care, not precision / 7-10 marks
Able to handle biological material with care and precision
Actual Conduct of Experiment / 15 / 1-5 marks
More than 2 mistakes. No replication. Was unable to demonstrate symptoms / 6-10 marks
1-2 mistakes. Only 2 replicates taken. Could demonstrate symptoms of only one disorder / 11-15 marks
No mistakes. Data recorded from 3 replicates. Could demonstrate symptoms of 2 nutrient disorders
Presentation of results / 10 / 1-3 marks
Written descriptions. No tables and photographs of symptoms / 4-6 marks
Only observation tables and description. No photographs / 7-10 marks
Description of data with tables and photographic illustrations of symptoms in plants
Statistical analysis of results / 10 / 1-3 marks
No statistical analysis / 4-6 marks
Minimum (Primary) statistical analysis / 7-10 marks
Appropriate complex statistical analysis
Interpretation and Discussion of Results / 10 / 1-3 marks
Incorrect interpretation. Less than 2 supporting evidences from other related studies / 4-6 marks
Correct interpretation based on 2-3 supporting evidences from other related studies / 7-10 marks
Correct interpretation based on more than 5 supporting evidences from other related studies
Identification of sources of error and need for further investigation / 10 / 1-3 marks
No sources of error identified and no suggestions / 4-6 marks
Sources of error identified but no suggestions for further investigation / 7-10 marks
Sources of error identified with suggestions for further investigations