A regular meeting of the Burlington City Council was held January 3, 2006. Present were Jerome Gruenberg, Diane Fugere, Wayne Walter, Bill Hunt, Tim Hoff & Guy Smestad. Also present were Clint Cogdill, Delvin Stemen, Keith Crabb, Roger Kluck, Clyde “Bill” Benno, Darla Jost and Pete Hankla.
Guy Smestad moved to approve the minutes of the December 5, 2005 meeting, Wayne Walter Seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.
Wayne Walter moved to approve all bills and payroll, Bill Hunt seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.
Officer Crabb reported a child was injured in the pitching cage at the Sports Complex last week. The city’s insurer has been contacted.
Clint reported the compressor was replaced in the water treatment plant and asked about selling the old one. Jerome gave approval to sell if anyone was interested in it. A couple of valves were swapped in the water treatment plant rather than purchasing new valves at $2000.00 each.
Delvin reported to council the chlorine analyzer needs to be recalibrated.
Two ordinances presented by Officer Crabb on Smoking in Public and False Information to Law Enforcement Officers were again tabled for further information.
The Planning Commission forwarded a plat dividing the NE1/4 of Section 12, Township 155N, Range 84W into 8 lots: Clyde “Bill” Benno, owner; for approval by council. Due to several issues needing to be addressed, the request was tabled.
Darla Jost (Jost Construction) and Attorney Peter Hankla approached council with a Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement for council to consider regarding building permit #510. Council decision was to have an attorney and the City’s insurance agent review the agreement before considering approval of the building permit. Tim Hoff moved to allow construction to continue on the twin homes “to make weather-tight” pending information from attorney and insurance agent, Bill Hunt seconded and motion carried on a roll-call vote: Hoff-yes; Hunt-yes; Walter-yes; Smestad-no.
Discussion followed regarding the garbage nuisance at the 11-plex. A letter was sent to Mike Christianson from the First District Health Unit recommending three options to resolve this issue, with a deadline of December 19, 2005. Officer Crabb reported nothing has been done to correct the situation to date.
Diane presented Project Worksheets from FEMA for the October 5th snowstorm damage for council review.
Bill Hunt moved to approve the Ward County Jail Contract for 2006, Wayne Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.
Income and expense projections for garbage in 2006 were reviewed. Bill Hunt moved to increase the garbage rate from $9.50 per month to $10.50 per month, Tim Hoff seconded and motion carried on a roll-call vote: Hunt-yes; Hoff-yes; Walter-yes; Smestad-no.
The Pilot Study proposed by Ackerman-Estvold was tabled for further review.
There being no further business to come before the board, Guy Smestad moved to adjourn, Tim Hoff seconded and motion carried.
February 6, 2006
A regular meeting of the Burlington City Council was held February 6, 2006. Present were Jerome Gruenberg, Diane Fugere, Council men Wayne Walter, Bill Hunt, Tim Hoff & Guy Smestad. Also present were Clint Cogdill, Delvin Stemen, Keith Crabb and Roger Kluck, Darla Jost, Greg & Diane Bryantt and Mike Probst.
Guy Smestad moved to approve the minutes of the January 3, 2006 meeting, Hoff seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.
Wayne Walter moved to approve all bills and payroll, Bill Hunt seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.
After review of a Hold Harmless Agreement provided by Jost Construction and accompanying opinion from attorney Mike Sturdevant, Guy Smestad moved to approve building permit #510, Bill Hunt seconded and motion carried unanimously. (Original Hold Harmless Agreement located in building permit file, attached to application)
The Planning Commission, on behalf of Mike Probst, forwarded a final plat of Circle P Ranches Addition, Lots 1-2-3, to council. Wayne Walter moved to approve the plat, Guy Smestad seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.
Greg and Diane Bryantt approached council requesting city approval in writing for North Prairie Rural Water to store their heavy equipment on his property until spring. No action was taken.
Officer Crabb reported an attempted break-in to the city Hall building through the side door.
Clint reported the overhead door in the shop is difficult to open. Jerome suggested Clint call Magic City Garage Door about adjusting the springs.
The hydrant at the corner of 3rd Avenue and Railway Street needs to be replaced. Clint is to get an estimate.
Council authorized Clint to hire a part-time employee.
Discussion followed regarding fund transfers for the 2005 budget.
Tim Hoff moved to transfer $4900.00 from General Fund Licenses, fees & fines revenue account to General Fund expense account to balance expenses, with approval of Rath & Mehrer, Bill Hunt seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.
Guy Smestad moved to transfer $4300.00 from the Highway Fund to Highway Equipment Reserve, motion died for lack of a second.
Wayne Walter moved to transfer $4300.00 from the Highway Fund to Street Sealing Reserve, Bill Hunt seconded and motion carried on a roll-call vote: Walter – yes; Hunt – yes; Hoff – no; Smestad – no; Gruenberg – yes.
Wayne Walter moved to amend the 2006 budget to increase the transfer from the Enterprise Fund to the General Fund by $500.00 and approve an increase in the city’s share of Blue Cross/Blue Shield to 90% of the single premium, Tim Hoff seconded and motion carried on a roll-call vote; Walter – yes; Hoff-yes; Smestad-no, Hunt-yes.
Municipal Government Week is April 3-7. Coffee and cookies will be served at the City Hall honoring Delvin Stemen’s commitment to the City of Burlington.
Discussion followed regarding the purchase of a server for the city computer system. Bids will be requested of Bitz Communication, The Computer Store and Martronics Information Systems.
Ordinances on Smoking in Public and False Information to Law Enforcement Officers were tabled again for further information.
Discussion followed regarding the garbage nuisance at the 11-plex. Further action will be taken.
Guy Smestad moved to remove the $50.00 sewer charge increase and all related finance charges from West River’s water/sewer/garbage bill, retroactive to the date of increase, until sewer expense information is reviewed, Wayne Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.
Engineer Kluck presented the estimate for the Filter System Pilot Study, which came in at $26,650. Tim Hoff moved to go forward with both pilot studies, Guy Smestad seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.
Council gave Diane approval to apply for a Tree Grant through the ND Forest Service.
The Department of Health Lab Contract is up for renewal, Guy Smestad moved to approve, Wayne Walter seconded and motion carried unanimously.
Discussion followed regarding filling both Planning Commission positions. Tim Schnaible was appointed by Mayor Gruenberg, with the other remaining vacant temporarily.
Bill Hunt inquired about the possibility of the Brownies using the city hall once a month for their meeting, council gave approval.
There being no further business to come before the board, Smestad moved to adjourn, Hoff seconded, motion carried.
February 9, 2006
Diane called Mayor Gruenberg and Council members Bill Hunt, Tim Hoff and Guy Smestad and Wayne Walter to inform them of auditor Rath and Mehrer’s instructions to increase the General Fund expense line items to cover the amount over budget. Mayor Gruenberg and council members Hunt, Hoff and Smestad voted unanimously to make these changes. NOTE: Wayne Walter was unavailable by phone.
March 6, 2006
A regular meeting of the Burlington City Council was held March 6, 2006. Present were Wayne Walter, Council President, Diane Fugere, Auditor, Councilmen Bill Hunt, Tim Hoff & Guy Smestad. Also present were Clint Cogdill, Delvin Stemen, Keith Crabb, Roger Kluck, Jay Johnson, Matt Anderson and Rod Schwandt.
Tim Hoff moved to approve the minutes of the February 6, 2006 meeting, Bill Hunt seconded and motion carried unanimously.
Guy Smestad moved to approve all bills and payroll, with the exception of Mariner & Sons ($8,193.96), Bill Hunt seconded and motion carried unanimously.
Chief Crabb distributed information on the cost to purchase a new police vehicle. Tim Hoff moved to proceed with bids, Bill Hunt seconded, motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.
Chief Crabb reported vandalism to the exterior police door and auditor door and broken police office window.
There was some discussion about installing bars on the police windows.
Clint was given approval to replace the hydrant at the corner of 3rd Ave and Railway as weather permits. The estimate came in at $3500.00.
Delvin reported the Filter System Pilot Study is scheduled for March 16th.
Jay Johnson approached council requesting a letter of consent from the City to the Ward County Recorder’s office regarding subdivision of NW1/4NW1/4 and all that portion of NE1/4NW1/4 West of County Road 10A, Section 11, Township 155 North, Range, 84 West. Bill moved to approve, Tim Hoff seconded and motion carried unanimously.
Jay Johnson, Rural Fire Department Advisory Board, informed council the fire department is looking at another option for insuring the fire hall and equipment and asked if the city would continue to pay a portion of their premium, Diane was instructed to contact Larry Galvin for information.
Rod Schwandt approached council requesting that water tank specials be waived on his property, Lot 17, Block 2, Hacienda Acres as it is not a buildable lot. Guy Smestad moved to waive specials from 2006 forward and table waiving the 2005 certified installment pending further information; Tim Hoff seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.
Rod informed council, in his capacity as city building inspector, that he feels we should define manufactured homes in our ordinance book. A committee consisting of Diane, Rod Schwandt and Tim Hoff will put together this information and present to council for review.
Matt Anderson approached council requesting the water tank specials be waived on his property, Lot A of Olt. 16 of NW less Sblt. 1, Steens 3rd and Hacienda Acres, as he feels it is not a buildable lot. Request was tabled for further information from City Engineer Roger Kluck.
Final payment on Well #4 to Mariner and Son will be withheld until contract is fulfilled.
Municipal Government Week is April 3rd – 7th. Coffee and cookies will be served at the City Hall on April 4 honoring Delvin Stemen’s commitment to the City of Burlington. City employees will serve lunch at the school on April 5.
Discussion followed regarding garbage pickup at the 4-plex on 505 Parkway. They do not have a dumpster and renters are supposed to put out their own garbage containers. City employees report not seeing garbage cans out on garbage day. Diane will contact Circle Sanitation to see if they have been picking up garbage at that address.
Council President Walter appointed Travis Groche to the Planning Commission.
Delvin and Clint reported Craig Nett would do THM testing at $25.00 per test.
Guy Smestad moved to approve the following building permit: #514, Carla Preston, dba Burlington Beauty Salon & Tanning, remodeling project, ($39), Bill Hunt seconded and motion carried unanimously.
After review of bids from Martronics Information Systems and The Computer Store, for purchase of a computer server, Bill Hunt moved to accept the low bid from Martronics Information Systems, Tim Hoff seconded and motion carried on a roll-call vote: Hunt-yes; Hoff-yes; Smestad-no.
Diane and Cindy were approved to attend the Municipal Finance Officers Institute June 21 – 23 at MSU.
There being no further business to come before the board, Guy Smestad moved to adjourn, Tim Hoff seconded and motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Fugere, Auditor Wayne Walter, Council President
March 13, 2006
Officer Crabb and Diane called Mayor Gruenberg and council members Bill Hunt, Wayne Walter, Tim Hoff and Guy Smestad for approval of the purchase of a 2006 Dodge Durango for the police department. Bill Hunt moved to approve the purchase and authorize Diane and Council President, Wayne Walter to sign the necessary loan documents, Wayne Walter seconded and motion carried on a roll-call vote – Hunt-yes; Walter-yes; Hoff-yes; Smestad-unavailable by phone.
April 3, 2006
A regular meeting of the Burlington City Council was held April 3, 2006. Present were Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor, Diane Fugere, Auditor, Councilmen Wayne Walter, Tim Hoff & Guy Smestad. Also present were Clint Cogdill, Delvin Stemen, Keith Crabb, Roger Kluck, Matt Anderson, Barb Gray and Terry Burkhart.
Wayne Walter moved to approve the minutes of the March 6, 2006 meeting, Guy seconded and motion carried unanimously.
Tim Hoff moved to approve all bills and payroll, with the exception of Mariner & Sons ($8,193.96), Wayne Walter seconded and motion carried unanimously.
Clint presented an estimate from Larsco to replace the media in the water treatment plant. This expense will be budgeted for next year.
An estimate from Adventure Divers to clean the reservoir was presented to council. Engineer Kluck will do further checking on this process.
Delvin was asked to get estimates to install a siren on the hill behind the city hall building.