Form DP1 Subject access application © Merseyside Police 2013
Received – Date Stamp / Official use only -Ref. No
Web version.
SECTION 1: ABOUT YOURSELF (PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM IN BLOCK CAPITALS IN BLACK INK or type in the text fields before printing from the website)Title (Please tick) / Mr / Mrs
/ Miss / Ms / Other (Dr., Rev. etc)
Surname/Family name
First name(s)
Maiden, or former names
Date of birth
DD/MM/YYYY / Day / Month / Year / Place of birth
(Please tick) / M / F / Height / Ft ins / Or m
Residential Address:
Postcode: / E-mail:
Telephone Number- Daytime / Home
Inc STD / Work or
Correspondence Address*:
Postcode: / E-mail:
*The address shown for correspondence must be valid for up to 8 weeks after acceptance of the application.
The information supplied in connection with this application will be processed by computer and usedFor the purpose of administering this request and ensuring the accuracy of Police systems
Please list ALL addresses you have lived at within the UNITED KINGDOM during the last 10 years. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary. (This information assists in processing your application)
The information supplied in connection with this application will be processed by computer and usedFor the purpose of administering this request and ensuring the accuracy of Police systems.
Official use only -Ref. No.
Applicant name
SECTION 2: Personal data sought and declaration to be signed by the applicant
To help us find any information that may be held about you, please supply a description of the information that you require. You should include any known crime or incident number, a description of the circumstances – for example were you a person reporting an offence or incident, a witness, a victim, a correspondent, an offender or person arrested? Please include date(s), times and any other information that will assist in finding the information. Please note that we can only search on the information provided, so the more information provided, the greater chance of all data being traced.
Continue on separate sheet if necessary
I am applying for information only from Merseyside Police and the fee is enclosed
I have also applied to ACRO for PNC information and have enclosed the fee with it ***
The information I have supplied above is correct and I am the person to whom it relates.
Signature – / Date -
Warning! Any person who impersonates or attempts to impersonate another in order to obtain the information requested may be guilty of an offence.
*** The declaration of payment to ACRO will be verified before disclosure is made as a result of this application.
Section 3 Proof of Identity – document that may be used
To help establish your identity your application must be accompanied by copies of at least two different official documents, which between them, provide sufficient information to prove your name, date of birth and current address. For example, a passport, driving licence, medical card or European Health Insurance Card or birth or adoption certificate, which would confirm your name and date of birth, plus a separate official document to confirm your name and current address, such as a recent bank statement, council tax, income tax or other official document including utility bills, but not mobile telephone bills. Including a signed document is helpful.
For Police Administrative use by Information Bureau staff accepting the applicationCheck that the form has been fully completed and is legible and that you are satisfied with the applicant’s
identity. Then complete the sections below. Ensure that the cheque, postal order or money order is made
payable to PCC for Merseyside, is validly dated, signed or authorised and for the correct fee of £10.
Application checked and legible YES / NO* / Identity documents correct YES / NO*
Details identity document 1 including type
Details Identity document 2 including type
Fee paid – amount £ / Identity documents returned YES / NO*
Accepted by
FIN/ Signature / *state reason.
Guidance re use and completion of form DP1 - Application for access to personal data held by Merseyside Police
(Subject Access under the provisions of Section 7, Data Protection Act 1998).
Please read the following information carefully before completing the application
This guidance is for the use and completion of applications for information held by Merseyside Police i.e. ‘locally held’ personal information only. It is the form DP1. It also provides information on who to pay when simultaneous applications are made to ACRO on form SAR1 (for PNC personal data) and Merseyside Police on form DP1 for ‘locally held’ personal data.
This guidance and the DP1 application form is not for use for the following purposes;
1. Applying only for data held on the Police National Computer (PNC).
2. Applying only for data for employment purposes.
3. Applying only for a police certificate for the visa or emigration purposes for specific countries.
For guidance and application forms for these purposes please refer to the information on the Force website at and then follow the link Documents>Access to Information>Data Protection.
What this guidance applies to.
It applies predominantly to applications for personal data ‘locally held by Merseyside Police. It also addresses occasions when simultaneous applications are made to ACRO (for PNC personal data) and Merseyside Police (for ‘locally held’ personal data). If you are making simultaneous applications, follow this guidance for applications to Merseyside Police (see ‘fees’ paragraph below) and the separate guidance provided by ACRO (see website link above).
Your Subject Access rights (to ‘locally held’ information)
Subject to certain exemptions, you have the right to be told whether Merseyside Police holds any information about you (your ‘personal data’) and a right to be provided with a copy of that personal data within a period of 40 days. If you wish to exercise those rights please carefully complete form DP1 (all parts) and follow the instructions in respect of the fee payable, proof of identity and ways to return the form to Merseyside Police at the below address. The Data Protection Act 1998 provides that in certain circumstances Merseyside Police may not have to provide you with some personal data. For example, we will not provide personal data if releasing it to you would be likely to prejudice policing purposes and we may not provide you with information that identifies other individuals.
Third Party Applications
Under these provisions personal data can only be provided to the person who is the subject of that information. Should you make an application on behalf of another person, please ensure that you enclose an original and signed letter of authority from the person or, if applicable, a Power of Attorney (PofA) in respect of the individual who the requested information is about. Please also ensure that identification documents (as described below) are provided with the application form and authorisation letter or PofA.
If you are making simultaneous applications for PNC data from ACRO and ‘locally held’ information from Merseyside Police you need pay only one fee. The fee must be forwarded with the application to ACRO and on the Merseyside Police application tick the box in section 2 of the form indicating that you have paid the fee to ACRO (this declaration will be verified prior to ‘local information’ being disclosed).
If you are making an application only for information held by Merseyside Police (locally held) then please enclose the fee with the Merseyside Police form DP1 and tick the relevant box in section 2 of the form.
Merseyside Police will not be accepted a subject access application unless you pay the statutory fee of £10. Payment may be by postal order, cheque, or international money order. Money transfers and credit/debit card payments cannot be accepted. To prevent delay in handling due to internal financial regulations, we request that cash is not used. Cash must not be sent through the post and receipts will not be issued at Police Stations. Receipts for international money orders will not be accepted as proof of payment. Cheque guarantee card numbers should be endorsed on the reverse of personal cheques.
Overseas applicants: Do not alter personal cheques that are issued in other currencies to show pounds sterling (GBP), consult your bank. Cheques drawn on non-British bank accounts should not be used. Please use an international money order. Cheques that are not paid by the applicant’s bank will incur additional bank charges and the subject access process will be stopped until the charge has been paid. All payments must be payable to PCC for Merseyside in pounds sterling (GBP).
Proof of identity
Merseyside Police needs to be satisfied that the applicant is the person entitled to the personal data sought. Consequently you are asked to provide documentary evidence of your identity, date of birth and current residential address. You should supply a minimum of two documents that between them provide sufficient information to prove your name & date of birth and your name & current address and signature. Examples of such documents are given in section 3 of the application form.
Advice and assistance
Should you require advice and guidance in completing the application or in respect of appropriate identity documents, please contact staff at the above address by telephone on the following numbers:
U.K dialling 0151 777 7016 / 7018 /7019 / 7020 / 7021 or
International dialling number 00 44 151 777 7017 / 7018 /7019 / 7020 /7021
Overseas applicants may find it more convenient to use the alternative of e-mail at the following address
Staff will normally be available Monday to Friday, between the hours of 08:30 hr to 17.00 hrs
Returning the form
The completed form, with the appropriate fee, minimum of two proofs of identity documents, (name and date of birth & name and current address), should be returned to by post (not e-mailed) to:
Merseyside Police, Disclosure Unit (SAR), PO BOX 59, LIVERPOOL L69 1JD
Please ensure that the correct postage is paid as postal surcharges will not be paid. Overseas postal carriers will reject under paid letters. In the U.K. postage is charged in respect of weight and size. Underpaid postal charges will delay your application.
Returning the application form – check list (Applicant - Please retain this letter for your information)Have you fully completed all the section you need to?
Have you signed the application form?
Have you enclosed the photocopy identity documents needed, (I) name & date of birth
And (ii) name & current address?
Have you enclosed the fee? Is made payable to PCC for Merseyside,
For the correct amount, correctly dated and signed where appropriate?
(See the notes at Fee above)
Have you used the correct value of postal charge on the envelope?
UK - Maximum letter size is 240 x 165 x 5 mm, C5 size envelope. Other sizes charged
at higher rates.
You only need to print and return the form (pages 1 &2) and this sheet (page 5) for your reference.
The subject access process
On receipt of an application it will be examined and any applications that are completed incorrectly such as they do not have the correct identity documents, the application is unsigned or the fee is not enclosed but should have been, will be returned by post. An application that is accepted will be registered and a receipt issued and sent by post. Receipts will be issued within three working days of the application being accepted. The date on the receipt is the date from which the 40 day period is calculated.
If you do not have a response by the end of the seventh week from the receipt date, you must immediately contact us by telephone or e-mail. If you delay you may have to start the process again. Please do not make enquiries before the 40 day period is complete.
Once accepted the correspondence address can not be changed. Applicants must therefore ensure the address shown will be available for a minimum period of 8 weeks after the application has been accepted. If it is necessary to change address after the application has been accepted, postal service redirection is recommended. We advise that applications are sent to the applicant or to a named individual, on their behalf. Such action allows the applicant to ensure receipt and examine the response before it is used.
Please retain this advice sheet until you have received your response.
General advice on the Data Protection Act 1998 can be obtained from the Office of the Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, WILMSLOW. SK9 5AF. Telephone [+00 44 1625] 01625 545700 or from the