MSH/SCH (Southern Cone Historical Manuscripts) Series Classifications

MSH/SCH is a subcollection of the Hispanic and Latin American Manuscripts Collection. It includes manuscript materials related to the political and social histories of the Southern Cone nations of Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay, from their founding in the 19th-century to the present.

Series Classification Scheme

0200-0499 -- Topical Collections

1000-1299 -- Personal and Family Papers

1500-3500 -- Records

4000-6250 -- Letters and Correspondences

6500-6749 -- Diaries and Journals

7000-7249 -- Single Manuscripts

7500-7749 -- Albums and Scrapbooks

8000-8299 -- Ephemera

8500-8799 -- Photographs

9000-9299 -- Maps

9500-9799 -- Realia

Topical Collections

Groups of manuscripts gathered artificially around a person, subject, or activity, otherwise lacking unity of provenance.

Assassination of Juan Facundo Quiroga

MSH/SCH 0200-1: “Circular Córdoba,” Rosas to Governor of Mendoza

MSH/SCH 0200-2: Physical descriptions of the Reynafe Brothers

MSH/SCH 0200-3: “Lista de los reos executores del asesinato del General Quiroga”

MSH/SCH 0200-4: Sixto Casanova’s “Lista de individuos socorridos …”

MSH/SCH 0200-5: letter from Manuel López to Juan Manuel de Rosas

Expedition from Cadiz to Rio de la Plata

MSH/SCH 0201-1 to 0201-13

Alvarez de Arenales: Separation of Tarija letters

MSH/SCH 0202-1 to 0202-13

Struggle for Independence, 1810-1820

MSH/SCH 0203

Period of Civil Strife, 1821-1865

MSH/SCH 0204-1

Documents pertaining to Corrientes province

MSH/SCH 0205-1 to 0205-43

Personal and Family Papers

Groups of manuscripts of various types originating from individuals or families, distinguished by unity of provenance.

Suffern Family Papers

MSH/SCH: 1000-1 to 1000-51

Elvira Rawson de Dellepiane Papers

MSH/SCH: 1001-1 to 1001-106

A. J. Torcelli Papers

MSH/SCH: 1002-1 to 1002-176

Arenales Family Papers

MSH/SCH: 1003-1 to 1003-32 (Records)

MSH/SCH: 1003-33 to 1003-59 (Correspondence)

MSH/SCH: 1003-60 to 1003-61 (Ephemera)

Anchorena Papers

MSH/SCH: 1004-1 to 1004-479

Manuel Belgrano Papers

MSH/SCH: 1005-1 to 1005-16

Gimenez Bustamante Papers

MSH/SCH: 1006-1 to 1006-1371


Government and other public records, as well as records of commercial and other types of corporate bodies.

Francisco de Bucareli

MSH/SCH 1500-1: Proclamation against smuggling/ clandestine commerce, 1768

Thomas O’Gorman

MSH/SCH 1501-1 to 1501-2: Application for Royal Licence 1804 and copy 1806

Cornelio Saavedra, et al.

MSH/SCH 1502-1: “Orden de esta Junta Superior,” 1811

Miguel Marcó del Pont

MSH/SCH 1503-1: Defense of the Fragata Hunter, 1813

William Brown

MSH/SCH 1504-1: Title of 2nd Lieutenant to Fabian González, 1829

Asociación Tradicionalista “Eurithia”

MSH/SCH 1505-1: “Antecedentes que fundamentaron la nota elevada …” 1936

William Dougal Christie

MSH/SCH 1506-1: Credentials for British consul-general to Argentina, 1854

Personal Letters and Correspondences

Letters or groups of letters and correspondences of individuals that are private or personal in nature.

Juan Antonio Alvarez de Arenales

MSH/SCH 4000-1 to 4000-8

Vicente Fidel López

MSH/SCH 4001-1 to 4001-24

José Toribio Medina

MSH/SCH 4002-1 to 4002-7

Vicente López y Planes

MSH/SCH 4003-1

Osvaldo Magnasco-Bartolomé Mitre

MSH/SCH 4004-1

Rudecindo Alvarado

MSH/SCH 4005-1 to 4005-2

Martin de Moussy

MSH/SCH 4006-1

Juan Facundo Quiroga

MSH/SCH 4007-1: Letter “Circular Córdoba,” 1829

MSH/SCH 4007-2: Letter to Rudecindo Alvarado, 1831

MSH/SCH 4007-3: Letter to Dolores, his wife, 1831

Manuel Corvalán

MSH/SCH 4008-1

José Antonino Fernández Cornejo

MSH/SCH 4009-1

Jesuit Missionaries

MSH/SCH 4010-1

José de San Martin

MSH/SCH 4011-1 to 4011-49

Antonino Reyes

MSH/SCH 4012-1 to 4012-85

José Mariá Paz

MSH/SCH 4013-1

Félix Aldao

MSH/SCH 4014-1

Estanislao López

MSH/SCH 4015-1

Juan Manuel Rosas

MSH/SCH 4016-1: Letter to Pedro Larrechea

MSH/SCH 4016-2: Letter to Antonino Reyes

Ramón Renoifo

MSH/SCH 4017-1 to 4017-2: Letters concerning Vicente “Chacho” Peñaloza

Bernardino de Rivadavia

MSH/SCH 4018-1: Letter to the “Oficiales del Ministerio de Hacienda”

Norberto de la Riestra

MSH/SCH 4019-1 to 4019-36

Julio Roca

MSH/SCH 4020-1 to 4020-120

Eva Peròn

MSH/SCH 4021- to 4022-7

Bartolomè Mitre

MSH/SCH 4022-1 to 4022-6

Diaries and Journals

Leopoldo Montes de Oca

MSH/SCH 6500-1B: Diary of a journey to Cosquin (Córdoba), 1892.

Rufus Palen

MSH/SCH 6501-1: New York to Buenos Aires, 1841

Richard Kay

MSH/SCH 6502-1: Journal of a month’s residence in Beunos Ayres, 1819

Single Manuscripts

Antonino Reyes

MSH/SCH 7000-1 to 7000-6: Memorias

Enrique Martínez

MSH/SCH 7001-1B: “Reseña de las glorias adquiradas por Ejercito de los Andes”

Albums and Scrapbooks

Gregorio Lezama

MSH/SCH 7500-1B: Scrapbook of documents pertaining to the confiscation of goods by Federalist agents, 1840-42

José Melchor Romero:

MSH/SCH 7501-1B: Scrap book with letters on Guerra del Paraguay

Dr. Osvaldo Magnasco

MSH/SCH 7502-1B: Articles on Guerra del Paraguay and General Mitre

Unknown compiler

MSH/SCH 7503-1B: “Guerra de Paraguay vista por prensa extranjera”


Broadsides, 1810-1852

MSH/SCH 8000-1 to 8000-17

Broadsides, 1853-1899

MSH/SCH 8001-1 to 8001-30

Broadsides, 1900-

MSH/SCH 8002-1 to 8002-67


[none at present]


[none at present]