Aquatic Data Journal

Data in PerspectiveArticle template

(delete all text in blue before submission)

(indicative length of Article, excluding tables, figures and references: 5 pages)

Data in PerspectiveArticles highlight the latest initiatives, tools and opportunities that may improve data sharing, discovery and reuse in aquatic sciences. They are shortreview type articles and are not necessarily linked to digital materials.


Concise and informative – Please keep in mind that titles are often used by information-retrieval systems. Avoid abbreviations and formulae as much as possible.


Please clearly indicate the first name(s), last name(s) and as much as possible the ORCID (please register at ) of each author. Indicate all affiliations with a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the author's name or ORCID. If applicable, also indicate the present address with a lower-case superscript Arabic numeral.

Firstname,Lastname (,1

Firstname,Lastname (


The affiliation address is where the author was based when the actual work was done. Provide the full name and postal address, including the country name.

aInstitution name, address, country

bInstitution name, address, country

Present address

If an author has changed affiliation since the work described in the article was done, a 'Present address' may be given. The address at which the author actually did the work must be retained as the affiliation address. Provide the full name and postal address, including the country name.

1Institution name, address, country

Corresponding author

Clearly indicate who will handle correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication, also post-publication. Ensure that e-mail address is given and that contact details are kept up to date by the corresponding author.

Firstname,Lastname, email address

Abstract(word count: maximum 150)

Brief and factual – The abstract should state briefly the scientific interest, novelty, methods & quality assurance, and the distribution of data with respect to geographic coverage, environmental features and conditions, and experimental factors.An abstract is often presented separately from the article, so it must be able to stand alone, without figures or references.

Graphical abstract –optional – We encourage authors to submit a graphical abstract (image) that draws attention to the online article and can be used effectively in social media. Image should be submitted as a separate file in the online submission system.Minimum size: 531 × 531 pixels. Preferred format: TIFF, EPS or PDF.

Highlights – optional – We encourage authors to include 3-5 bullet points (maximum 25 words per bullet point) after the abstract. These can be used in the online article and in social media.


Keywords (maximum 6) are used for indexing purposes. Please use American spelling and avoid general terms, plural terms and multiple terms that are combined using 'and', 'of', etc. Only abbreviations firmly established in the field may be used.

Open Research Data

(optional – only if data are described in the article)

This section lists all data sets described in the data article in bullet form. Please provide for each bulleta concise & informative description (ca. 30 words), pointing to the corresponding data citation in the Reference Section [reference#], the name of the data repository, and a resolvable doi or accession number(s).

  • Concise & informative description [1].Mendeley Data:
  • Concise & informative description [2].PANGAEA:
  • Concise & informative description [3]. PDB:
  • Concise & informative description [4]. ENA:

Introduction(word count: maximum 500)

This section should introduce the scientific background of the article and focus on the novelty andbroader scientific interest of the initiatives, tools and opportunitiesdescribed therein.


(no length restriction within the total page limit of the data article)

This section should present in detail the initiatives, tools and opportunities described in the article.


This section should be concise and acknowledge funding agencies, consortia and individuals who are not authors of the data article. The contributing editors and reviewers will be acknowledged at the beginning of the article and should not be included in this section.Please specify grant or contribution numbers in brackets.

This work was supported by the funding agency [grant numbers xxxx, yyyy].

This work is contribution [xxxx] of the yyyyconsortium.

Author contributions

This section specifies the contribution of each author. Please usea separate line for each author or a separate line for each type of contribution followed by a list of authors involved. In cases where one author is a consortium of individuals, please provide here the list of all individuals – each individual on a separate line – including the individual’s Firstname,Lastname (, Institution name, address, country. These individuals will be indexed individually as authors of the Data Article.

Author agreement &Competing interests

Please ensure that all authors have seen and approved the final version of the manuscript and that none of the authors has financial/personal competing interests. All competing interests should be clearly stated in this section. If there is no competing interest, a statement declaring this must still be included in the manuscript.

“All authors have seen and approved the final version of this article and declare no competing interest.”


This section includes only the figure captions. The figures are provided as separate image files – one for each figure – using the online submission system. Number figures consecutively in accordance to their appearance in the text, and name the corresponding files accordingly. A caption should begin with a brief title about the purpose of the figure, and continue with a short description of what is shown,explaining all symbols and abbreviations on the figure. Keep text on the figures themselves to a minimum.

We encourage authors to include a schematic figure in the Methods Section, illustrating the sampling/experimental design or the chronological steps for the acquisition, analysis and processing of data.


Tables can either be included in this section or placed next to the relevant text in the article. Please submit tables as editable text and not as images. Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. Tables should have a brief title, whereas explanations and references should appear as table notes below the table body.

Be sparing in the use of tables and ensure that the information presented does not constitute primary data or duplicate data deposited in a data archive (see Open Resarch Data Section above).


This section provides bibliographic information for any works cited in the Data Article(including data sets), using the standard Elsevier referencing style.References are presented here following their order of appearance in the text, and using their corresponding numberin [brackets]. Data set are also referenced in full, including authors, year, title, source, and resolvable doi/accession number(s).