Delaware Reformed Church
Reverend Gary Hegstad
August 7, 2016
"Be still, and know that I am God" Psalm. 46:10.
Please use the time during the Prelude to prepare your heart for worship.
Call to Worship
Praise & Worship Highway 18 Praise Band
“God is Good (All the Time)” “Revelation Song”
“Holy Spirit You Are Welcome Here”
Opening Prayer
Children’s Story Gary Hegstad
Hymn “Be Thou My Vision”
Congregational Prayer
Worship in Tithes & Offering
Doxology & Offertory Prayer
Hymn “It Is Well”
Closing Song “It Is Well”
Welcome to Delaware. We’re glad you are here!
If you are a visitor please fill out a visitor card and place it in the offering.
Birth-4 Nursery is available throughout the service. Serving in the nursery today is Stacey & Levi.
Please welcome Cody Hanssen as our guest speaker today. Cody just returned from an 8 week mission trip to Japan with The Navigators.
This Week:
Monday: Consistory 7:00pm
Thurs-Fri: Global Leadership Summit 8:30-4:30
Global Leadership Summit: Those attending the Global Leadership Summit please meet after morning worship in the sanctuary (before coffee) for details.
Work Project Opportunity: Please consider serving the Reiners Family of Centerville. Their living situation is no longer safe for them and they are in need of a blessing. The work project is scheduled for August 20th & 27th. This opportunity is open to ANYBODY regardless of age and ability as there are many different tasks to be completed from trimming trees and painting to removing siding and replacing the front door etc. If you are interested in joining the Delaware crew please contact Jimmy-660-5395 or Kate- 957-5355.
Youth Group: Get ready to get your serve on! The high school youth group will be working at the Reiner’s home in Centerville from 9am- 2pm on Saturday, August 27th. Middle School Youth Group members are encouraged to join if their parents will join us, also! Please talk to Kate if you are unable to attend.
The youth groups will be attending the Clayton Jennings Revival in Sioux Falls at the W.H. Lyons Fair Grounds on Saturday, August 27th. There will be food, live music and Clayton will preach at 7:00. Meet at church at 5:00. Bring along money for supper.
A very big thank you to all those who helped with VBS in Worthing! There were about 30 kids in attendance.
Offering ReportGeneral Fund / Building Fund
Offering Received / 7/31/2016 / $1,472.00 / $775.00
Budgeted Average Weekly Offering / $2,692.31 / $748.08
Difference / -$1,220.31 / $26.92
Fiscal Year-To-Date Summary
Received Offerings / $81,561.87 / $13,327.24
Budgeted Offerings / $83,461.54 / $23,190.38
Difference / -$1,899.67 / -$9,863.14
Women's Ministry Service Project: Three weeks left to donate school supplies for Children's Home Society! Their wish list includes back packs and flash cards but all types of school supplies will be appreciated.
Children's Ministry Offerings: Check out the new Children's Ministry total on the poster in the sanctuary. Three week remaining to give and then at the end of August, the total will be divided between Beresford, Centerville, Lennox-Worthing-Chancellor and Viborg-Hurley to assist children in need.
Children’s Ministry News: There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for the upcoming school year. We still need quite a few volunteers! Please pray about where the Lord might have you serve! Rally Day will be Sept 11th with the first day of Sunday School on Sept 18th!
Fellowship lunch for Sunday, August 14th is Linda V & Marilyn. Praise and Worship is LIFE. Children’s Sermon is MiKayla Smit. Nursery is Tracey & Angie. Usher is Larry Bruns. Projector is Matt Kruid.
Fellowship lunch for Sunday, August 21st is Barb S, Shannon & Stacey N. Praise and Worship is the Praise Band. Children’s Sermon is Kurt Lunstra. Nursery is Tammy & Kevin. Usher is Dave DeVries. Projector is Paula Loewe.
Bulletin information should be given to Lisa Westra at 605-366-1037 or by Thursday at 9:00am.
Prayer Concerns:
-Heather Giefer, cancer tumor
-Dave Kuper, injuries from accident
-Larry Muller
-Steve Johnson, Jim Van Kekerix’s father in law, battling cancer
-Our nation, political elections
-Anthony and Morgan Gerken’s infant Isaac who has complications from lack of oxygen during birth. His twin brother James is healthy and has been released from the hospital.
Ministry of Music: Any man, woman, child or group who would be willing to provide Ministry of Music for our worship services, please talk to Cheryl.
Rev. Gary Hegstad’s contact info: (712) 348-4093 or
The Worship Team had a lengthy discussion at their recent meeting about the noise level before the service starts. The noise is mostly caused by conversations at the back of the sanctuary as people arrive for church.
To minimize the distraction, bulletins will also be available on a table in the fellowship hall for those who come in from the south entrance.
In the future it would be helpful, in preparation for the service, to be seated right away when entering the sanctuary. We want to continue to be a welcoming congregation, while showing reverence and respect as we enter a time of worship. Thank you, The Worship Committee
Prayer Concerns:
-Heather Giefer, cancer tumor
-Dave Kuper, injuries from accident
-Larry Muller
-Steve Johnson, Jim Van Kekerix’s father in law, battling cancer
-Our nation, political elections
-Anthony and Morgan Gerken’s infant Isaac who has complications from lack of oxygen during birth. His twin brother James is healthy and has been released from the hospital.
Ministry of Music: Any man, woman, child or group who would be willing to provide Ministry of Music for our worship services, please talk to Cheryl.
Rev. Gary Hegstad’s contact info: (712) 348-4093 or
The Worship Team had a lengthy discussion at their recent meeting about the noise level before the service starts. The noise is mostly caused by conversations at the back of the sanctuary as people arrive for church.
To minimize the distraction, bulletins will also be available on a table in the fellowship hall for those who come in from the south entrance.
In the future it would be helpful, in preparation for the service, to be seated right away when entering the sanctuary. We want to continue to be a welcoming congregation, while showing reverence and respect as we enter a time of worship. Thank you, The Worship Committee