Delaware Department of Education

Comprehensive Success Review

Classroom Walk-through

School: ______Date: ______

Observer: ______

Course/Subject: ______

Grade: ______

Level (circle all that apply): CP Honors AP Reg. Ed. Inclusion Self-Contained Other______

Number of teachers/paraprofessionals in room: / ?

Protocol for Classroom Walk-through:

  1. Be respectful to the educational process. Be as non-intrusive as possible.
  • Do not interrupt instruction.
  • Do not talk with students.
  • Do not engage in conversation with the teacher.
  • Do not engage in conversation with your partner within the classroom.
  1. Allow approximately 10 minutes for observation.

Additional Comments

Grade:______Teacher:______Time of walk-through: _____a.m. _____ p.m.
(circle one) Beginning of Class Middle of Class End of Class
Teacher Actions (IV.2, IV.3)
___facilitating/coaching students
___modeling with guided practice
___providing targeted, specific feedback
___instructing small-group (i.e., direct instruction; not monitoringcooperative or clustered groups)
___working with individual students
___interacting positively with students
___ follows posted schedule for classroom instruction / What is the teacher doing during your time in the classroom?
Instructional Techniques (IV.2, IV.3, V.2, V.3, V.4)
___asking open-ended questions that require critical and evaluative thinking (i.e., higher order
thinkingquestions with wait time; not fact based questions)
___differentiating instruction through process, content, and /or product (provide comments)
___sequencing of instruction shows progression from simple to complex
___engaging students using research-based reading strategies
___engaging students using research-based writing strategies
___activities and assessments reflect the rigor of the learning outcomes/standards / What classroom activities or assignments highlight the instructional techniques in use?
Instructional Resources (IV.2, IV.3, IV.5)
___ using technology to enhance instruction (students engage in the use of technology)
___using technology to provide greater access to the curriculum (teacher use of SmartBoard, Redcat, etc)
___ using technology for a variety of purposes
___ using manipulatives to reinforce and enhance instruction
___district provided materials observed in use (identify) ______/ What instructional resources/materials are in use to support delivery of instruction?
Student Actions/Activities (IV.2, IV.4)
___forming and revising questions/explanations
___making presentations
___participating in bell ringer/warm-up activity
___participating in drill/worksheet/text seat work
___participating in project/problem-based work/hands-on activity
___working collaboratively with other(s) (i.e., students engaged in small cooperative group learning) / What opportunities do all students have to be engaged during your time in the classroom?
Evidence of emphasis on integration(IV.1, IV.2, V.1)
___applying skills and/or content learned in other classes (provide comments)
___making cross-curricular connections / What integrated content is observed?
Evidence of emphasis on Content Standards (IV.1, IV.2, IV.3)
___posting student-friendly learning outcomes (e.g.,essentialquestion, learning maps, active word wall, daily agenda)
___frequent checking for student understanding of planned learning
___providing rigorous content at or above grade level based on Common Core State Standards / What Delaware Content Standard (e.g. GLEs, benchmarks) is addressed?
Classroom Environment (IV.2, IV.3, V.3, V.5, VII.3)
___content and grade appropriate student work displayed in and/or outside the classroom
___ student exemplars and rubrics relevant to current work posted
___interacting with print-rich environment (e.g., word walls, bulletin boards, books, signs, charts,
student learning maps, essential questions)
___organizing for student learning (e.g., time effective procedures and preparation and effective
classroom design)
___classroom management conducive to learning / Briefly describe the classroom environment and configuration (rows of desks, clusters or tables).

Classroom Observation Protocol (Revised August 2013)Comprehensive Success Review

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