MAY 16, 2013 ~ 6:00 P.M.
Members Present: Kevin Barry, Don Gorman, Peter Menard, Debbie Kelley, Co-Supt. Patty Sherman, Kandy Davitt
1. Call to Order – Mr. Barry, Chair
Chair, Mr. Barry called the May 01, 2013 meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
2. Pledge of Allegiance – Mr. Barry
Chair, Mr. Barry led those present at the May 01, 2013 meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Non-Public Session (NH RSA 91-A:3, II., a, b, c, ) - Student Matter
Chair, Mr. Barry reviewed with those present the Protocol for the Board Hearing.
A motion was made by Don Gorman to go into non-public at 8:55 according to NH RSA 91-A:3, II C, seconded by Debbie Kelley.
Roll Call Vote required/recorded:
Yea / NayDon Gorman / Yes
Kevin Barry / Yes
Debbie Kelley / Yes
Peter Menard / Yes
The board recessed their meeting to meet with the School District’s attorney at 7:55 P.M.
Ms. Clark joined the meeting at this time.
4. Minutes of Previous Meeting – May 1, 2013
The minutes of May 1, 2013 were tabled till the June 5th meeting.
5. Immediate Business
A. Agenda Review
Item #6- Non-Public was removed from tonight’s meeting.
B. Citizens’ Comments
No comments were made
C. Consent Agenda (0 items)
6. Non-Public Session (NH RSA 91-A:3, II., a, b, c,)- High School Negotiations/Personnel
Removed from the agenda
7. New Business
A. Appointments and Resignations (0 items) – Ms. Sherman
A motion was made by Don Gorman to re-open the Public meeting at 9:07, seconded by Peter Menard.
All in Favor
Motion Carried
A motion was made by Don Gorman to go into non-public at 9:07 according to NH RSA 91-A:3, II C, seconded by Debbie Kelley.
Roll Call Vote required/recorded:
Yea / NayDon Gorman / Yes
Kevin Barry / Yes
Debbie Kelley / Yes
Peter Menard / Yes
All in Favor
Motion Carried
A Motion was made by Peter Menard to come out of non-public at 9:11 according to NH RSA 91-A:3, II C, seconded by Debbie Kelley.
Roll Call Vote required/recorded:
Yea / NayDon Gorman / Yes
Kevin Barry / Yes
Debbie Kelley / Yes
Peter Menard / Yes
A motion was made by Don Gorman, seconded by Peter Menard to seal the non-public minutes indefinitely.
All in Favor
Motion Carried
A motion was made by Don Gorman to Adjourn the May 16th School Board meeting, at 9:12 seconded by Debbie Kelley.
All in Favor
Motion Carried