Deer Lakes Owners’ Association, Inc.

C/o Fairway Management

1331 Bedford Dr., Suite 103

Melbourne, FL 32940


Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes

August 16, 2016

  1. Meeting was called to order by President, Max Duess, at 7:00 PM with 5 of 5 Directors present (Max Duess, Jim Fiandaca, Donna Rokus, Gloria Bryan, and Paul Oddo).
  2. A motion was made by Jim, 2nd by Gloria to waive the reading of the minutes from previous meeting and approve as submitted. No discussion, motion carried unanimously.
  3. Recognition of Visitors
  4. Paul Sternick 3281 Deer Lakes Dr.
  5. Carol Stone 3222 Deer Lakes Dr.
  6. Monna Tallman-Landscape Committee asked to address the Board on some issues concerning landscaping and the pool area:
  7. Flawless- Ongoing issues. Asked if the Association needed to use them for projects? They have supervision problems. Monna was asked to direct all the issues concerning Flawless to Fairway so they may be tracked.
  8. The preserve cutback will be September 18th, requested that Supervisor be onsite all the time during the cut.
  9. Asked about Hardwood trees cutting schedule- They are not in the current contract
  10. Diseased Palms need to be addressed with homeowners- Asked to send addresses to Fairway and they will be addressed.
  11. Asked that the posts for the “no parking on the grass” sign be installed, but not painted. She has the paint that matches the other new signs. Fairway will order
  12. Asked if old signs in storage room can be removed- Will be removed
  13. A street light out at 3314 Cloudberry- Fairway has reported to FPL
  14. Asked President to put in newsletter that help is needed with Decorating Committee.
  15. Reports of Officers
  16. President- Max reiterated that the preserve cut is scheduled for September 18th as noticed
  17. Treasurer- Paul reported that 10 General Ledger accounts were over budget- Jim Kenney, Fairway responded that they really are not over budget, but that the computer takes an annual amount an amortized over 12 months, so it appears that they are over when in fact they are within the annual budget. Jim Will modify the report to reflect the annual budget so this will not appear in the future. Paul asked that there be an internal control over invoicing to approve payments when projects have been complete.
  18. Pool & Playground- the pool was leak tested on Friday, have not been given results yet. Fairway will pass on as soon as the receive report. Playground bench will be replaced and sandbox removed. Playground mulch will be installed November 1st
  19. ARC- No Report- No Driveway stain has been recommended by the ARC. Jim Kenney will bring choices for the board to decide on next Board meeting
  20. Fairway Management
  21. Violations Enforcement- The Board voted unanimously, motion by Jim, 2nd by Donna, on the following further action:
  22. 3676 Hoofprint- Self Help on PW Drive and sidewalk
  23. 3590 Deer Lakes, 3451 Deer Lakes sent to Attorney for Mediation Demand.
  24. Donna asked if 3526 Hoofprint had been noticed for their lack of landscaping. It is on the current report and will be followed up on the next drive thru inspection.
  25. BCSO Details- Board asked that the details be shifted to the bus times now that school is back in session. Jim will call and arrange
  26. Board Certification- Max asked Jim Kenney to send him info on the next class.
  27. Entrance Traffic- A meeting has been arranged with the County Commissioner 8/19 to discuss the options of either a light at the intersection, or making it a no U-turn area due to the unsafe conditions trying to exit Deer Lakes on to Wickham Road.
  28. Old Business
  29. Parking sign language to be changed
  30. A truck has been parked at the pool with a for sale sign. Max called the owner and asked them to move it.
  31. Board Vacancies- Jim reviewed the process of filling the terms. There are two residents that have expressed interest.
  32. Rentals- A discussion was held by the Board over rentals and how they could control the amount that are allowed to be rented. Jim Kenney explained it would take 75% of the voting interest to approve that kind of change an that it would not apply to any resident that didn’t approve. It really needs to be more of an enforcement issue
  33. Donna Rokus reported that the spring on the pedestrian gate is still broken. Jim will check on the work order.
  34. Next Meeting will be September 20, 2016 at Donna Rokus’s house 5032 Outlook.
  35. Being no other business before the Board, meeting was adjourned by 2nd motion at 7:45 PM

Minutes Submitted by:

Jim Kenney, LCAM

Fairway Management