Deer Creek Intermediate PTO Meeting
Meeting Date: Nov 5, 2013
Meeting Location/Time: DCIS 2:45pm
Call To Order: 2:48pm
Review Minutes: Motion made, seconded and passed
Principal’s report: Mr. O
· Drop off extra Halloween candy so we can send to Afghanistan.. Treats for Troops
· Veterans Assembly will be held Nov. 11th with a 12:30 reception in the library
· Holiday lunches are: Nov 21st – 5th grade Thanksgiving lunch; Dec 12th – 6th grade Christmas Lunch
· December food drive for the Regional Food Bank
· 5th grade picked up Camp Classen fundraiser cookies and pizza
· Car Riders – Please turn RIGHT when leaving. Cars will get backed up if drivers are trying to turn left.
· FCA has chosen Operation Christmas Child to help this year. We encourage students to bring things to help others.
· December 20th is the DCIS talent show: 5th grade will be in the morning , 6th in the afternoon in the new Deer Creek PAAC. Tryouts are December 3rd for 5th grade and December 5th for 6th grader. Tryout forms MUST be signed by a parent.
· Kona Ice gave an extra 10% (a total of 30%) of their proceeds to DCIS!
· My School’s Cool Program is still going on…please turn in your Quail Springs Mall receipts to help our school win money!
· Honors Assembly Nov 22nd
Mrs. Franklin: Starting the Title Wish online book drive. Starts 11-4-2013 and ends 11-22-2013. Our goal is 2,000, but for every dollar over goal Follett matches by 10%. Please promote, tell friends and family to go online and donate!
President’s Report: Angie Thomas
· We raised $540 for the library from the Cookie Grams and Theatre Ticket sales!
· In December, we will do Candy Grams or Antler Grams: Our goal is to have teachers present in December for anything they would like funded (up to $250). There will be a ballot and everyone in attendance will vote on which project they would like to see get the funds.
Monique Dodd: We won a Wii 2014 Just Dance from PTO Today
11-14-2013: a presentation on Autism and Early Intervention will be presented in the Administation Bldg at 6pm
Treasurer’s Report: Monique Dodd
· Motion to approve, seconded and passed
Committee Reports:
Hospitality: Cheryl Davies
- Thanks to all parents that helped with conference dinners. In January, we will have Food for the Soul
Spirit Store: Christy Gwartney:
- Creek boutique was a success! We will also have the Spirit Store open on Nov. 11th (Veterans Day) and November 22 at the Honors Assembly.
- Also, Spirit Store will be open the 1st Friday of every month.
Lisa Williams: the office has a notebook with every teacher’s list of favorites. Please ask Rhonda and you can take notes on what teachers may want.
Meeting Adjourned: 3:25pm
Attachment: Treasurer’s Report