John 3:16, 17; 1 John 4:7-8

God is love. He created everything with love. He first created the light in order to send darknessaway. After each creation. He saw that all He had created was good (Genesis 1:10, 12, 18, 21, 25). In His love, He provides food for the birds in the sky which never sow nor reap. The fishes in the oceans and rivers are well cared for. The trees and plants in the forest are watered by the dew,and rain from heaven.There is also enough sunshine to make them grow. The flowers in the field are dressed with beautiful colours. The beasts are provided with suitable homes in the forest. What a wonderful God we serve! The message is divided into three parts.

1. GOD’S LOVE TO MAN (Including boys and girls): Genesis 1:26-28; John 3:16.

God has shown us His love in many ways. First, He created us to be like Himself. He did not create us to be an animal like the goat, sheep, horse or any other animal. He created us as human beings, in His own image.

Secondly, God shows His love to us by providing good things for us. When He created Adam and Eve, He gave them everything and made them have rule over all other creatures. The plants and animals on the land and in the sea were given by God for their enjoyment, until they went into the sin of disobedience.

Thirdly, God showed us His love by sending Jesus Christ, His only begotten son, to die for our sins. As a result of Adam’s disobedience, sin and punishment came upon us. God is holy, He corrects and punishes people that commit sins (Revelation 3:19). In His love He also forgives and cleanses every sinner who turns away from his or her sins. God, in His Mercyand love, gave His only Begotten Son to die for us. He shed His blood to cleanse our hearts (John 3:16). Have you accepted the love of God by receiving Jesus Christ as your Personal Lord and Saviour?

2. HOW TO ACCEPT GOD’S LOVE: 1 John 1:7-9; John 3:17-18.

God has shown His great love to you, what then must you do? (i)Accept the love of God by repenting and turning away from all the bad things that you have done.

(ii)Ask God to forgive you and cleanse you with the blood of Jesus. (iv) Don’t go back to sin again. (v) Always be in fellowship with other friends of Jesus (vi) Make peace with those you have done wrong to. (vii) Read your Bible every day, think on it’s Word and obey it. (viii) Be watchful and prayerful.

3. SHARING GOD’S LOVE: 1 John 4:7-11; 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

God’s command to all who accept His love is for them to share that love with others. In order to do this, you must (a) Preach the love of God to sinners (b) With love, bring them to Jesus and show them how they can become His friend. (c) Visit those who are sick and pray for them. (d) Share what you have with those who do not have.

(e) Care for the young ones and aged people. Be willing to run errands for them when the need arises. (f) Comfort and encourage those who have lost their dear ones.

MEMORY VERSES: John 3:16; 1 John 4:7-8.

ACTIVITY: Discuss the practical ways to show God’s Love in the following: Comfort; giving, caring, helping, praying and telling others about Jesus.




Genesis 1:3; John 1:1-9, 8:12; 9:5; 12:35, 36, 40.

The first visible thing that God created was light (Genesis 1:3). Light is God’s great blessing to the whole earth. Light is bright and powerful. It sends darknessaway. The Bible describes light as sweet and pleasant (Ecclesiastes 11:7) and rejoicing the heart (Proverbs 15:30). This is true because no one likes darkness. In fact, whenever there is power failure, a lot of children are afraid and run to adults for safety. Science tells us that germs that cause sicknesses breed in dark and dirty places. As it is in the physical, so it is in the spiritual. Every work of wickedness by Satan and his agents are done in darkness. For better understanding we shall study this topic under three points.

1. ORIGIN OF DARKNESS: 1 John 1:6-7.

God is glorious, pure and powerful. God is light. There in no darkness in God. Darkness stands for evil, sin, Satan and wickedness. Just as physical light is good and useful to all things so is God’s love experienced (felt) and enjoyed by all his creations. God created man in His likeness. Man disobeyed God in the garden of Edenand fell into spiritual darkness and death (Romans 6:23a). Every child born into the world have since then inherited the sinful nature of Adam and the works of darkness like stealing, fighting, telling lies, witchcraft, idol worshiping, murder, disobedience and other wicked things.

2. JESUS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD: John 8:12; 9:5.

God,loves us and therefore sent Jesus Christ His only begotten Son to save the world from sin. When Jesus came, He brought light into the world and sent darkness away. Jesus is the light of the world. The visible light of the world is the sun. Jesus is the Son of righteousness; sinless, holy, powerful and good to all. His shed blood on the cross delivered us from the power of darkness and brought us into His kingdom of light (Colossians 1:13). Every sinner that believes in the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus will be brought out of darkness into the light of God and live forever in heaven. Friends of Jesus must continue to walk in the light of God by: - (a) Loving Jesus above everyone and everything in the world. (b) Submitting to His authority. (c) Being obedient to His commandments at all times and (d) Following Him as our perfect example in all things.


Jesus wants all the boys and girls to come into the light of His Kingdom and be saved. This is why Jesus is inviting sinners to come unto him and have rest (Matthew 11:28). If you are still fighting, stealing, cheating, speaking abusive words and being disobedient, you are in darkness and serving Satan. Jesus is calling you to forsake all these works of darkness and come into His light (life of holiness). Take the following steps of faith and you will be saved. (a) Realize that you are a sinner and cannot save yourself (b)Confess all the bad things you have done, repent and forsake them.(c) Ask God to cleanse your heart with the blood of Jesus (d) Invite Jesus into your heart as your Personal Lord and Saviour. (e)Believe that you are saved and begin to live a new life of holiness in the Lord. Rise up now and pray.


1. ______was the first visible thing that God Created

2. Darkness represents evil, sin, and wickedness. Yes/No.

3. Mention three attributes of Jesus as the Light of the world.

4. What should sinful children do to answer the call of Jesus and come into the Light?

MEMORY VERSE: John 8:12.

ACTIVITY:A piece of cloth is tied round a child’s eyes, and another child is called out to untie the blind fold. The child can now clearly see the light of the day. He should explain the difference between light and darkness.




Mark 5:18-20; 16:15

Jesus’ command to every child is in two fold which is “Come” and “Go”. Immediately a child reaches out to Jesus for salvation, that child is also commanded to go in the Name of Jesus and tell others the good news of salvation. This is what it means to reach out for Jesus.

In our text, a man who had just been delivered from an unclean spirit wanted to remain with Jesus and livewith and follow Jesus everywhere. But Jesus told the man to go home to his friends and neighbours and tell them what God had done for him. All born-again children must go and preach the gospel. They must go out and reach out to others and bring them to Jesus. We shall consider the topic under the following sub-headings.

1. KNOWING JESUS: Mark 5:15.

You must have a personal knowledge of Jesus before you can make Jesus known to others.In order to reach out for Jesus by preaching to others, you must have first, reached out to Jesus and be saved. A sinful child cannot be a preacher of the gospel. Jesus does not send sinful and stubborn children to preach the gospel. But He sends only those who have obeyed His call to“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

Have you obeyed the call of Jesus to salvation? Are you saved and washed by the blood of Jesus? Have you surrendered your heart to Jesus? If not, what are you waiting for? Now is the time to be saved, seek the Lord while He may be found (Isaiah 55:6-7).

2. MAKING JESUS KNOWN TO OTHERS: Mark 5:19-20; 16:15.

Immediately you become born again, Jesus wants you to reach out to others and tell then about the love of God for them. When you have come to Jesus, you must also go for Jesus. “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). Will you obey the master? What are you to preach as you go out?

(i) Tell the sinners that Jesus loves them and died for their sins (John 3:16). (ii) Tell them that God hates the life of sin and disobedience to the word of God (Genesis 6:5-7). (iii) God will soon bring judgment upon the whole world and those who refuse to repent will perish (Acts 17:30-31). (iv) Anybody who turns away from his/her evil way (repents) will be saved. But those who continue in their wicked ways will be punished by God (Mark 16:16; Isaiah 55:6-7). (v) Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. There is no other way (Acts 4:12). (vi)Tell them to give their hearts to Jesus now so that they can be saved. They must also turn away (repent) from all their sins (Romans 10:9-11). (vii) Pray with those who give their lives to Jesus and encourage them to continue in the Lord by reading the Bible, praying everyday, obeying the word of God and attending fellowship.


God has many rewards for those who obey Him in preaching the gospel to others. (i) They will shine like stars forever. (ii) God’s favour will be upon them. (iii)They will have answers to their prayers. (iv) They will enjoy special protection from the Lord. (v) They will live with Jesus forever. (vi)There will be stars in their crown when they get to heaven. (vii) They will be filled with joy for obeying God.

You must make up your mind to preach the gospel as a friend of Jesus. Many children are waitingto give their lives to Jesus. Go now and preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ everywhere and great shall be your reward.


1. What is Jesus’ command to every child?

2. What must a child do before he can reach out for Jesus?

3. What are we to preach to the people as we go out?

4. Mention three blessings for obedient children who reach out for Jesus.

MEMORY VERSES: Matthew 5:16; Mark 5:18; 16:15.

ACTIVITY: Singing Evangelism choruses: e.g. Go and Tell them that Jesus died for sinful men……..




Psalm 78:3-7

Children, how many of you have witnessed an inter-house sports event in your school? One of the activities during the inter-house sports is called. ‘Relay Race’. A relay race is normally run by a team of selected runners. They make use of a small stick called baton which they normally hand over from the first runner to the next runner until the race is ended.

The preaching of the gospel and telling the goodness of God is like a relay race that is carried from one generation to another. The preaching of the gospel started with our Lord, Jesus Christ. He handed it over to His Apostles and disciples, and members of the early church. The early church handed it over to the next generation, and to another generation and now, it is our turn. So, we must PASS IT ON. The gospel light is now in your hand and you must PASS IT ON. Turn to the person sitting next to you and say. “PASS IT ON” Tell him/her the second time “PASS IT ON”. Tell him/her the last time “PASS IT ON”

What are we to pass on? The Good News! We shall consider the following examples:

(i) A little maid from the land of Israel (2 Kings 5:1-14). This little girl was captured during the war and taken to the land of Syria. But when she had an opportunity to tell the people about the God of Israel, she did not keep quiet. She passed it on. So, you too must PASS IT ON. (ii) The four lepers (2 Kings 7:3-11). These four lepers lived outside the city gate far away from other people because of their leprosy. But one day, they came across abundant food, silver, gold and clothes. They did not keep quiet, they went and passed on the good news to the entire people in the city. You have the Good News of the Kingdom. So, do not keep quiet but PASS IT ON. (iii) The woman by the well (John 4:7, 28-30). The woman at the well was a sinner. When she came across Jesus Christ, Jesus preached to her and she gave her heart to Jesus. After that, she went into the town telling everybody about Jesus. She passed it on. So, what must you do with the knowledge of God and His Word which you have? You too must PASS IT ON. (iv) Paul the Apostle (Acts 26:19-23). Apostle Paul was called Saul before he gave his life to Jesus. His life was very bad and rough. But immediately he gave his life to Jesus, his life changed. He became a friend of Jesus and started telling everybody, including kings and governors about Jesus. He passed it on and continued till he died. You too must PASS IT ON. (v) Young Timothy:

(2 Timothy 2:1-2) Timothy gave his life to Jesus as a child. He later became a Pastor. He did not stop to tell others about Jesus Christ. Paul, in our Bible passage wrote a letter to Timothy that he must commit the preaching of the gospel to faithful men, who will also tell others. Timothy was told to pass it on. So, you too must PASS IT ON. (vi) A great company (Psalm 68:11). The book of Psalm tells us that after God had given the word, a great company of friends of Jesus began to publish it. You must join them to publish the good news – PASS IT ON. (VII) Our Lord Jesus Christ (John 20:21). The preaching of the gospel and sharing the Good News of salvation started with our Lord Jesus Christ. When He was about to leave this world He handed over the baton to the disciples who passed it to the next generation. Today, Jesus Christ is telling you “…as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” So, PASS IT ON! PASS IT ON! PASS IT ON!Tell yourself, the gospel light will not die in my hand. I will PASS IT ON! Stand up and pray.




Matthew 6:5-15; Luke 18:1

Jesus is a Great Teacher He taught His Friends many things about the Kingdom of God, so that everyone will become member of God’s Kingdom and enjoy the blessings therein. Jesus lives a lifestyle of prayer He also taught His Friends how to pray. Just as breathing is important to life so also is prayer important to living the Christian life. Jesus’ example of prayer and what He taught His disciples tells how important prayer is for all those wants to enter into God’ Kingdom and enjoy His blessing. We get all the things we desire from God through prayer (Matthew 21:22). We shall consider three points.


Jesus is our perfect example. As the only begotten Son of God He prayed many times. His entire life is a lesson of payer. All true friends of Jesus are commanded to follow His example. Some of the example of Jesus prayers are: (i) Jesus started His ministry with prayers alone with God in the wilderness. He fasted and prayed for forty days and forty nights. (ii) Jesus have regular quiet time and starts His day with prayers (Mark 1:35). (iii) Jesus teaches and enjoined His friends to pray (Matthew 7:7; 21:36; 24:41; Luke 18:1). (iv) Jesus depended on God and prayed throughout His ministry. Think of the works and miracles of Jesus; water turned to wine at the marriage in Cana (John 2:11); and the raising of Lazarus from the dead (John 11:41-44) (v) Jesus prayed in times of temptations and trials (Luke 22:40-43) (vi) Jesus is still praying in heaven for all His Friends (Hebrews 7:25).