IFOAMAgribiomediterraneo International conference

“Agroecology for Organic Agriculture in the Mediterranean”

Template for papers submitted to the

IFOAM Agribiomediterraneo international conference

“Agroecology for Organic Agriculture in the Mediterranean”

Migliorini, P.[1], Rahmann, G.[2]Zanoli, R.[3]Please take care that you consistently adhere to the author name format i.e. family name, first letter of the given name with a dot, comma between the authors and the last author linked by &. Use the footnote function for the addresses of the authors

Key words: Maximum five keywords.


Please write the abstract in italics.

The abstract should not have more than 1200 characters (blank spaces excluded).


Contributions must be submitted as full papers (max. 4 pages) and as a Word document.

When submitting your paper please use this template. In this template all formats (font, font size, spacing, paragraphs) are already fixed, and you will find the names of the individual styles indicated with two brackets. Please choose the right style from your style list.

We recommend that you use this template right from the beginning. When copying existing texts into this template the various styles might interfere with each other.

Please save your document as a word document (*.doc) and not as template (*.dot).

Please make sure that the language quality is good. If possible, have the document checked by a native speaker.

Materials and methods

Margins are: top of the page 2 cm; at the bottom 2 cm, inside 2 cm, outside 2 cm.

Tables and figures should be framed. Please do not use photographs.

a) Format of figures

Please write the headline and the legend below the figure/graph. Please do not use colours in the graphs.

Figure 1: Distribution of global organic grassland by continent 31.12.2005

B) Tables

The table headline should beabove the table. Please make a table and then select table > Table AutoFormat > owc-table. Or use the style “owc-table” from the style list.

The style “owc-table-text” for the text in the tables can also be used for table legends.

Tab. 3: Yield (t ha-1)of the inner and outer row of potatoes with different neighbours ((owc-table-headline))

((owc-table text)) / Inner / Outer / Inner / Outer
Potatoes / 308 / 299 / n.s. / 334 / 335 / n.s.
Clover / 306 / 307 / n.s. / 337 / 326 / n.s.
Cereals / 307 / 280 / * / 338 / 288 / ***

* significant for P<0.05

*** significant for P<0.001¨

Latin words should be in italics, the first time the names are mentioned do not use abbreviations (Phytophthora infestans); hence abbreviationscan be used (P. infestans).


Before submitting the paper please have a look at the print out of the document:

-Please make sure that the format is A 5.

-Please make sure that the text is not longer than four pages.

-Please make sure that the graphs are readable and the fonts are not too small.

-Please note: For the proceedings CD the document will be converted into a PDF. This conversion process can sometimes change the graphs. We therefore recommend strongly that you convert your document into a PDF in order to check if the graphs are still fine after conversion.

-Please submit your paper in Word format to



Should you have problems using this template please do not hesitate to contact us:

Detailed information on how to submit a paper is available at the homepages



Please quote a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 10 references.

In the text:

-et al. in italics

-Smith & Jones 2005, Jones et al. 2006), i.e. no punctuation between

author and year, comma between entries

Journal articles:

Migliorini P, Moschini V, Tittarelli F, Ciaccia C, Benedettelli S, Vazzana C, Canali S (2014). Agronomic performance, carbon storage and nitrogen utilisation of long-term organic and conventional stockless arable systems in Mediterranean area. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY, Vol 52(B):138–145


Klingmuller W. (1988): Azospirillum IV: Genetics, physiology, ecology. Springer, Heidelberg, 333 p.

Chapters from multi-author books:

Condron, L. M. (2004): Phosphorus - surplus and deficiency. In Schjönning, P., Elmholt S., Christensen, B. T. (eds.): Managing soil quality. Challenges in modern agriculture. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, p. 69-85.

Book in series:

Zanoli R., Gambelli D. (1999): Output and public expenditure implications of the development of organic farming in Europe. In: Organic Farming in Europe: Economics and Policy, Vol. 4, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, 66p.


Sabel-Koschella U. (1988): Field studies on soil erosion in the southern Guinea Savanna of West Nigeria. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Munich, Germany.


United Nations Development Programme (2005): Human Development Report 2005, (accessed 2006-06-26).


10-13 September 2015, Vignola Castle (Modena) and SANA Bologna, Italy

[1]University of Gastronomic Sciences, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, 9 Pollenzo 12060 – Bra (CN) Italy, E-Mail , Internet

