Deep Springs Elementary School
SBDM Council
MINUTES:September 27, 2017
Attendance:Adam Kirk, Katie Brewer, Joe Albert, Donnita Hughes, Katie Carr
Absent:Anitrea Burks
Guests in the Audience: Melissa McDaniel, Alie Doane, Leslie Waddelow, Bari Douglas
- Call to Order
- Welcome: Started at 4:00 pm
- Adoption of Agenda:Mr. Albert made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Mrs. Hughes, all in favor.
- Approval ofAugust 30 Minutes:Ms. Brewer made a motion to approve the Augustminutes with the addition Jeff Peake and Haley Potts added under IV. A in the 2nd grade and para intervention vacancies. Seconded by Mr. Albert, all in favor.
- Communications to the Council
- Public Comment:N/A
- Good News Report:Mr. Kirk- 5th Grade-Keeneland, Color Days with K, PTA & Art Fundraisers, Bus Safety, Golf Team Started, Open House on Sept. 14th, 4th Grade Field Trip, and Panda Express PTA Family Night was last night.
- PBIS/R&R Update:Ms. Burks was absent so the council will receive an update in October.
- FALL MAP Data:Dr. McDaniel presented the Fall MAP data by grade level and explained how we calculated percentage of novice. In addition, she shared how each team created SMART goals to decrease the percentage of novice when we take the test again in the winter and spring. She explained the new programs we are using for rigorous curriculum in reading and math as well as intervention and other supports we have in place.
- Title 1 Fall Advisory:Mrs. Waddelow gave out the schedule for Family Nights at Deep Springs this year and answered any Title 1 questions the council had.
- Action Items
- Budget Report (MUNIS/EPES) – Mrs. Urbaneja was absent so the council will receive the budget reports in October.
- Real Men Read–Mr. Kirk and Dr. McDaniel explained the program to the council. Mrs. Hughes made a motion to approve, seconded by Ms. Brewer, all in favor.
- ESS – Mrs. Doane explained the ESS proposal to the council. Mr. Albert made a motion to approve, seconded by Mrs. Hughes, all in favor.
- CSIP –Mr. Kirk explained the self-assessment tool and the plan for collecting data from all staff members to develop this year’s CSIP.
- Communications to the Council
- PTP/Gifted and Talented Parent Meeting –Mrs. Douglas explained the gifted and talented program and process for identifying students.
- Adjourn
Mr. Kirk made the motion to adjourn at4:38pm. Seconded by Mr. Albert, all in favor.