S:\PRB\shared\DEDUCTION SCHEDULE_Pay Check priority\Deduction Schedule 4-8-15.doc

Deduction Schedule


FederalFed Tax1 n/ananaevery

MedicareMed Tax2 n/ananaevery

State TaxesState Tax3 n/ananaevery

RetirementState Ret4 200prepre (1)every

Optional RetirementAdj Ret5 210 prepre (1)every

Adjustment to RetirementAdj Ret6 225 prepre (1)every

Alternate Retirement (mandatory OBRA)Alt Ret7 250prepre (1)every

Retirement: OBRA Broad 1990)Alt Ret8 260prepre (1)every

Wage GarnishmentGarnish9 300postpostevery*

Emergency Advance PaybackAdvPaybck10 350postpostevery

Makeup Retirement Makeup Ret11 400postpostevery

Basic Life InsuranceLife Ins12 500pre (4)pre (4)first

Basic HealthHealthIns13 510pre (4)pre (4)first/second

GIC Optional LifeLife Ins15 520postpostsecond

Long Term DisabilityLTD Amt16 530postpostfirst

Dental/Vision (Jud. Branch mgmt.)Dent Vis17 540postpostfirst

Dental/Vision (Exec. Dept. mgmt.)Dent Vis18 540postpostsecond

Special InsuranceSpec Ins19 600postpostevery

Union DuesUnion Due20 700postpostvaries

Agency FeeAgncy Fee21 700postpostvaries

Union SpecialUnionSpec22 710postpostvaries

Health Care Spending Account FeeHCSA Fee23 725pre (3)prefirst

Dependent Care Assistance ProgramDep Care24 730prepreevery

Health Care Spending Account HCSA Ded25 735pre (3)preevery

Tax Shelter Annuity PlanTSA26 755prepreevery

Deferred CompensationDef Comp27 775prepreevery

Deferred Compensation_ROTHDef Comp ROTH28 780postpostvaries

COMECCCOMECC29 825 postpostevery

QTQTPER130 845pre (2)pre (2)first

QTQTPER231 845pre (2)pre (2)second

TransitBenStrat32 850pre (2)pre (2)first

ParkingBenStrat33 850prepresecond

Tran (Federal/State) TRANFD/ST34 850post post first

Park (Federal/State_PARKFD/ST 35 850post post second

Commonwealth FeeComm Fee36 n/apost post every

(1)The first $2000 in the total combined of all Retirement contributions and Medicare Tax is not subject to MA State Tax.

(2)MBTA transit passes are Federal tax-free based on IRS qualified transit amount for current year.

(3)Health Care Spending Account Deductions and Fees are not subject to Medicare Taxes.

(4)GIC Basic Life and GIC Basic Health can be pre or post tax.

*Determined by court order.

As of 4/8/2015