Wayne Township Planning Commission
Minutes for Monthly Meeting, January 12, 2016
Attendance: Board: Terry Condo,John Noltee, Rodney Shemory, John Raymond, Roxanne Embick Public: Mike Maneval, Jim Maguire
Terry Condo called for appointment of temporary chair. John Noltee nominated Terry Condo as temporary chair. Motion was seconded by Rod Shemory. All were in favor; motion carried.
Meeting was called to order at 7:04pm.
Pledge of Allegiance led by Terry Condo.
Election of Officers: Chairman - John Noltee nominated Terry Condo. Roxanne Embick seconded the nomination. Vice-Chairman - John Noltee nominated Rodney Shemory. John Raymond seconded the motion. Secretary - Rod Shemory nominated Roxanne Embick. John Raymond seconded the motion. Slate of officers were voted on and passed unanimously.
Meeting Schedule: John Raymond made a motion to continue to hold the regular meetings of the Planning Commission on the second Tuesday of each month. Rod Shemory seconded the motion. All were in favor; motion carried.
Approval of Minutes–John Raymondmadea motion to approve the December 9, 2015minutes.John Nolteeseconded the motion. Motion carried.
New Business:
Ron Haffley Subdivision –Mike Maneval of Michael T. Maneval and Associates presented plans for Ron Haffley’s subdivision of parcel #17587. It is proposed that the lot be divided into three subdivisions. Lot #1 would measure 14.995 acres; Lot #2 would measure 10 acres; Lot #3, a.k.a. Residue Lot would measure 20 acres. The parcel is currently zoned open recreation. Terry Condo reviewed the subdivision checklist. Mr. Maneval presented the application for DEP module. The number of copies and the DEP planning module were acceptable. The remaining items on the checklist were non-applicable. John Noltee made a motion to recommend the approval of the subdivision as presented. John Raymond seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Letter from Mitch Christensen - Mitch sent an e-mail to Terry Condo stating that due to work obligations, he will be unable to attend the next three to four meetings. Mitch asked if we could consider offering him a possible sabbatical for one year. Terry stated that he would like to keep Mitch because of his experience. The board consulted Jim Maguire, who was present in the audience, as to any rules that apply to the decision. He responded that it was up to the discretion of the board as to any requests made for change of membership on the Planning Commission. The request would then be sent to the Board of Supervisors so that they can find any replacement as needed. There was further discussion. John Raymond made a motion to request that the supervisors find one new member. John Noltee seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Old Business:Terry stated that we will need to get in touch with Nanci Sarcinello to schedule our next meeting regarding the Comprehensive Plan. At that time, we would like to see the changes to the SALDO made at our December meeting for further review.
Public Participation:Jim Maguire stated that Clinton County was chosen as the Host County for the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) State Convention. Our county will be permitted to submit information and/or items from the county for the event.
Adjournment – John Noltee made a motion to adjourn. Rod Shemory seconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at7:51pm.
Respectfully submitted by,
Roxanne Embick, Secretary