Deception Pass Park Foundation Meeting Minutes

Feb. 26, 2014 Board Meeting

I.  Call to order

Board President Liz Merriman called to order the meeting of the Deception Pass Park Foundation at 5:30 P.M. on Wednesday Feb. 26, 2014 in the Deception Pass Park Administration Office.

II.  Roll Call

The following members were present: Liz Merriman, Barry Wenaas, Ken Hunt, Estelle Johnson, Barbara Shaw, Brain Shelly, and Jessy Osterloh. Also present was Rick Colombo and Jean Lee. Not present were Matt Klope, Karen Rye, Steve Young and Jack Hartt.

III.  Agenda, Minutes and Correspondence

Barb S. moved to accept agenda, seconded by Barry W. There were no objections. The minutes from Jan 29, 2014 meeting were presented. Barry W. moved to accept as amended, Barb S. seconded. There were no objections.

No correspondence to be read

IV.  Officers reports

a)  President’s report:

·  Policy and Procedures: Liz will meet with Committee chairs to review and update so we can move forward adhering to Policy and Procedures.

·  Ken H. and Liz M. meet and organized all past Foundation Board meeting minutes and filed by year. It was noted that more filling cabinets are needed.

b)  Treasurer’s report:

·  A financial statement was presented with a balance of $27,729.44. A motion for approval of the financial statement as amended was so moved by Barry W. and seconded by Barb S. There were no objections.

·  Today the Foundation received a $10,000 check from John Tursi. Also received was $488.00 from other revenue. A deposit for $10,488.00 will be made tomorrow.

V.  Committee Reports

a)  Project Committee Update

·  Reviewed progress on amphitheater: need to locate a certified engineer to draw blueprints. Correction on the amount allocated for project to $9500.00

·  Discussed picnic tables: Quote from first sawyer is $0.35 per board foot, logs must be delivered. No response from second sawyer. Rick Colombo will check with a sawyer in Anacortes.

·  Discussed magnetic signs which would have Foundation logo and information listed. Cost of two signs would be $85.00, Barb S. moved to allocate funds not to exceed $85.00 for signs, Barry W. seconded. There were no objections.

·  Banners for whale trailer were discussed. It was decided to make a smaller sign with information about whale skull instead of banners, prototype and cost to be presented to board at the next meeting.

b)  Interpretive Intern Update

·  Bowman picnic shelter: Interior refinished, windows received. Still need final measurement for glass.

·  Attended Volunteer Open House in Anacortes on Feb 5, 2014

·  Beach Naturalist class will begin March 6, 2014. 16-17 people have enrolled.

·  Calendar has been upgraded and can now sync with Facebook and other sites.

·  Presenting a history of the CCC at the Regency on Mar 26, 2014, 10:00 am.

·  Discussed having a booth at Spring Adventure Expo at NAS Whidbey Island.

·  Scientific Collection Permit has been approved. Cost is $117.00 for original filing, $12.00 renewal fee each year thereafter. Estelle J. motioned to pay this from general budget and was seconded by Barry W. There were no objections

·  Whale trailer will be displayed at Broadview Elementary School on 27Feb14.

·  Need help sorting through several historical documents from Jack’s office.

c)  Fundraising Committee Update

·  Challenge will be held June14, 2014. Volunteer meeting will be held mid-March.

·  Working on $2,500 Island Thrift grant, and the Toyota grant.

·  Eric Marshall, publisher of Whidbey Weekly, will print information on the Challenge Race in three different publications

·  Eric will also print the Challenge Race brochure at no cost to the Foundation.

·  Discussed allocating a budget for fundraising committee, this will be discussed at next meeting.

·  Email of upcoming volunteer opportunities was sent out on earlier today.

d)  Membership Committee Update

·  Works continues on compiling a letter that will be used in future mailings.

·  Estelle J. has comprised a master list of the Foundation membership, from the many lists that have been used in the past.

e)  Marketing and Promotion Committee Update

·  Barry and Rick are working on a new PowerPoint presentation that shows the Foundation’s top five projects. Rick will get that information from Estelle. PowerPoint presentation will be made to the Board at the next meeting.

·  Foundation has been invited to participate in the Oak Harbor St. Patrick’s Day parade being held Monday March 17, 2014. It was agreed that Foundation should participate. Barry will chair the parade organization

·  Friends of Camano have offered to give presentation to the Board. Tabled for our next meeting.

VI.  Unfinished Business

·  None discussed

VII.  New Business

·  None discussed

VIII.  Adjournment

Liz Merriman adjourned meeting at 6:45 PM