NAME: ______Date of Birth: ______

VAULT / Scoring notes / Execution Score out of 5 / D-score
Salto VT #1 / May be performed onto pit landing-flr level or higher
Salto VT #2 (must be the same or different as VT #1) / May be performed onto pit landing-flr level or higher
D-Score: tuck tsuk 3, Pike tsuk & tuck/pike yurchencko 4, Handspring front, yurch lay or more difficult vt 5
Kip handstand - One Circling element(min B) / Clear circle to horizontal D score =2, clear/toe on or stalder to hs = 3, inside stalder to hs =4 etc.
One CR / May be done on a single rail or double rail(in or out of pit)
Second CR / May be done on a single rail or double rail(in & out of pit)
Dismount (min B) / May be done onto a pit landing surface
I.E: 2/1 tuck = 2 pts D score
2/1 pike = 3 pts D score
L – H with flight (min B) / Must be performed into kip hstand
I.E u/shoot with feet or fe together hecht mt= 2 pts D score
Stalder u/shoot or hecht = 3 pts D score
Shaposh = 4 pts in D score
I.E: Giant 1/1 is worth C, so difficulty score is 3 points in addition to the execution score.
Clear 1/1, toe on 1/1, shoot over hs, Yager is worth 4 points in D-score and so forth.
Dance Series / High beam no pad(may connect 3 jumps for higher D score)
Turn / High beam no pad
Fwd or side ward acro / High or low beam, no pad(i.e Cartwheel = 1 in D score)
Acro series with Salto / High beam (may use pad) or low beam (may not use pad)
DMT(min B) / Gymnast does not get value for an element preceding the actual DMT
I.E: Side ariel is worth 4 points in D-score
Flic tuck is worth 5 points in D-score( B + C) and so forth
Minimum r/o flic 1/1 twist / On floor(may use mat)
Front salto in a series of minimum two elements / On floor(may use mat) i.e handspring lay front, r/o ½ twist punch front, handspring front 1/1
I.E: handspring lay front value = A+B (3 pts D score)
Handspring front lay 1/1 = A + C ( 4pts D score)
½ twist bwds into lay front = B +B (4 pts in D score)
R/o flic 2/1 tuck / May be into pit/onto pit landing
Dance series of which minimum one jump must be “C” / May only connect/use 2 jumps
One Additional minimum “C” jump or turn
H/s hold 30 seconds / No walking
6 secs=1 PT 12 secs=2 PTS
18 secs = 3 PTS 24 secs= 4 PTS
30 secs= 5 PTS
Straddle cast to h/s x5 / One fall permitted, must hit vertical
Presses x5 / 1 press = 1 PT

General Notes

 A gymnast that falls can not score higher than 4 points for that skill for execution – Quality is the main focus.

 No spotting permitted.

 We are aware that some girls may already have all their CR’s on all apparatus, but for this testing we will only test the above, as a first step.

 1 fat mat permitted under high beam