Teacher: JacobsWeek of: January 22-25Subject: English 7Period: 1, 4, 5

Alabama CCRS: (highlighted ones are targeted this week)
Reading Literature Texts: Reading Informational Texts:
RL.7.1 / 1. cite textual evidence; inferences / RI.7.1 / 10. citing evidence; inferences
RL.7.2 / 2. central theme; development; objective summary / RI.7.2 / 11. central ideas; development; objective summary
RL.7.3 / 3. interaction of elements in story or drama / RI.7.3 / 12. interaction between elements of text
RL.7.4 / 4. figurative lang./connotative; rhymes/repetitions in story or poem / RI.7.4 / 13. figurative, connotative; specific word choice and meaning
RL.7.5 / 5. drama/poem’s structure contributes to meaning / RI.7.5 / 14. analyze structure and organization; major sections
RL.7.6 / 6. author develops/contrasts POV of characters / RI.7.6 / 15. point of view
RL.7.7 / 7. compare/contrast story or audio/staged; analyze effects of medium / RI.7.7 / 16. compare/contrast multimedia versions
RL.7.9 / 8. compare/contrast fictional time/place/character vs. historical / RI.7.8 / 17. evaluate arguments, evidence, claims; relevant/sufficient
RL.7.10 / 9. end of year – read/comprehend stories, dramas poems / RI.7.9 / 18. two or more author’s writing style
RI.7.10 / 19. end of year – read/comprehend literary non-fiction
Writing Standards: Production/Distribution: Research/Presentation:
W.7.1 (a-e) / Argument Essay / 20. claims; organization of evidence; credible sources; use transitions; formal style; concluding statements / W.7.4 / 23. Produce clear writing / W.7.7 / 26. short research projects, sources, focused questions
W.7.2 (a-f) / Expository Essay / 21. Intro topics; organizational; definition, classification, comparison/contrast; cause/effect; formatting; graphics; multi-media; examples; transitions; precise language; formal style; conclusion / W.7.5 / 24. Use the writing process,
including peer revision / W.7.8 / 27. gather types of sources, credibility of source; quote/paraphrase/summarize, citation, plagiarism
W.7.3 (a-e) / Narrative Essay / 22. Context/POV/intro; dialogue, pacing, description; transitional words; sensory language; conclusion / W.7.6 / 25. Internet, publish, cite,
collaborate / W7.9
W.7.10 / 28. draw evidence from literary, textual sources
29. Writing process for different time lengths and genres
Listening/Speaking Standards:
SL.7.1 (a-d) / 30. collaborative discussions / SL.7.4 / 33. present claims finds coherently, examples, eye contact, volume, pronunciation
SL.7.2 / 31. analyze main ideas/details in diverse media / SL.7.5 / 34. Include multimedia components/displays
SL.7.3 / 32. outline speaker’s argument, claims, credibility, relevance / SL.7.6 / 35. adapt speech to context/tasks
Language Standards: Vocabulary Acquisition:
L.7.1 (a-d) / 36. SV agreement; indefinite pronouns; conjunctions, collective nouns; phrases/clauses; simple, compd, complex, compd-complex; misplaced/dangling modifiers / L.7.4 (a-d) / 39. context clues; Greek/Latin affixes, roots; consult reference materials; verify preliminary meaning by checking inferred/dictionary
L.7.2 (a-b) / 37. capitalization, punctuation, spelling; comma w/coordinate adj. / L.7.5 (a-c) / 40. figures of speech; syn/ant/anology; connotation vs. denotations
L.7.3 (a) / 38. eliminating wordiness and redundancy / L.7.6 / 41. use grade-appropriate academic/domain-specific diction
Monday / Finish Disney’s Cinderella
Take notes (compare/contrast) / Teacher –generated PP
Teacher-generated notes sheet
Apple TV
Disney’s Cinderella / Make sure Apple TV is set up / Verbal
Tuesday / Fairy Tale Project: Write your own fairy tale / Student notes
Teacher-generated assignment sheet with requirements / Make copies / Verbal
Wednesday / Voc 1 Test (rescheduled due to snow days)
New Voc Words
Finish fairy tale project / ACT aspire voc
Student notes
Teacher-generated assignment sheet with requirements / None / Verbal
Thursday / Complete Cinderella notes handout
Discuss how to format compare/contrast paragraphs
Begin writing first paragraph / Teacher –generated PP
Teacher-generated notes sheet
Apple TV / Verbal
Friday / Writing compare/contrast paragraphs
Individual assessment (by me and group) / Teacher –generated PP
Teacher-generated notes sheet
Apple TV / Verbal
Tues-Thurs (test) / Grammar will be addressed individually while proofing paragraphs – mini lessons taught as needed. / None / None / Verbal

*Activity that incorporates diverse learning styles

#Activity that incorporates small group or one-on-one learning

+Activity that incorporates self-discovery or differentiated instruction