• You will not be required to come to school over break at this time.
Questions? E-mail me:

All assignments will be due on:

Monday January 9thth (A-Day) / Tuesday January 10th (B-Day) – 2012!!!!


  1. Learning Unit:

Reading Notes Modules: 21, 22, 23. D.N.R. #1. - 8 stamps.

-Read: Mod. 21 - 23:
Write: 4 to 6 pages, key terms, main points,
3 diagrams or charts, TYS and AYS Questions.

Study Guide Items for Mod 21, 22, 23. D.N.R. #2. - 8 stamps.

-Mod 21: Fill-in’s (3 essays) M.C. Matching, T/F.

-Mod 22: Fill-in’s (1 essay) M.C. Matching, T/F, Essay.

-Mod 23: Fill-in’s, M.C.

Classical Conditioning Project: assign. #1 - 20 pts.
1) Classically Condition a (Reflexive) behavior in an organism:
Dog, Cat, Bug, Brother / Sister etc.
Do this in a safe ethically sound manner.
2) Record: What you did and how you did it.
- Include – UCS, UCR, NS, CS, CR. How many trials did it take?
3) Extinguish the response! How long did it take?
4) At a later time (24 hr.) check for Spontaneous Recovery.

  1. Memory Unit.

Reading Notes for Modules 24 – 28 (44 pages of reading) D.N.R. #3

-10 stamps.

-Read: Mod. 24 - 28:
Write: 6 to 8 pages, key terms, main points,
5 diagrams or charts, TYS and AYS Questions.

Study Guide Items for Mod 24 – 28 will be due the week after we get back from break. Wouldn’t hurt to start on them early!

  1. Be ready for a 30 point Vocabulary Quiz (Matching) on Modules 21-28 when we come back in January.


20 Quiz bonus points!

You will be examining the life cycle in terms of your own life by constructing a “Life Line”. For your Rough Draft, you will need to take a piece of notebook paper, turn it lengthwise, then draw a strait line across the middle of the page. Label your birth-date on the far left, a projected death date on the far right and today’s date in the appropriate place to the left of the middle. You should fill in the left side by noting 10 important events from your childhood and adolescence. Examples are a memorable birthday party, a family move, an illness, beginning school. Finally project yourself into the future. Include 15 events after today. What would you like to have accomplished in 5 or 10 years? At middle age? By the time you retire? Before you die? Your projected future should be plausibly based on events that you have control over. (i.e. you can’t just win the lottery and retire at 18!) After completing your life line, compare with a partner and answer the questions below:

1.If you placed marriage on your life line, why did you put it where you did?

2.If you placed having children on your life line, why did you put them where you did?

3.Compare your life line with a partner’s. How similar/different were they? Give examples.

4.What will you do after you retire?

5.Why did you select your particular death date? Why did your partner?

6.Complete this statement: Death is: ______

7.If death were a person what would she/he look like? (physical and personal attributes in a short paragraph)

8.Complete this statement: My greatest fear about death is: ______

9.Complete this statement: When I die, I will be proud that when I was living I:

10.Complete this statement: When I die, I will be glad to get away from:

20 Quiz Bonus Points!!!!