الجامعة الإسلامية – غزة بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الاسم:

الرقم الجامعي:

كلية التجارة- قسم الإدارة

Business Administration (2)

Final exam 2010\2011


First Question: True/False ضع الإشارة على الجانب الأيسر من السؤال (19 grades)

  1. Effectiveness is concerned with the means of getting things done, efficiency is concerned with the ends, or attainment of organizational goals.
  2. According to the text, the goal of efficiency is to minimize resource costs.
  3. Determining who reports to whom is part of the controlling management function.
  4. Directing and motivating are part of the controlling function.
  5. Disturbance handler is one of Mintzberg's interpersonal roles.
  6. Technical skills become less important as a manager moves into higher levels of management.
  7. Budgeting is related to both planning and controlling.
  8. According to Adam Smith, division of labor was an important concept.
  9. “One best way” is the phrase most associated with scientific management.
  10. Based on his scientific management principles, Taylor suggested the incentive pay principle.
  11. Geert Hofstede was among the first researchers to use motion pictures to study hand-and-body motions.
  12. An organization that has division of labor, clearly defined hierarchy, detailed rules, and impersonal relationships would be described as a bureaucracy.
  13. Barnard, Follet, Musterberg, and Owen are all theorists are associated with the early organizational behavior approach.
  14. Hugo Munsterberg was an early advocate of the human resources approach to management.
  15. Follett is the scientist who is most closely associated with the Hawthorne Studies.
  16. The final step in the decision-making process is implementing the chosen alternative.
  17. Managers regularly use their intuition in decision-making.
  18. Rules and policies are basically the same.
  19. Organizational efficiency is facilitated by the use of programmed decision-making.
  20. Decision makers with an analytic style have a much smaller tolerance for ambiguity than do directive types.
  21. Organizational planning establishes coordinated effort.
  22. Research indicates that managers who plan always outperform managers who do not plan.
  23. It is a myth that planning reduces flexibility.
  24. Developing an acquisition plan after a recent takeover is an example of a single-use plan.
  25. The more the current plans affect future commitments, the longer the time frame for which managers should plan.
  26. The traditional role of goals is to guide the control and direction imposed by an organization's top managers.
  27. Most methods of environmental scanning that involve competitor intelligence are illegal.
  28. Buying a competitor's product for evaluation is a form of environmental scanning.
  29. Environmental scanning creates the foundation for forecasts.
  30. Qualitative forecasting uses the judgment and opinions of knowledgeable individuals.
  31. Times-series analysis, and economic indicators are all examples of quantitative forecasting techniques.
  32. If a manager wanted to predict next quarter's sales on the basis of four years of previous sales data, she would probably use time series analysis.
  33. Benchmarking involves evaluating company effectiveness against its own standards.
  34. The Gantt Chart is the type of scheduling method useful for large, highly complex scheduling.
  35. Events, activities, and critical paths are all parts of PERT network analysis.
  36. During the communication process, the message is converted to symbolic form called encoding.
  37. Body language refers to gestures, facial expressions, and other body movements that convey meaning.
  38. Listening for full meaning without making premature judgments or interpretations is called passive listening.

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12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22
23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / 33
34 / 35 / 36 / 37 / 38

Second Question: اختر الإجابة الصحيحة (22 grads)

1)According to the text, ______is the screening of large amounts of information to anticipate and interpret changes in the environment.

  1. situational scanning
  2. environmental scanning
  3. forecasting
  4. benchmarking

2) What are three tools that managers can use to analyze their organization's environment?

a.strategic planning, environmental scanning, and TQM

b.forecasting, budgeting, and time management

c.environmental scanning, forecasting, and benchmarking

d.benchmarking, planning, and evaluating

e.budgeting, scanning, and environmental planning

3) What type of forecasting technique relies on the judgment and opinion of knowledgeable individuals?

a. qualitative




e.best case scenario

4) If a manager wanted to predict next quarter's sales on the basis of four years of previous sales data, she would probably use ______.

a. time series analysis.

b.sales force composition.

c.regression models.

d.econometric models.

e.substitution effect.

5) According to the text, a ______is a modified Gantt Chart.

  1. PERT Network Analysis
  2. Load Chart
  3. critical paths
  4. event chart

6) In order to compute breakeven point, a manager needs to know all of the following EXCEPT:

  1. price of the product being sold.
  2. fixed cost per unit.
  3. variable cost per unit.
  4. total fixed costs.

7) Communication between two or more people is called ______.

  1. organizational communication.
  2. interpersonal communication.
  3. extrapersonal communication.
  4. intrapersonal communication.
  5. segment communication

8) All of the following are mentioned in the text as elements in the communication process EXCEPT:

  1. the communication source.
  2. the message.
  3. feedforward
  4. feedback
  5. the channel

9) ______is described as the process when the symbols of a message are translated into a form that the receiver can understand.

  1. decoding
  2. encoding
  3. reinstating
  4. expanding
  5. extending

10) Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text as one of the three leadership styles explored in the University of Iowa studies?

  1. cultural style
  2. autocratic style
  3. democratic style
  4. laissez-faire style

11) Which of the following describes the leadership style in which the leader generally gives the group complete freedom to make decisions and complete the work in whatever way it saw fit?

  1. cultural style
  2. autocratic style
  3. democratic style
  4. laissez-faire style

12) According to the Ohio State studies, which of the following dimensions of leader behavior refers to the extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his or her role and the roles of group members in the search for goal attainment?

  1. intelligence structure
  2. psychological structure
  3. initiating structure
  4. consideration structure

13) Who developed the first contingency model for leadership?

a.Blake and Mouton

b. Fiedler



e. Schmidt

14) The least preferred co-worker questionnaire was developed by ______.

a.Victor Vroom

b.Robert House

c. Fred Fiedler (difficult)

d.French and Raven

e.David McClelland

15) Fiedler assumed a person's leadership style was ______.




d. fixed.

e.team oriented.

16) Fiedler's term ______refers to the degree to which the job assignments are formalized and procedurized.

a.leader-member relations

b.power relationship

c. task structure


e.position power

17) According to Fielder, in what types of situations do task-oriented leaders perform best?

a.very favorable, very unfavorable

b.moderately favorable, moderately unfavorable

c.very favorable, unfavorable

d.very unfavorable, unfavorable

e.very favorable, favorable

18) Which of the following leadership styles describes a leader who provides both directive and supportive behavior?

  1. telling
  2. selling
  3. participating
  4. delegating
  5. referring

19) The ultimate criterion to determine the control system effectiveness is how well it facilitates ______.

a.management desires.

b. organizational goals.

c.employee satisfaction.

d.increased market share.

e. lowering production defects

20) In the ______control system, company divisions are turned into corporate profit centers for evaluation.

a. market





21) Standardization of activities, well-defined job descriptions, and budgets would be sources depended on by what type of organizational control system?

a. bureaucratic





22) Which of the organizational control systems is heavily dependent on the individual, group, and the use of teams?

a. strategic

b. clan




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21 / 22

Third Question: (20 grads)

1)In a short essay, mention the four common sources of information frequently used by managers to measure actual performance. Include the advantages and disadvantages of one of them.

2)In a short essay, list and discuss three characteristics of an effective control system.

3)In a short essay, discuss the path-goal leadership theory developed by Robert House.

4)In a short essay, discuss how visionary leadership differs from charismatic leadership.

Fourth Question: يجاب عليه من الطلبة الذين لم يتقدموا الى الامتحان النصفي (10 درجات)

1)If planning is so crucial, why do some managers choose not to do it? What would you tell these managers?

2)Why is decision-making often described as the essence of the manager’s job?