Chair Rounds Survival Guide

You have the amazing challenge of Chair Rounds this upcoming Friday. You will do great!

Below is some advice to ensure it goes well. Please let us know if you have any questions.




  • Please do not just provide the chief complaint or give a one liner and then ask, "what other questions do you have?" Most of your audience knows how to take a history and will ask the same questions.
  • Present the H&P like you would to an attending. Keep going through to the review of systems +/- physical exam (sometimes the physical exam gives it all away, so discuss with your senior whether to provide it up front).
  • People will ALWAYS have questions, regardless of how thorough your H&P is presented. Promise! Presenting the H&P fully up front saves times for further discussion by you, your resident, and also byattendings at the end of conference, which is one of the unique benefits of Chair Rounds.


  • Have your teaching points ready, whether it is to expand the differential, explore how to diagnose a certain illness, and/or management of the condition etc. This should not require much preparation and you will find you are asking yourself these same questions as you are working up the patient.
  • Having no diagnosis yet is TOTALLY fine (some may say preferred) and is a good way to get instant feedback on a case, or tap the wise minds in the audience to help figure out the next best step.
  • Please do not feel like you need to make a powerpoint– totally not expected.


5 min: Board review question, breaking news (chiefs)

10 - 15 min: H&P presentation (+/- physical exam), answer questions

10 min:Differential (+/- physical exam), desired labs/studies

5 min: Results, further questions, hospital course, etc.

10 min: for further questions, attending advice/suggestions.

Running a morning report can be challenging from a timing standpoint, but is an incredible opportunity to grow as an educator. We will be there to help facilitate, and will help guide and manage the clock. We are there to support you as you seize the reigns of resident education.

Looking forward to seeing you guys on Friday and best of luck. You will do awesome. One of us will be in the conference room by 7:30am.Please let us know if you need anything.

Stephanie, Alison, Mark & Josh