The SVS Update

December 2017 Vol 17 Sutton Valence Surgery

CQC Inspection

We are delighted to report that following our CQC inspection in August, our surgery has been rated as OUTSTANDING. This grading reflects the ethos of the surgery which dates back to the time of Doctors Hobday and Jessel and has remained in place throughout the changes of recent years. We are gratified that our commitment to our patients has been recognised and our aim is to maintain and build on these high standards in the future.

Computer System

In early February 2018, we are changing our computer system. As with any major change, there will inevitably be disruption and inconvenience as we get used to the new system. We will do our best to keep this to a minimum and ask you to be patient and understanding. For patients receiving repeat prescriptions, we will dispense two months’ medication in January to cover the period when disruption is most likely.

Text Messaging

From November 1st 2017 we have introduced a new text messaging service enabling us to automatically remind you of your booked appointment. We have contacted all patients for whom we have mobile numbers to introduce this service. If you have not heard from us and wish to be included, please speak to a receptionist to ensure that we have your up-to-date mobile phone number.


There is always a particularly high demand for appointments during the winter months so if you need to cancel an appointment with the doctor or nurse, please give us as much notice as possible so that we can offer these slots to other patients.

Monday mornings tend to be our busiest time. If you have a routine problem that can wait, you may find it more convenient to see one of our clinicians later in the week.

Telephone Appointments

If you request a telephone appointment, please make sure you are available to take the call. On numerous occasions the clinicians have to call more than once, as patients are not available to take the call. This wastes valuable time for surgery staff and clinicians. Please note our telephone number comes up on your screen as a private number.

Surgery Email

Please do not use the surgery email address for requests other than prescriptions.


Car parking spaces are limited so please park carefully within the white lines so that all spaces can be utilised.

Please only park in the disabled parking bays if you genuinely have difficulty walking.

A&E Attendance

Please use NHS services considerately. A&E is for accidents and emergencies only. For less urgent medical problems we can be contacted between 8am and

6.30pm on weekdays.

If an x-ray is required we can provide a request so that you can attend a Walk-In / One Stop Clinic.

The out of hours GP team can be reached on 111 when we are closed.

Hospital Appointments

If you cannot attend your hospital appointment, please ensure that you cancel it with the department concerned. The cost of a failed appointment is significant and one which has an impact on all NHS services.

Practice Boundary

We currently have anumber of out of area patients, who have been with us for a long time. We are no longer able to consider applications from patients beyond our practice boundary. There is a map in reception which clearly shows the extent of our catchment area.

Fees for non-NHS Services

Fees for private services have been reviewed. You will be informed of the relevant charge at the time of your request. This includes letters, certificates, insurance reports and medical examinations.


Please allow 2 clear working daysbetween ordering and collecting prescriptions.Don’t forget you can order your repeat prescriptions on line if you sign up to do so.

Please only order the items you need. Over - ordering and wastage is very costly to the NHS. Last year unused medication cost the NHS £300 million!


If you have been asked to provide a specimen to be sent to the hospital please leave it in the Specimen Box inside the foyer before 11.00am. If you do not have a completed form from a clinician to accompany it please collect one from reception. A sample without a form will not be processed.

Commuter Clinics

We have an evening surgery on Wednesday and an early morning surgery on Friday to cater for patients unable to attend at any other time.

Antenatal Clinics

Jane, our community midwife, holds a clinic at the surgery every Wednesday morning – appointments can be booked through our reception.

NHS Health Checks

If you are between the ages of 40 and 74 and you have NOT been diagnosed with diabetes, stroke, heart or kidney disease you will be invited to attend for a health check sometime in the next five years. The check takes about 20 minutes and involves a blood pressure check and a finger-prick test to check cholesterol. You will be given advice on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle or if necessary you may be asked to have further investigative blood tests.

Antibiotics and Viruses

Your GP will only prescribe antibiotics if there is a good clinical reason. Overuse of antibiotics reduces their effectiveness. Please accept the clinician’s decision.

Useful Apps

If you have been asked to keep track of your blood pressure at home, there are several apps available for your smart phone. ‘iBP’ has been recommended by several patients but if you have found a better one let us know.‘Pillboxie’ is another app designed to remind you to take your medication. Let us know if you’ve found a better one.


If you have any concerns about the safety or wellbeing of any child or vulnerable adult please contact us in order that we can take appropriate action.


Flu – You are eligible for a free vaccine if you are over the age of 65, or if you have diabetes or a chronic condition such as heart, respiratory, liver, kidney or a neurological disease. Children aged 2 and 3 are eligible for the new nasal drops for flu. Pregnant mums are encouraged to have the vaccine also.

Shingles– You are eligible for this vaccination if you are between 70 and 80 years old and your date of birth is after 01.09.1942. You are not eligible if you were born before02/09/42 and at age 76 or 77. You are eligible once morefrom your 78th birthday until you turn 80.

Meningitis ACWY – This vaccination will be administered at school, but if you missed this then you can have the vaccine from 19 -25 years as long as it is the first dose at this stage.

Primary Vaccines – Babies born after 01.08.2017 now have a six in one vaccine at 2, 3, and 4 months.

Chlamydia Testing

Test kits are available from the surgery for 15 – 24-year-olds. For males this is a urine test and for females a self-taken swab. Tests are posted off and results sent by text. Annual testing is recommended for this age group.

Emergency Contraception and Family Planning

If you require emergency contraception you have 72 hours to get advice either from the surgery or your chemist.

We provide a full range of contraceptive services, including coils and subdermal implants – please speak to one of our clinicians.

Over 75’s

All patients aged over 75 will receive details of their named GP who will be responsible for their long term care. This does not affect which clinician you see for your everyday care

Travel Clinic

We offer comprehensive travel advice, vaccinations and anti-malarials. If you

are planning to travel abroad please complete a travel form 8 weeks prior to travel. The practice nurses will advise you of what vaccinations are needed and if there are any costs involved. Forms can be collected from the surgery or filled in online. We do not keep vaccines in stock and need time to order these and book your appointment/s.

Smear reminder

If you are aged between 25 and 50 you are advised to have a cervical smear every three years and between 50 and 64 every five years. Reminder letters are sent out automatically. Please take advantage of this vital and potentially life saving service.

Friends & Family Test

We welcome your feedback about the service we provide. It is now possible to comment on the service you have received from the surgery by clicking on the ‘Friends & Family Test’ link on the website. Also reply to the text message after your appointment. Forms are also available from reception.

Protected Learning Time

This takes place on six afternoons throughout the year and allows for essential training for both clinicians and administration staff. On these occasions no appointments are available and the surgery is not contactable by telephone although we are open for the collection of prescriptions from 3pm. The out of hours’ 111 service is on call during these sessions.

Smoking Cessation

If you would like help to give up smoking, we will be happy to help. Ask a receptionist or one of the clinical team.

Private Medication

Patients will be asked to pay prior to our ordering of private medication. In many cases these items are requested and then not collected. This wastes NHS time and money as we cannot always return the medication to our supplier.

Hearing Loop

A hearing loop is now available at the surgery – please ask for information at Reception.

Patient Participation Group

Every patient is eligible to join our Patient Participation Group. If you would like to be involved please register your interest at and click the link on the right hand side of the page. Alternatively, let a member of our reception team know of your interest.

Carers’ Register

Please contact our Carers’ Lead, Louise Twist, if you are a Carer and wish to be included on our Register. Louise will be able to point you in the direction of any help and support that you may need.

Need a Condom?

The “Get It!” Scheme provides young people aged 24 and under with free

condoms. For more information ask any clinician or Louise.

Health Visitor

If you have a child under 5, The Health Visiting Team is based at Molehill Copse Clinic. Tel: 01622 225790.

Health Walks

Please see the poster in the foyer.

Beginners’ Cycling Club

Dr Mangar is running a cycling club for beginners to encourage non-cyclists to get involved, meet people and get fit. Interested? Please email or leave a message at the surgery for Dr Mangar.

Counterweight Programme

This is an initiative run by Maidstone Borough Council for those with a BMI of

28 or above. If you wish to be referred for this programme, please ask your GP.


Hi-Kent has opened a small shop at 67b Week Street, Maidstone for the hearing impaired. Visit their website for details of all they have to offer.

Three Suttons Help Line: is a voluntary good neighbour scheme covering the Three Suttons. If you need a lift to the hospital, doctor, dentist, shopping or to collect prescriptions, one of the local volunteers may be able to help. Phone 01622 842530 or 842346.

Practice website

Our surgery website has lots of helpful information. If you have any comments, suggestions or complaints please contact our Practice Manager, Joanna Lambe.

Lastly we would like to wish all our patients a happy and restful holiday over the Christmas period and good wishes for 2018.

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