
December 2008 Meeting Notes

Meeting called to order at 7:15 by President Isaac. We have two new members this evening. Bruce Haber and Debbie Fox {who isn’t really a newbie but it’s been awhile since she has been able to visit us. Welcome back Debbie.} We also have Beth visiting us who is the daughter of member John Santoro. She wanted to see what dads been up to. Our new members were told of our mentoring program. On our website there are several members more than willing to give up some free time to help in advancing your turning skills, all it takes is a phone call. Phone numbers for members are on the website.

A big round of cheers went up when it was announced that our President became a new dad for the first time. Baby Theodore {Ted} Edward Burke came into this world on November 30th at 8:31am weighting 7 lbs. and 1.6oz. Mom, Dad and baby Ted are all doing fine. Congratulations Isaac, can’t wait to see his first turning.

Opening Turning Day will be on Jan.24 from 10 to 4. at MCC in Bedford. Come early for setup. Member Devon will be doing a demo on sharpening techniques.

It was reported that we have about $2300 in the bank with 2 months rent due to Minuteman Tech.

It being the end of the year, it is time to replace our out going officers. We need to replace Dicky and Sharon’s positions. Please think about filling these positions. It will go a long way for all with new members on the board with fresh ideas, which means the election will be happening soon.

Member Dietrich Kulze informed our members that the sheets of sand paper are in. And that the club made $65 on the deal. {It’s on record now Dietrich, don’t forget to pay.}

It was brought up that we don’t know if the building is open on snow days. Member John Flynn will look into this for us. John will also look into a visit from Rockler

Donna Banfield will be setting up a visit from Butternut tools on our open turning day.

(Ed Note: This has since been cancelled)

We are still looking for a big name turner to visit us. Jimmy Clewes and Jacques Vesery are the turners that we are looking into at the present. More details to follow when we know if any will be in the area soon.

Calendar events: Totally Turning in New York will be happening in March. If interested you should start making plans now. The Big E will be hosting the Woodworks event on the 9th -11. Beth Ireland will be there. $10 a day or $12 for all three days but that does not include classes.

Member Dicky Vose will need everyone’s personal info updated so he can pass the torch without any problems. Please be sure to let him know of any changes.

Dietrich has a lot of wood in his vehicle and would love for everyone to take it away.

Dicky reminded us that membership dues are due in January and that he will start taking the dues early.

Show and Tell:

Leda Drouin did some wonderful pieces. First a flat board bowl and then an inside out Christmas ornament. She totally surprised me with what she did. I thought she said she was a beginner.

Handy Andy had several things this evening, a walnut vase he made from wood that he traded with Donna. A candle stick, cherry bud vase, walnut egg cup, and two small bowls from salvaged wood.

Debra Fox had a collaborative bowl started. She was given a fresh piece of log the last time that she visited us and started the first phase of making a bowl. Member Dickey Vose has taken it to do the second phase of it with Leda to do the finishing part of it. When this collaborative effort is finished, the bowl will be given to Dave Eaton for the Wheelchair Project. Thanks to all for helping those who have less than us.

Bobbi had a barley edged bowl that she made and is using for display purposes in selling houses. Smart girl and the bowl is pretty nice.

John Santoro made a maple board bowl with a cherry stain and poly finish. Nice job John.

Mike Green showed his Jacobs ball bearing drill chuck that he had dis-assembled

for repair, so that anyone that may be interested, could see the inner workings of that type drill chuck. Mike also showed an aluminum part that he made to press the chuck parts back together.

Break called at 8:15 followed by a great demo by members Steve Resnik and Will Hunt on segmented turning. My apologies to Steve and Will for not being able to write a decent write up about their demo. Meeting adjourned at 10:00.