December 2005Haltom Spirit Booster Club
This Month…
**See attached Calendar & Cheer Website!!
Next Month…
1/2 – Student Holiday!
1/3 – Student Holiday!
1/4 – Student Holiday!
1/17 – Student Holiday – MLK
Christmas Party
Great News!! The Booster Club will help each squad with expenses for parties. Difference in cost per cheerleader IS the cheerleader’s responsibility and should be paid to your Coach. Thank you!!
Varsity: $160.00
Jr. Varsity: $130.00
Freshman: $110.00
Booster Club News
The Booster Club would like to extend our wishes for a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to all!!
- “General Membership” Booster Club Meeting – Monday, December 19th @7:00 PM, HHS Library. We encourage all parents & cheerleaders to attend all general meetings; everyone is welcome! Remember, meetings are generally every 3rd Monday of each month, please mark your calendars! Also, if you missed a meeting, please visit the website for archived meeting minutes!! We look forward to seeing you!
Meeting Agenda:
- Executive Reports
- Budget & Fundraising
- By-Laws
- Banquet Planning
- 06-07 Welcome Tea / Try-out Breakfast Discussion
- Booster Club Officers – Parents, as a reminder, THREE positions (maybe 4 if we loose our webmaster?) on the Board will be vacant after this School year, and SIX more after next school year… Yes, our daughters will be graduating so we Moms have to graduate too. (No crying!) We would like to encourage, and challenge, you to attend all scheduled meetings. Not only will attending meetings keep you informed and involved in the decisions the board votes on; but also will allow you to learn the positions that will become vacant, and hopefully takeover!! A list of positions are below, their current chairperson, and child’s current grade. Interested in a specific position? We welcome calls & happy to answer any questions!!
All positions are voted on and followed by the By-laws & UIL that govern Booster Clubs
- CALENDAR MONEY IS DUE NOW!! If you have not turned in your $100.00, please do so ASAP. We are almost 100% and appreciate all your HARD work with this mandatory fundraiser!! As a reminder, this is the LAST fundraiser!! With success we will meet all our budget needs for 05-06. However, we MUST be 100%, so sale, sale, and sale!! Benefits?? NEW MATS – NEW CHEER EQUIPMENT – CHEER SCHOLARSHIPS
- Yard Signs –Postponed until after semester break… but still coming SOON!!! Est. cost $25.00. Be looking for order forms to be sent home with your cheerleaders after the holidays.
- VarsityJr. Varsity Cheerleader & Football Banquet – Saturday, January 21st WHERE: Chateau at Forest Park. DRESS: Formal. TICKETS: Parents & Dates $27.00 (Players & Coaches Free)
DÉCOR: NEED HELP Night before & day of!! See Sherri Gearen for details. DRINKS: Need Donations!!!
- Freshman Cheerleader & Football Banquet – Saturday, January 14th WHERE: FAAC (Complex-BHS). DRESS: Very nice, but not formal. TICKETS: ParentsDates – TBA (Players & Coaches Free)
- Moved or Moving? – Please submit changes to Connie Webb; this will ensure there is no delay in receiving this newsletter. I will also update contact lists for coaches & Booster Club. Thank you!
- Monthly Newsletter– For additions, corrections, or news you would like to share about yourself or child, please submit to Connie Webb by the 15th of each month via email:
Executive Board Members
President:Sherri Gearen – 12th817-281-8536
Vice President:Debbie Anderson – 11th817-788-4924
2nd Vice President:Mickie Hamilton – 11th817-485-7840
Treasurer:Connie Webb – 11th817-605-9301
Secretary:Sheila Winkle – 9th & 11th817-281-1109
Fundraising Chair:Keelie Kennedy – 11th817-788-9272
Hospitality Chair:Teresa Frausto – 11th817-485-5553
Publicity Chair:Christine Gifford – 12th817-838-7239
Newsletter Chair:Connie Webb – 11th817-605-9301
Communications Chair:Amy West – 9th817-281-1721
Webmaster:Mike Potter817-281-1201
Haltom Spirit Booster Club, December 2005 Page1 of 5
Meet the HHS Cheerleaders…
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Haltom Spirit Booster Club, December 2005 Page1 of 5
Haltom Spirit Booster Club, December 2005 Page1 of 5
Coaches Clipboard
Haltom Spirit Booster Club, December 2005 Page1 of 5
COMP SQUAD -- Important dates: DCC Rehearsal – Saturday, December 10th. Location – TBD, in DFW Metroplex, Time: Approx 9am-6pm. DCC Game day Rehearsal – Sunday, December 11th, Report on field at 9:30, Rehearsal from 10:30 – 11:30, Kickoff for game is 3:15.
- Practices: All squads will practice Mon–Thurs, 7th period ONLY, HHS Gym. Be ready to WORK!!
Competition Squad News…
Amanda TBritney S Jade JSavanah A
Amber SCaylin GJennifer GShantel M
Anabel VChelsea WJessica JTiffany L
Angelica FFashionette GJillian DWhitney B
Angie HFelicia WLauren PWhitney W
Cheerleaders – please see calendar for dates & times for competition cheer fundraisers. Sign-up sheets will go out the week of the fundraiser, please see Coach Burnett. If you cannot be there, arrangements for another cheerleader, parent or sibling MUST be made prior to fundraiser. See Coach Burnett for specific details.
Parents – you are welcome & encouraged to help at fundraisers in place of, or with your Cheerleader. Shift sign-up is a first-come-first-serve basis. Debbie Anderson (Comp Sponsor) will contact you via email for shift openings; the first parent to respond will be given the open shifts. Every effort will be made to accommodate all parents, as well as, a rotation so all parents have the opportunity to help their cheerleader
Practices –
1)Texas Tumblers:Every Tuesday, 3:00-4:30 pm, $70.00 per person. (Mandatory)
2)Texas Tumblers:Every Wednesday, 4:30-5:30 pm, Non-Comp $45.00, Comp $35.00 per person.
3)HHS Gym:Every Mon 4:30-5:30, Tues 5:30-7:30. (Mandatory)
4)Sat Practice:TBA. (Mandatory)
Competitions & Cost – See Website!!!
NOTE: All comp fees are due ONE WEEK before due date!!!
This will allow us enough time to mail payment before the entry due dates.
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Captain’s Corner
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Varsity Captain
Amanda T
Varsity S. Captain
Shantel M
Football is over, so sad!! BUT now we are ready to rock the gym for Basketball, so let’s stay focused and work just as hard for them as we did for Football. Varsity you all look great!! LOVE YOU SENIORS!!!
~~Love Always, Your Captain, Amanda
Hey everybody, I would just like to say that cheerleading is not over and now it's BASKETBALL time and we will be doing lots of things for basketball. Also i know we are getting tired but make it the best fun, and you will remember this forever, especially you seniors. Well Nationals is right around the corner so keep workin hard!!!
~~Love Your Spirit Captain, Shantel M.
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