SUBJECT: Definitions of Modes of Delivery for Online Courses
The following definitions are intended to be used in preparing course schedules and will be annotated in each Division’s submission to the Scheduling Technician. This information will also be forwarded by the Scheduling Technician to the Computer Applications Trainer. Division Deans will insure that instructors utilizing any of these modes have demonstrated the necessary skills in computer use and, depending on the mode, successfully completed training in both online pedagogy and the SC Online LMS platform.
1) Web Enhanced Course
Any class which meets face-to-face for the full number of instructional hours AND utilizes the internet to augment course materials is a web enhanced course. No class hours are scheduled to be replaced by online time.
A web enhanced course MUST fall into one of two classifications:
SC Online Login Required:
Description: Students MUST access the web enhanced course material through SC Online, requiring login and password (no open public access). Student use of the online materials may be optional or required elements of the course. These courses will be coded WEBEN in DataTel and will be submitted by the respective Division as such.
Example: A three-unit course meets each week of the semester, MWF 9:00-9:50. The instructor uses SC Online platform to post copies of class handouts, course grades, and practice quizzes.
Faculty must successfully complete training on the SC Online platform.
Open Access:
Description: A class in which the instructorwill direct students toaccess web enhanced course material via the internet(which DOES NOT require student login to SC Online). Student use of the online materials may be optional or required elements of the course. These courses will not be coded WEBEN.
Example: A three-unit course meets each week of the semester, MWF 9:00-9:50. The instructor may post copies of class handouts and other supplementary materials on an open web site or may direct students to visit web sites in the public domain.
Although training on the SC Online is not required, it is recommended.
Schedule Note: For any web enhanced course, the following schedule note will appear unless an instructor specifically requests otherwise: “Students enrolling in this section will need effective computer skills with reliable Internet access.”
Curriculum Approval: This mode does not require special approval from the Curriculum Council. However, it is strongly recommended that within the Course Outline of Record sections—“Instructional Methodology” and “Types of Assignments”— the computer options be checked, as appropriate.
2) Hybrid Course: (HYBRI)
Description: Class meets face to face for some number of instructional hours. However, some portion of instructional hours is scheduled to be replaced with online hours. (Note: this does not include the occasional substitution of a class period due to instructor absence). Students MUST access the web enhanced course material through SC Online, requiring login and password (no open public access). Student use of the online materials is a required element of the course. These courses will be coded HYBRI.
Example: A three-unit course meets each week of the semester, on Mondays and Wednesday only, 9:00-9:50. The instructor uses the online platform to post copies of class handouts, course grades, and practice quizzes. Additionally, students are required to participate in weekly online discussion forums and quizzes. The online activity replaces a portion of seat time.
Schedule note: For hybrid courses, the following schedule note will appear unless an instructor specifically requests otherwise: “Students enrolling in this section will need effective computer skills with reliable Internet access.”
Curriculum Approval: This mode does require approval from the Curriculum Council. The Course Outline of Record must include an approved Distance Education Attachment indicating that the course may include online hours in lieu of seat-time. Courses that are already approved for fully online delivery are, by default, eligible for hybrid delivery.
Faculty must successfully complete training on the SC Online platform and online pedagogy.
3) Online Course: (ONLIN)
Description: Class content, activities, and interaction are fully online. Some instructors may include on-campus orientation, student conferences, or other on-campus events. Students MUST access the web enhancedonline course material through SC Online, requiring login and password (no open public access). Student use of the online materials is a required element of the course. When on-campus items are required of the online student, this must be indicated in the course schedule. These courses will be coded ONLIN.
Example: A three-unit course requires no on-campus hours. All course material is available through the course platform. Students must log in regularly to access course content, quizzes, exams, assignments, discussions, and so on.
Schedule Note: For online courses, a note will be included in the schedule for the section indicating the following: “Students enrolling in this section will need effective computer skills with reliable Internet access.”
Curriculum Approval: This mode does require approval from the Curriculum Council. The Course Outline of Record must include an approved Distance Education Attachment indicating that the course may be delivered fully online.
Faculty must successfully complete training on the SC Online LMS platform and online pedagogy.
Approved by DEC: May 7, 2008
Approved at Deans Meeting: May 8, 2008
Reviewed by Academic Senate: August 25, 2008
Revised by DEC: October 7, 2008
Reviewed by Academic Senate: October 13, 2008
Revised at Deans Meeting: March 12, 2009
Revised by DEC: May 4, 2011
Distance Education Committee