Name: ______
Debate Textbook Worksheet Series
Introduction to Debate
- What does “LD” stand for? ______
- LD debate is a competitive ______that involves ______debaters arguing ______and ______a resolution that, for the most part, is selected by the ______.
- What are the two sides of the debate called? ______and ______
- For whom does each debater perform? ______.
- How do they decide who wins the round? ______
How does debate work?
- In each round, one debater is assigned the ______and another debater is assigned the ______.
- How many times will you debate each side of the resolution? ______.
- In each round, you will be assigned a ______, an ______, and a ______.
- What is the order of advancing rounds beyond prelims? ______finals, ______finals, and ______round debate.
- You can get trophies for being the best ______as well as for who ______.
- Is it possible to have a “tie” in a debate round? ______.
- Which side argues for the resolution as it is stated? AFF NEG
Name: ______
Debate Textbook Worksheet Series
How do I write a case?
- What are the parts of the typical “five part model?”
- What are the 5 parts of the INTRO in a debate case? Explain each.
- What is the best way to start constructing your arguments?
- What is a “claim?”
- What are the main arguments in your case called?
- Explain the “warrant.”
- What is meant by the “impact?”
- What are 2 other names for the affirmative case?
- How long is the affirmative case?
- What is a “helpful hint” regarding your arguments?
- The negative case should prove the ______valid.
- What are 2 other names for the negative case?
- How long is the negative case?
- Explain the use of definitions on the negative.
- Why is the negative speech divided into two parts?
Name: ______
Debate Textbook Worksheet Series
What is a logical argument?
- An argument included what 3 parts?
- What is a proposition?
- What is a logical connector?
- Good debaters can tell the difference between ______and ______arguments.
- It is important to note the VALUE propositions can never be ______
______. - They entirely depend on what 3 things?
- What is “inductive logic?”
- What is “deductive logic?”
- What is the “Rule of thumb” regarding a logical argument?
- Name and explain briefly, two types of Fallacy.
Name: ______
Debate Textbook Worksheet Series
What is the VALUE premise?
- This structural element of an LD case identifies what?
- What are two other names for this premise?
- The main question is, what VALUE does the ______care about?
- Your value premise should always be ______.
- Explain the answer above.
What is the CRITERION?
- What are 2 other names for the criterion?
- You should win the debate if you do what?
- Your criterion can come in the form on a ______or a ______.
- Your criterion should be ______and supported with ______.
- Under no circumstances should you just state your value and criterion without doing what?
- What 2 forms will a criterion take the form of?
- What does the criterion tell the judge?
- What are the 2 major types of criterion?
- What are the 5 aspects of the debate a criterion must relate to?
Name: ______
Debate Textbook Worksheet Series
- What is the heart of sound argument?
- Why are quotations, or pieces of evidence, called “cards?”
- Evidence is used to do what?
- As a debater, you should do what?
- What 9 things are included in a “full cite” for a card?
- What is a good rule of thumb for length of a piece of evidence?
- Cards are NOT a substitute for what?
Name: ______
Debate Textbook Worksheet Series
What are BLOCKS?
- Blocks are basically what?
- In your post-tournament preparation, it always wise to do what two things?
- Blocks list what at the top?
- What other 2 things does the Block list?
- Blocks may also contain what 2 things, other than evidence?
Name: ______
Debate Textbook Worksheet Series
What is preparation time?
- How much prep time are you allotted in each round?
(discuss with your coach the exact amount in our area) - Define “preparation time.”
- What is the suggested way to split the use of your prep time?
- To maximize the time you have to answer arguments, what should you improve upon?
- What are the 5 things you should use your prep time for?
- Remember, when your opponent is taking their prep time, what should you be doing?
Name: ______
Debate Textbook Worksheet Series
What is cross-examination?
- How much time are you allotted for c-x in each round?
- When does c-x take place?
- What is c-x for?
- Explain the proper stance of a debater during the c-x period.
- Name 6 things you can (and should) ask your opponent during the c-x period.
- Who asks questions first in the round?
- Can you have any prepared questions written ahead of time?
Name: ______
Debate Textbook Worksheet Series
Refutation: How do I respond to an argument?
- What is the first step in responding to an argument?
- What is a “signpost” and what is the purpose?
- What is the second step in responding to an argument?
- What are the four main types of arguments made in debate rounds?
- Which of these is the best response?
- What is the third step in responding?
- What is the fourth step in responding?
- What is meant by “line-by-line refutation?”
- What should you do if you are running short on time?
Name: ______
Debate Textbook Worksheet Series
Assumptions, Argument and Refutation
- What is an “assumption?”
- What is the difference between “good” debaters and “best” debaters when it comes to assumptions?
- What should you always question in the round?
- Besides questioning, what else should you do in the round?
- How do you prove an assumption is an assumption?
Name: ______
Debate Textbook Worksheet Series
Rebuttal Speeches: The first negative rebuttal
- What are 2 other names for this speech?
- How long is this speech in total?
- How long should the actual Neg case be?
- After presenting the Neg case, the rest of time will be devoted to what?
- What is the rule about the order of answering arguments?
- What is the purpose of this rule?
- At the very minimum, you should have at least ______answers to the Aff case.
- What parts of their case would be included in this number of answers?
Name: ______
Debate Textbook Worksheet Series
Rebuttal Speeches: The first affirmative rebuttal
- Where should you face during c-x?
- What does it mean to “drop” arguments?
- After the Neg case/rebuttal, you probably need to take some ______.
- What is the abbreviation for the first Aff rebuttal?
- When attacking, where should you typically start?
- This included which 3 parts?
- What is the time limit for this speech?
- When you’re finished with the Neg case, what tag line (transition) should you say?
- What parts of your case will you need to rebuild?
- What does it mean to “extend” an argument?
- What does it mean to “answer their arguments?”
- What are 4 obligations in a rebuttal speech?
Name: ______
Debate Textbook Worksheet Series
Rebuttal Speeches: The second Negative rebuttal
- The second negative is also called the ______.
- It is the chance for you to do 2 things:
- You need to be careful not to do what?
- Why is this not good debate etiquette?
- You want to start your second Neg rebuttal on the ______.
- What are 4 important things to do during this speech?
- What are “voting issues?”
- What is “crystallization?”
- What are 3 basis things a judge needs in order to make a decision?
Name: ______
Debate Textbook Worksheet Series
Rebuttal Speeches: The second Affirmative rebuttal and Crystallization
- What is included in Crystallization?
- Voting issues should be ______, not general ideas.
- What is included in an argument?
- About how many Voting Issues should you select to point out to your judge?
- What is the time limit for this final speech?
Name: ______
Debate Textbook Worksheet Series
Go with the FLOW: Taking Notes and Tracking Arguments
- What does it mean to Flow?
- Successful debaters and judges use the flow to ______.
- What size pad of paper works best for debate flows?
- What are 2 suggestions for keeping track of both sides’ arguments on your flow sheet?
- Rather than spending a lot of time writing out full words, debaters should come up with some clear ______that you can read and understand.
- Avoid the trap of focusing on writing ______and not ______to your opponent’s position.
- You can also try the trick of eliminating the ______of words you write down.
- It is important to ______your case position ______you enter your debate round.
- When your opponent responds to your case, write down their ______near ______.
- Flowing comes with ______.
- ______is always a good idea!
- While most debaters in elimination rounds are great role models, some ______and their style may not work for you or the judges you will encounter.
- Be ______about what choices you make.
Name: ______
Debate Textbook Worksheet Series
USE THESE IN PARTNERS TO PRACTICE FLOWING. Read aloud as your partner flows, and reverse.
The Debate Round: A Timeline (p.55)
Write the time limits and responsibilities in each speech below…
Name: ______
Debate Textbook Worksheet Series
Markup – p. 58
Pen in Mouth – p. 58
Losing Time – p. 60
Supreme Court – p. 61
NOTE: Do any/all the rest of the drills listed to increase your chances of winning your rounds!
Glossary of Terms (p.65)
- Affirmative
- Agent of Action
- Awards Ceremony
- Ballot
- Block
- Bracket
- Break
- Brief
- Case-turn
- Claim
- Concede
- Contention
- Contradiction
- Criterion
- Cross-apply
- Cross-examination
- Crystallization
- Defense
- Drop
- Elimination Rounds
- Evidence
- Extend
- Final Round
- Flow
- Forced Choice
- Impact
- Judge
- Lay Judge
- Line-by-line
- Link
- Low point win
- Negative
- New arguments
- Observation
- Octo-finals
- Off-case
- Pairings
- Paradigm
- Pre-flow
- Preparation time
- Quarter-finals
- Rebuttal
- Refutation
- Resolution
- Seed
- Semi-finals
- Signposting
- Speaker Award
- Speaker Points
- Sub-point
- Tab Room
- Turn
- Value premise
- Voting issues
- Warrant
- Word economy