ENGLISH 11 / 11 H

COMPUTER LAB: Persuasive Visual Arguments

Create a persuasive advertisement to appear in an 18th century newspaper.

Your ad must use the persuasive appeals: logic, emotion and/or ethics.

Include language from Crevecoeur’s letter to encourage European immigrants to leave their own nation behind and travel to the New Nation.

Find images that symbolize or represent 18th century America.

Create a slogan for your ad. Example: Visa. It’s everywhere you want to be.

Directions: Use Microsoft Publisher and create an 8 ½ x 11” page.

Visit this website and view the archives for images.


1.  Choose what mood you wish to convey. To help, use Crevecoeur’s imagery and message to help you establish this. Remember, you want to appeal to a population that has suffered and you are offering a better way of life.

2.  Choose fonts and graphics, as well as colors, to help convey this mood.

3.  Place your artwork in an appealing way. Artwork should work from the center of the ad outward. Avoid placing images in each of the four corners.

4.  Write the copy for your ad.

5.  Save your ad in your student directory.

6.  Please let me review before you print your ad.