Summer Reading
8th Graders entering 9th Grade World History H
Choose one of the following books:
- Jackson, Livia B. I Have Lived a Thousand Years: Growing Up in the Holocaust. New York, N.Y: Aladdin Paperbacks, 1999. Print.
- Lexile: 720
- Gotfryd, Bernard. Anton the Dove Fancier: And Other Tales of the Holocaust. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000. Print
- During Reading
- As you read the book you have chosen, keep in mind that you will be writing a paper.
- Enjoy reading the book, but make sure you pay attention to the themes and ideas that you encounter.
- Post- Reading
- After you have read the book, you will write an essay responding to the following question:
Considering the book in its entirety and the historical events the author chose to include, what is he trying to prove?
In composing your thesis and essay, consider the following questions:
- What events and/or people does your author include or exclude?
- Why does he include these events and/or people?
- Given the author’s choices how did he assess the relative importance of individual action versus historical circumstances?
- Given the author’s choices, does he argue that the times make the event or the event makes the times?
- Given the author’s choices, does he argue that history is made by a few important men, or by groups of people?
Make sure you also address the following questions in your essay:
- What evidence or examples does the author provide to support his argument? (You must provide specific examples from the text.)
- Do you agree with the author’s assessment?
- Are the argument(s) convincing? Why or why not?
- Are there counter arguments or holes in the argument can you find?
Essay Requirements:
- Your essay must include a thesis statement that addresses the essay question.
- Your essay must be analytical and provide specific textual evidence that supports your thesisstatement and addresses the questions listed above.
- Your essay should be three typed pages in length (double-spaced, 12 pt, Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins).
- You may quote minimally from the text or paraphrase the text, but you must cite the text in proper MLA format and provide a Works Cited page.
The following are examples on how to quote and paraphrase in proper MLA format:
- “The decline in the Senate’s power, moreover, had been foreshadowed by a rapid decline in prestige even before economic issues had replaced the sectional and constitutional conflict” (Kennedy 114).
- The reduction of the power of the Senate was indicated by quickly decreasing prestige even before financial issues were seen as less important than the issue of sectionalism and interpretation of the constitution (Kennedy 114).
Must be in MLA format.
Due the first day of school: September 23, 2013